Dragon King 6

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Dragon King 6

Jinyoung sighed. He has a suspicion that night when V visited. It was odd that he would visit secretly as if he did not want to be caught. And V did not even go see Jinyoung then. He just went to the healer's tent where Jisoo was in. It was as if he went to the wolf tribe that night to see Jisoo.
Taeyong could not give a straight answer. But with V's reaction earlier... he seemed to be more bothered about Jisoo leaving the dragon kingdom than Irene! What is going on? Does V like Jisoo...
No... it can't be... V has not showed any interest over Jisoo in the past.
And Jisoo already found her mate. If V is serious about Jisoo... it will become a problem. And though she does not speak of who the mate is... V might face this problem in the future...
Jinyoung took a deep breath as he approached V. They seldom have disagreements. And it is not good to prolong one.
"They are my cousins." Said Jinyoung. "I am just looking out for them."
V's eyes are closed.
"Especially Jisoo..." said Jinyoung. "She had a very difficult childhood. I... have always protected her and swore to protect her til my last breath."
V's eyes opened.
"As long as she's with me... I will protect her." Said V
Jinyoung sighed.
"Irene is tough. She may look gentle on the inside but she will get through a heartache soon. But Jisoo... Jisoo's heart is fragile. She's been through so much pain. I don't think Jisoo can take it if you will hurt her." Said Jinyoung
V wanted to say Jisoo is a strong woman. She is not fragile at all!
"When she was little, everyone in the tribe feared her." Said Jinyoung. "She was born with a mark and the elders said it is a mark of an ancient creature from the north... and that it will claim Jisoo. The creature is capable of destruction. And so everyone feared her. No child was allowed to play with her. They were moved to the edge of the tribe so that everyone can live comfortably without the need to see the child that will bring destruction to the tribe."
V's hands closed to fists.
"She was treated like a plague that everyone can't wait to disappear." Said Jinyoung
V wants to find each and every wolf who did that to Jisoo.
"Don't worry. I already took revenge on them for Jisoo." Said Jinyoung, reading V's face accurately.
"What kind of mark is it?" asked V
"I have only seen it when she was an infant. It is a bluish mark on her chest." Said Jinyoung.
"How accurate are those prophesies of your elders?" asked V
"Mostly comes true." Said Jinyoung. "But I am determined to prove Jisoo will not bring destruction."
An ancient creature from the north....
The only ancient creatures in the north V knows of are Dragons and Taeyong's beast.
"There is something I need you to tell me, V. As Jisoo's guardian and cousin. Also... as your brother. What are you planning with her? And you know I'm not talking about teaching your dragon healers." Said Jinyoung
V sighed.
"I... am still figuring out what is happening with me. Jisoo... makes me feel so many things I am not used to feeling. That is why... I need her close. I want to find out what this really is." Said V
"Then I have to give you a warning." Said Jinyoung. "Jisoo... may have already met her mate."
V's eyes sharpened as his chest tightened.
"She has met her mate?" asked V
"I think she did. But she refused to tell me who it is. I don't know how she's surviving though... not being with our mates is draining for wolves." Said Jinyoung.
Then that means Jisoo's mate is close.
No. He will find out who that mate is and he will...
"No. You are not going to harm her mate." Said Jinyoung. "Death of a mate is death to a wolf."
V's jaws clenched.
Jinyoung sighed.
"I don't think it's wise to continue whatever you are feeling for Jisoo. Maybe it will help to let her go and have her stay with Irene." Said Jinyoung. "She will eventually reveal who her mate is and I will help her be with her mate."
"No." said V. "She's not leaving."
"She's still a wolf V. She's under my power." Said Jinyoung.
And then they heard a woman running towards them shouting.
V flew towards Jisoo and landed beside her.
"What is wrong?" asked V, grabbing Jisoo's arms
"A message from Seulgi." Said Jisoo catching her breath. "A troupe is seen heading towards the castle. The princess is already preparing the warriors but she needs help."
"The warriors aren't ready yet." Said V
Jinyoung reached V.
"Take Jisoo with you, you will need her. Go V, I will tell Sehun why you had to leave." Said Jinyoung
"Tell Taeyong to follow me." Said V
V Carried Jisoo and flew. He went fast. Jisoo hid her face on V's neck.
