Dragon King 1

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Dragon King 

Chapter 1

It was their second day of travelling inside the wagon. The journey had not been easy so far. The travel from the West to the North goes through several streams and mountains. It was tiring even when they were just sitting inside the wagon the entire time.
Jisoo sighed.
"I'm sure travelling through the wolf form would have been faster." Said Jisoo. "And a lot less painful. Sitting inside this wagon the entire day pains by behind so much, I would rather walk."
Irene smiled.
"Need I remind you that you haven't shifted, sister. Besides, we get to stretch twice a day." Said Irene, Jisoo's older sister.
"That's not enough. I am in pain." Said Jisoo "Aren't you?"
"Women should not show their discomfort easily." Said Irene.
Jisoo stared at Irene as if asking her older sister what is wrong with you?
"Look, Jisoo, Cousin Jinyoung told us the Northern Kingdom is much more formal than what we were used to in the West. We lived in tents while the people we are going to serve as living in castles and houses made of rocks. We eat with our hands while they use utensils. They think our ways are savage." Said Irene.
"So why will they even ask us to go over to their kingdom if we are so savage?" asked Jisoo, folding her arms over her chest.
"We have already talked about this, Jisoo. They need our help. They do not have good healers in their kingdom." Said Irene
"So why is it us that needs to change ourselves when it is them who needs our help?" asked Jisoo.
"Because we are going to stay with them for a while... years... maybe decades... if we are not going to try getting along with them..."
"I get it." Said Jisoo, pouting.
There was a long moment of silence.
"I miss home already." Said Jisoo.
"We are together, sister. We are the closest family. Where you are is my home." Said Irene, holding Jisoo's hand.
Jisoo sighed.
"I am just nervous... what if... what if they wouldn't like me? You know how people usually misunderstands me a lot when they don't know me." Said Jisoo
Irene smiled.
"Don't worry. You are one charming girl, they will like you." Said Irene
"Well they would if I was half as beautiful as you." Said Jisoo.
Irene sighed.
"You are only fifteen, sister." Said Irene. "You have not yet blossomed into your womanhood yet."
"Need I remind you that you were already the most beautiful girl in the entire wolf clan when you were fifteen, sister?" Said Jisoo.
Jisoo took a deep breath.
"I will never be as beautiful as you." Said Jisoo. "And I will never be truly charming, we both know I do not possess an ounce of charm. But... I hope that by really helping them learn healing... I hope they would come to accept me..."
Jisoo bit her lip.
"It's just so hard when you seek acceptance and could not get it..." said Jisoo
Irene pulled Jisoo into her arms.
"That will not happen again. Don't worry." Said Irene.
Irene glimpsed outside.
"Look Jisoo!" said Irene
Jisoo pulled away from Irene and looked outside. Jisoo's eyes widened. Before them is a beautiful majestic view of mountains in white, everything was covered in snow!
"Wow..." said Jisoo
"Beautiful isn't it?" asked Irene
Jisoo's eyes watered as her chest started beating very fast.
"Beautiful... isn't enough to describe this place." Said Jisoo. "How can... such a place exist..."
Irene laughed.
"The West is really a lot different from the North." Said Irene
A wolf warrior who is close to Irene and Jisoo's cousin knocked on the wagon before he opened it.
"Jackson, Is there a problem?" asked Irene.
"The temperature is dropping rapidly, I trust Chief told you to bring thick clothing?" asked Jackson.
Irene nodded.
"You may want to wear it now. We are approaching the boarder. From there onwards, the northern warriors will take over. They will lead you and protect your journey until you reach your destination." Said Jackson.
"You are returning to the tribe?" asked Jisoo
"Yes, immediately." Said Jackson. "Chief is training all the warriors rigorously. I wish to learn more and be stronger so that I can help him protect our tribe."
Irene nodded.
"Thank you for helping us in this entire travel, Jackson." Said Irene.
"You be careful, Irene, Jisoo." Said Jackson. "You are two of the best healers of our tribe. And you are like sisters to me. I...I wish to see you again both soon."
Jisoo saw the sadness in Jackson's eyes as he said his farewell.
"Cousin will not let us go to the North if he knew we will not be safe there." Said Jisoo. "So do not worry about us."
Jackson smiled.
"You are but a child, Jisoo. But sometimes you speak and act like an old person." Said Jackson. "Well then..."
Jackson took a deep breath.
"Get ready... I can hear people coming. I am guessing these are the Northern warriors." Said Jackson.
Jisoo and Irene wore their thick cloaks.

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