King of the South 1

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King of the South
Chapter 1

Jihyun rushed inside the small dungeon and carefully closed the door behind her. She faced the people inside.
"Your Highness..." Jihyun knelt before the King.
The King raised his hand and allowed Jihyun to stand up.
"Were you careful, Jihyun?" asked the warrior who looked so rugged, Jihyun tried not to cringe at the sight of the dirt all over his face.
"Yes, Gong Yoo." Said Jihyun. "Of course I was very careful. I made sure nobody was following me."
Gong Yoo sneered.
The King sighed.
"I want you to know...both of you that I trust you both with my life. That is why you are both here." Said the King. "You must find it in yourselves to work together. You are... going to be the Southern Kingdom's last line of defense."
Jihyun nodded.
"Your Highness... your brother is acting fast." Said Jihyun. "Since Lord Kong left the South, he had already brought havoc in the West and the East. Both Kingdoms had already fallen. We all know he will go to the North next now that he has gained more influence and power. He is now ready to take on the dragons."
The King closed his eyes for a while. The Wolf and Lion King may not be his brothers by blood... but they are his brothers in all aspects of life. Their death has brought so much sorrow in his heart. More so because his own blood brother was behind their murder.
"Lord Kong will not stop until he has conquered all of Vishox. His ambition to be supreme Ruler will not stop until he is put to death." Said Gong Yoo. "Forgive me for speaking this way about your brother, your Highness but..."
"I understand." Said the King. "You are right... thousands of deaths... Kingdoms had fallen and more to come if he is not stopped."
Jihyun sighed.
"Your Highness... He will come after you." Said Jihyun. "He definitely will come after you. You are one of the blocks in his way."
The King nodded.
"And he will also come after my son." Said the King. "He will make sure no one from my family survives so that no one else will have a claim to the throne."
"What do you wish us to do, Your Highness? We will do everything we can to serve you." Said Gong Yoo
Jihyun nodded. In that, they completely agree.
"We have prepared both of you for this day. Everyone in the kingdom thinks Gong Yoo is just a crazy warrior roaming around the forest. Jihyun makes potions but everyone knows she's no good. Everyone thinks Jihyun is just an aspiring sorceress who is worth nothing." Said the King. "But they have no idea how good of a warrior and strategist you both are. You have both sacrificed honor and dignity for this kingdom."
"It is of little sacrifice, your Highness... as long as we can protect you." Said Jihyun.
The King put his hand on Jihyun's shoulder.
"I wish there is a chance for me to give you both the honor you deserve... However... I do not think I have time to do that." Said the King. "We must act fast."
"Tell us what to do, Your Highness." Said Gong Yoo
The King took a few steps away.
"I am certain my brothers... the Lion and the Wolf King made sure their heirs survived. Gong Yoo, you must go and find them. If the dragons fall, find the heir to the King's throne. Find my son also... you know where to look for him. My brother does not know I have a son. It was the best decision I have made in my life when I hid him upon his birth. Kong will take a while to realize that I have an heir too. Get them out of the South. Make sure you take care and protect the four of them.... Help them to care for each other like real brothers. If there is justice in this world...Eventually... they will reclaim their thrones. Prepare them for that." Said the King.
Gong Yoo nodded.
"Jihyun, I need you to find the remaining Elders of the East. Should you find any survivor, I want you to ask them to put a wall around the south as soon as Kong enters the kingdom. Make sure that only my bloodline will be able to go in and out of the wall." Said the King
Both Jihyun and Gong Yoo took steps forward.
"My King that is suicide!" said Jihyun.
"No, Your Highness, We can't do that." Said Gong Yoo. "Are you trying to lock yourself in here with Lord Kong?"
The King nodded.
"I will stay here and fight with you." Said Gong Yoo.
"Right now... the fall of this kingdom is almost certain. I am old... I am not as strong as I was. And my brother Kong has become much much stronger. My fall is inevitable. He will have the South in his hands but I will make sure he will not have his victory." Said the King. "The South will be his prison."
"Your Highness..." Jihyun cried as she knelt in front of the King.
"I want you to promise me you will protect this kingdom and help restore it." Said the King.
Gond Yoo wiped his eyes.
"You are like a father to me... how can you ask me to just let you die in here, Your Highness?" said Gong Yoo
Jihyun sobbed.
"I am only going to leave your for a while." Said the King.
"What do you mean, Your Highness... once you die you are no more." Said Jihyun.

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