V will find out who Jisoo's mate is... but for now... he has to save his people.
V saw many armed forces coming to the castle, they started shooting arrows and flaming spears at him.
V gowled. He has to keep Jisoo safe first before he finishes all these enemies. He shielded Jisoo as much as he could. His wings got burned several times. He felt an arrow hit his back several times. When V reached the palace he slowly put Jisoo down and saw some burns on her arm and leg.
V roared loud. Those enemies are going to regret this.
"You are hurt My Lord." Said Jisoo
"Get the women and children. Get at least four warriors and go to the escape route. As soon as the battle is over, I will fetch you." Said V
Jisoo nodded. And then she held V's hand.
"Please be careful." Said Jisoo, her face full of concern.
V nodded.
V flew and saw some of his men doing arm to arm combat. His men are still weak. They are unprepared. Some of the dragons shifted and flew in the air. But the enemies were ready and threw arrows and flaming spears at them. V roared. His eyes changed color, it shone blue as his hands changed, it became sharp like swords. He flew to the enemies who were firing the arrows and spears and killed them as he passed by them. And then he went to those who were trying to open the gate of the castle. He killed them one by one dumping the bodies together. And then he flew. A large flaming net was casted in the air catching him. V tried to cut through it but the net was made of metal. And then a large flaming spear hit him from behind.
V felt the intense pain. But it will not stop him. He broke through the metal net. And then scales of bright blue diamonds appeared on his skin. He flew high and then when he flew down, blue light came out of V's mouth. The light reached the enemies and each one of them froze with thick ice covering them from head to toe.
V felt his beast waking up. He has to calm down... the dragon had not rested enough.
Taeyong landed by the castle and saw V landing by the ground.
"I am too late." Said Taeyong.
"Get the warriors. We were caught unprepared." Said V. "Send a message to Jinyoung and Sehun. I know Sehun is still recovering from the battle but our warriors need to be trained for hand to hand combat. I need them to send me men who can teach."
Taeyong nodded.
And then V flew again. Taeyong's eyes widened.
"My Lord your back!" shouted Taeyong.
But V ignored Taeyong.
Jisoo is trying to calm the women and children down. It was the first time Jisoo saw Seulgi being a princess in action. The princess had a good presence of mind. She knew what she had to do before V arrived and have already called the women and children together by the time Jisoo arrived.
They have brought the children to the forest in a path that only the dragons know. It was the first time Jisoo learned about this area of the forest. It has been a long time since the battle had started and Jisoo's mind and heart is filled with anxiety...
Will King V be all right? There were so many enemies... and he was wounded.
"My brother is strong. He will protect the dragons." Said Seulgi
Jisoo nodded.
And then they heard someone landing. Seulgi saw her brother and hugged V.
"Are you all right?" asked V
Seulgi nodded. She pulled back.
"How is the battle?" asked Seulgi
"It's over." Said V
V roamed his eyes and found what he was looking for, he found Jisoo looking at him worriedly.
"I promised I will fetch you." Said V
Jisoo nodded and smiled in relief.
"You fulfilled it, My Lord." Said Jisoo
"It is safe to go back to the castle now, Seulgi. Bring everyone back." Said V.
Seulgi nodded and started leading the women and children back to the castle.
"I am glad you are safe, my Lord." Said Jisoo
And then V dropped to the ground. Jisoo felt the world tumbling down before her.
Jisoo knelt beside V.
"My Lord... what is happening?"
V seemed to be in pain and almost unconscious. And then Jisoo noticed blood oozing down from his back.
"Oh no..."
Fear gripped Jisoo's chest.
Jisoo ran after a warrior. The warrior shifted and carried V back to the castle. Another warrior shifted and carried Jisoo.
As soon as V is brought to his room, Jisoo took his clothes off and saw all the wounds and burns. She also saw the fatal wound behind him. Dragon healers rushed in to help Jisoo. Jisoo gave instruction and hurriedly clean King V's wounds.
Taeyong arrived soon after that. But since he couldn't do anything, he left V to Jisoo's care.
It was the second night and King V still had fever. It was so high, Jisoo could not even touch him for a long time. Jisoo would use cold cloths on V's face, neck and body.
