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"Nashi!" Her father scolds her lightly, "you'll burn the whole place down if ya don't learn to control your anger!"

"Like you ever do!" She shouts back.

"Hey!" I butt in, "do you want to be grounded? Apologize."

"Sorry daddy, I will only practice outside," she says sulking all the way to her room with Happy trailing behind her.

She's got her dad's pink hair and his fiery attitude that's for sure.

He wraps his arms around me from behind, "I found us a job, Gray and Juvia said the would watch Nashi. Nashi and Jay can practice their magic with each other and we can have some alone time together."

"Practice on each other?" I ask wearily.

"Me and Gray always did and look how we turned out?"

"Yeah, exactly. You guys still brawl to this day," I say smiling.

"Yeah well, it ain't my fault he has such a smart mouth. You'd think that Ice Princess would learn," he grumbles.

I turn around in his arms, "so what's the job?"

"They need a Celestial Spirit Mage to speak at a seminar on the history of Celestial Spirits, specifically the Zodiacs," he says.

"Hmm, and how much are they paying?"

"800, 000 Jewel plus an additional 1000 Jewel for every Zodiac spirit you summon that talks."

"Hmm, I'll have to ask them to see who's up for speaking but, yeah. That does sound like a perfect job for me. Great job Natsu," I tell him.

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about," he starts.


He picks me up, and my legs instinctively wrap around his waist, "woah, you said talk! What are you doing," I laugh.

"Taking you somewhere where we can talk in private," he whispers.

He nudges our bedroom door open and walks through, kicking the door shut behind him.

Once we are inside I slide down the length of his body until I'm safely on the floor, his hands tucked inside my back pockets.

My arms find them around his neck, "so you brought me in here to just talk or?"

"To talk," he smiles wickedly, fangs as all, "and other things. But mostly talk first."

"Okay," I'm perplexed.

"What if... We had another one?"

"Another what? Another house? Exceed?"

"Child," he says trying to gauge my reaction. Truthfully we didn't plan the first one. Not that I'm not thrilled to be a mother but, we never talked about how many kids and when. She just sort of happened to us.

I always thought Natsu was protective of me and our guildmates. But it's nothing compared to his daughter. He melted the skin completely off someone's hand because we were eating out and someone said, "get that baby to stop it's crying!"

It's not the fact that he did it, it's how he did it. He calmly got up from his seat, walked over to the man and introduced himself.

"Hey I'm Natsu, you got a problem with babies?"

"No, just ones that cry like that," he stands up, hand still in Natsu's grip.

And that's when it happened, the skin started bubbling and melting. The man ran for his life and screamed that he was a monster. He never pressed charges. To this day we still aren't allowed to come to that coffee shop.

I remember it as if it were yesterday, "Next time it'll be your whole arm."

He pushes a lost strand that fell out of my pig tail behind my ear, bringing me back to reality.

"Do you want to have another baby Luce? With me?"

The thought excited me. I get to feel baby kicks and hiccups again. Kiss baby toes. I get slobbery baby kisses all over again. I thought I knew what true love looked like when me and Natsu finally got together, but it is nothing compared to the love I have for my child. I would do anything, and be anything for her. I never thought it possible to love someone as much as I love Nashi.

The thought of having another baby with him puts a deep warmth in my stomach. No, warmth isn't hot enough. It puts a fire in my belly more than anything.

After a decided moment in silence I answer his question, "Always."

He scoops me up and deposits me on the bed, positioning himself on top of me delicately.

He holds my cheek as his kisses me softly. This kiss says you're mine forever.

I slide my fingers in his cotton candy hair at the base of his neck and pull him against me harder.

My kiss says something a little different, the kinda kiss you just reserve for the father of your children: love me like this always please.

Fairy Tail: An Aqaurius QuestWhere stories live. Discover now