Wolf King 5

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Wolf King: Chapter 5

Nayeon felt pain all over her body. She could barely open her eyes. And then she felt someone touch her hand.

"What do you need... tell me, Nayeon."

That voice... that deep male voice...

The Chief...

Why is he speaking so close to her? Did she sleep in his tent?

And then Nayeon remembered everything that happened.

Nayeon turned and saw the Chief beside her, his face looked worried and tired. There were dark marks under his eyes and on his cheeks. He was holding her hand.

"Thank heavens you'r e awake." Jinyoung said, he kissed her hand.

Why is he being gentle and caring towards her again? Did he forget she's a thief?

"Do you want to drink?" Jinyoung took a glass of water and helped Nayeon drink. Nayeon wanted to push him away but she did not have the strength to.

"How are you feeling?" asked Jinyoung, he brushed Nayeon's hair away from her face.

Nayeon did not answer.

"Hey! You're awake!"

Nayeon saw Jisoo enter the tent.

"Are you all right? You will still feel pain all over... and a bit weak... but you will recover in a few days." Said Jisoo.

"I..." Nayeon could hear her hoarse voice. "I don't want to stay here."

Jisoo's eyes widened.

"But..." Jisoo looked at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung's brows narrowed.

"I will stay in the servant's tent." Said Nayeon.

"Oh but... the bed here is more comfortable... you can rest better here." Said Jisoo.

"I'm used to sleeping on hard surface." Said Nayeon. "Please... take me to the servant's tent."

"No." said Jinyoung. "You will stay here."

"I don't think it's right for me to be here... Chief." Said Nayeon

"Why not?" asked Jinyoung.

Nayeon took a deep breath.

"You can't have a thief for a mistress." Said Nayeon.

Jinyoung's hands clenched into fists clumping the blanket. Nayeon's words pierced through his chest.

"The tribe will not approve of me staying here. So please Jisoo... help me. Take me to the Servant's tent." Said Nayeon.

Jisoo sighed as she looked at Jinyoung.

"You two should talk." Said Jisoo.

Jisoo smiled at Nayeon.

"I'll come back later."

And then Jisoo left.

Nayeon kept her eyes on the tent entrance.

"You are angry at me." Said Jinyoung.

"I have no right to be." Said Nayeon, looking at everywhere else except Jinyoung.

"But you are. You can barely look at me." Said Jinyoung

"Why will I be angry?" asked Nayeon.

"Because... because I allowed you to be punished." Said Jinyoung, his voice sounded like it trembled.

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