"Please... please my Lord... heal... please get well... you are making me... so worried and nervous..." said Jisoo
Jisoo touched V's face.
"Please my Lord... so many people needs you right now... they need their King V... the strong King who knows everything... please... come back...wake up please....
It's been three days and the king still hasn't regained consciousness. Jisoo has been giving all the medicine she thought could help the king but... he still does not wake up.
Jisoo brought some medicine she's segregating in V's room. She can't leave V for a long time.
"I don't know what else to do with you, My Lord." Said Jisoo. "I have given you all the medication I know. Your fever has gone down now but... why are you so stubborn, My Lord?"
Jisoo sighed and sat on V's bed beside him.
"You know I... when I first arrived here, I was so scared of you. You looked at me like I did something wrong... like the way the wolves used to look at me before I became their healer. They... they did not like me..." Jisoo took a deep breath. "I was afraid the past will happen again... but you know... it did not happen..."
V saw V's brow moving a little... A response! Is he dreaming? Or could he hear her? Jisoo continued speaking.
"It was hard... I struggled a lot... but now... things seems to have become better. This place has become a home to me now."
Jisoo sighed.
"And you also changed, My Lord. You used to not care but now... there are times when I feel like you care... you have come to respect me as a healer.. and I am happy with that." Said Jisoo
Jisoo sat beside V. She held V's hand as tears fell down from her eyes.
"Please wake up, My Lord. I would rather you look at me in that scary way again than to keep on sleeping like this." Said Jisoo.
Jisoo buried her face on V's hand.
"I...am afraid... so afraid..." said Jisoo. "I don't want to lose you... no I never had you... but I... would rather bear the pain of seeing you with someone else than see you like this..."
It had been days but Irene felt like nothing has happened.
Commander Sehun is well aware of why Irene chose to stay in the Lion clan. The Commander tried to help her get closer to Kai. Kai was assigned to guard her while she heals the sick. The lions have enough healers. But Sehun told them Irene's expertise of the West and the North can help the Lion healers learn.
Unfortunately... Kai...
Irene sighed.
It seems the warrior is extremely bored guarding her. He even hinted once that he misses going into missions and fast action. She did not know if it is safe to tell him the truth when he has not showed any sign of interest in her. Sure, he would look at her like how other men do... but it seems he has no clue he is her mate!
"You know I respect healers." Said Kai. "You all have the heart to make people feel better."
Irene smiled.
"I also respect warriors like you." Said Irene. "You protect people with courage and strength."
Kai chuckled
"Well then since I have safely delivered you to your cottage, I will take my leave." Said Kai
"Oh where are you going?" asked Irene
Oh no... was it odd that she asked?
"Umm... Chen and the others invited me for a drink so..."
"Oh... you're going out for drinks." Said Irene
"Can I join you?" asked Irene
Kai's eyes widened.
"Well..." he faked a cough. "I don't think it's a place for you... there are women there but... thy are not like you... ummm... how do I say it..."
"Just say it honestly." Said Irene. "I really am interested in your culture."
"Well then... umm... There could be prostitutes there and females who are willing to share our bed. If you go there, men would think you are interested to come to bed with them." Said Kai
Irene was speechless. Did Kai just say he's going out drinking with those kinds of women who are willing to jump on his bed?
No! This will not do! He is her mate. Her Mate!
"I'll go with you." Said Irene
"What?" Kai sounded alarmed.
Irene smiled eagerly.
"Umm...All due respect Miss, but are you crazy? Didn't you just hear what I said?" Kai looked confused.
Irene nodded.
"I heard you. But..." Irene took a deep breath. "I like you. And I don't want you to sleep with anyone else."
Kai could not speak for a long time as he stared at Irene like she is unreal!
"You've got to be kidding me... you... you like me? That must be the joke of the century." Said Kai. "Look Miss Irene... you are very beautiful. You are. Only the blind will not agree. And I like you too. I am an admirer of beauty. But... you are not my type of woman."
Irene felt the rejection like a punch on her chest.
"You are the type to be taken seriously and I am just not ready for a serious lady like you. I just want to play around and enjoy life. So... please don't take offense but No. You can't stop me from going. And sorry... I am not available for long term relationships... so you have to like someone else."
Kai walked away and waved at Irene.
"See you tomorrow!" said Kai

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