King of the South- End

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**As promised, here is the finale of the Series "The Brotherhood of the Heirs." Enjoy this long final chapter of the King of the South. :D

King of the South

Chapter 11- Finale

Kong hit the ground creating a crater around him. There were smoke and dust all around.

Seulgi landed on the crater but V pulled her back behind him.

"I need to see Taeyong." said Seulgi

And then V felt something coming to him fast. He blocked the attack by covering him and Seulgi with ice.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Seulgi saw an unfamiliar man standing meters from them. His hair was black, his skin was pale... but his face is distorted and looked like a monster.

This... this is Kong's true form... this is Kong in his own body.

But... where is Taeyong?

Seulgi looked around. And then she heard that voice again, guiding her.

There... a few meters behind Kong....there was a body lying on the ground. Seulgi could not see his face, but she could see the man's long white hair.


V's eyes narrowed as he tried to trap Kong's body again with ice. But Kong released his wings and flew to the air. V released his wings and followed Kong.

Seulgi ran towards Taeyong and knelt beside him.

"Taeyong..." She turned his body and saw his face. "Taeyong... Taeyong...."

Seulgi shook Taeyong to wake him up but Taeyong is unconscious and he isn't moving.

Pain shoot up Seulgi's chest.

"Oh no... Taeyong... no... please Taeyong..."

She can't lose Taeyong... no... Taeyong can't die... no...

Yeri sat beside Seulgi and checked for Taeyong's pulse.

"He's alive." said Yeri. "It is weak but there is a pulse."

"We have to bring him to Jisoo... We have to take him to Jisoo..." Seulgi's voice is getting hysterical.

And then Seulgi's necklace glowed bright, so bright that even Yeri closed her eyes. And then the light went from the necklace to Taeyong's chest.

"What is going on?" asked Seulgi

Think. She has to think. What can she do? What is this red light doing to Taeyong?

"Yeri..." said Seulgi. "A mate can enter the person's subconscious when he's asleep isn't it?"

"Yes." Yeri nodded.

"Can a female mate do that? Enter her mate's subconscious?" asked Seulgi

"It's usually done by the male to woo the female. But I have heard it done by some females in the past." said Yeri. "Why?"

"How do you do it?" asked Seulgi "How do you enter your mate's subconscious?"

"Hmm... from what I know... it usually only needs you to concentrate on calling your mate. Concentrate real hard in calling him. If he's asleep and his consciousness responds to you, then he's your mate." said Yeri

Seulgi closed her eyes. And then she started calling Taeyong's name.


Taeyong could hear a lot of noises... but everything felt so heavy. He could not move. It feels like a chain was wrapped around him. He tried and tried but he could not free himself.

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