Dragon King End

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Dragon King 11

V looked for her every day. He did not rest. And even when he had to continue his duties as King, he would still go out everyday and look for her.
His mate.
He has not given up on her and will not give up on her.
Three months had passed since Jisoo died in V's arms and yet he still could not find her. Where is she hiding? Did an enemy capture her? Why has she not come to the Palace?
V also asked Sehun and Jinyoung to look for Jisoo in their Kingdoms. But even Sehun and Jinyoung could not find Jisoo.
No matter how hard it seems, V could not lose hope. Jisoo is alive out there somewhere.
V went to the dark hall that led to a room. It was dark in the room. Taeyong laid on the bed at the center of it. Taeyong has not woken up since he transferred his life force on Jisoo. It's been three months but he continues to sleep. His pulse is slowly going back to normal, but his body still looked pale.
Zurah and Taeyong were right. If V was the one who transferred life force to Jisoo, he would have lost everything. He would be the one on that bed instead of Taeyong... that is... if he still has a palace to return to.
But why does it feel like he lost... everything?
V sighed.
"It's been three months, Taeyong. You have to wake up, Brother. There... are so many questions in my head... so many things I don't understand..." said V. "Wake up and prove how strong you are."
It was on the sixth month since the great battle when Seulgi burst inside V's small meeting room. She was catching her breath.
"He's awake." Said Seulgi.
V's eyes widened. Seulgi did not need to say who it was.
V ran out of his meeting room towards that dark hall to that dark room and when he got inside, he saw Taeyong sitting up. A dragon healer and warrior were making him drink something. Seulgi stayed by the door.
"Brother." Said V
Taeyong smiled faintly.
"Why do you look so surprised? I told you I am not weak, My Lord." Said Taeyong, his voice hoarse.
Taeyong is looking a lot better. He looks a bit tired, his hair had gone very... very long ... his usual white hair has turned dark grey.
"Yes, now I agree." Said V
Taeyong laughed but it came out as cough instead.
"Can we speak privately, My Lord?" Asked Taeyong
The dragon healer and warrior went out of the room. But Taeyong noticed Seulgi by the door.
"It's nice that you were the first one I saw when I woke up, Princess. Thank you for being worried about me." Said Taeyong
Seulgi's eyes narrowed.
V turned to Seulgi.
"You went here?" asked V
"I... just... have so many questions, just like you, Brother." Said Seulgi, and then she turned to leave. "I'll leave you to catch up."
When the door closed, V turned to Taeyong.
"You did not allow her to get near me?" asked Taeyong
"Yes. I did not know whose presence she would come to meet in you when you wake up." Said V
Taeyong smirked.
"It's still me, Brother. Still the Taeyong who grew up fighting battles with you, Sehun and Jinyoung " said Taeyong. "But you are right in stopping her. It's better to keep me here for now."
"Why do you say so?" asked V
Taeyong winced as if in pain.
"The beast has been a lot stronger and harder to control since the seal was partly broken. While I was sleeping, it had been a constant battle with him inside my head. Now that he had tasted a little freedom, he is greedy for more. He is going to cause trouble... I will cause trouble...I can feel it..." Taeyong closed his eyes tight. "Even now, it's trying to surface..."
"You must fight it, Taeyong." Said V
"I will ask you a favor, Brother." Said Taeyong. "Can you make sure the door of this room becomes metal? Lock it from outside. Even the walls... if you can lock me in a metal room...."
"I want you to lock me in. You, Sehun and Jinyoung have to think of a way to stop me from ruining all that you have achieved for Vishox. Lock me in until you find a way to stop the beast." Said Taeyong.
"How can I do that to you?" asked V
"Believe me, Brother... you need to keep me in." Said Taeyong
V sighed
There was a very long moment of silence.
"Jisoo...What happened to Jisoo?" asked Taeyong, there was concern in his voice.
"That's the question I had for you." Said V. "After the battle, I only saw you alone. Jisoo was not around. It's been six months and I still have not found her. I feel as though I have turned Vishox upside down but to no avail."
Taeyong closed his eyes tight as if in pain.
"I can not remember anything clearly right now... I can only remember that I was able to close her wound. I saw her open her eyes...and that's it... everything is vague right now." Said Taeyong.
"Should you remember anything... please let me know." Said V
Taeyong nodded.
"One thing is for sure." Said Taeyong. "She's alive, Brother."
"I fear that some enemies may have captured her." Said V
"If they did, they have not killed her yet." Said Taeyong. "I can feel the beast' force from a distance... Jisoo is somewhere out there carrying some of the beast's power within her, passed to her through my life force."
V felt relief washed over him. His throat moved as he fought the emotions raging inside him.
"But I do not know where she is exactly... I am afraid I can do nothing to help you locate her yet..." said Taeyong
"That's fine. You have done so much already for me and Jisoo. What you said...That is the best news I have heard in months." Said V.
V took a deep breath.
"Really... you don't know how good it feels to hear that." Said V
Two years had passed.
Two long years... very long years.
Two years of excruciating worry and waiting...
Two years of unrequited love.
This must be how Jisoo felt all those years she loved V. She must have been crushed and broken by his complete disregard of her. Now V knows how hard it is to love someone who may not return your love.
In this case... who may not return at all.
No. He must stop all these thoughts. Jisoo will come back to him. She will. She must. He will move heaven and Vishox to get her back.
Seulgi is seated across V in his meeting room. She was watching V as he continued to wallow in his longing.
"Why have you not blamed me for what happened to Jisoo?" asked Seulgi. "I often wondered why."
"Why must I blame you?" asked V
"Because I allowed her to leave the palace that day... if I did not allow her..."
"She would have still gotten out." Said V. "She would have still gone to look for me to warn me. Do you think you could have stopped her? I don't think you could. I was not able to stop her getting herbs from the forest for her healing, how much more will she fight to leave when it was my safety and my people that was at stake."
Seulgi wiped her eyes.
"I have been blaming myself." Confessed Seulgi. "It keeps coming back to me... that moment when I allowed her to leave... asking her to bring you safe home."
V's throat moved. He doesn't want to cry. No, not in front of his sister...
"There was also a memory that keep haunting me... in my dreams... even when I'm awake... the moment Jisoo died in my arms..." said V. "I could still feel her weight on my arms... her blood wet on my clothes... everything seemed real each time it comes to my mind."
Seulgi sobbed harder.
"Oh Brother what can I do to help ease your longing for Jisoo? I have seen you all these two years... you are in pain... and I just don't know what to do." Said Seulgi
"You don't have to worry about me, Seulgi." Said V. "Jisoo is coming back."
Seulgi sighed.
"When would you know when it's time to give up?" asked Seulgi
"For Jisoo, I am never giving up." Said V. "When you find that one person you will truly love, you can not give up. You keep fighting... waiting..."
Many of the clans of the north had finally decided to surrender to V's rule. It is still a long journey to really reign over the North, but they are moving forward.
However today, Zurah is restless and V could feel it.
"What's wrong Zurah?" asked V
"What? Nothing's wrong." Said Zurah
"Do you know how it feels like when something is tossing and turning inside you?" asked V.
"I was not tossing... I was very still." Said Zurah.
"What's bothering you?" asked V
Zurah sighed.
"I can feel something good happening." Said Zurah.
"Something good?" asked V
"Just let me be for now, V. Don't let my tossing and turning bother you." Said Zurah

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