Dragon King 3

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Chapter 3

The next day, the dungeon door was opened. Jisoo came out and immediately went to the needing woman. The woman is no longer tied to the bed. She is now sitting on a chair looking much better.
"It has helped tremendously. The pain still attacks every now and then but it has lessened substantially." Said the woman. "Thank you Healer."
Jisoo sighed in relief.
"Thank Vishox it helped." Said Jisoo.
"I heard you were put into the dungeon because of this..." said the woman.
"It was because I disobeyed the king." Said Jisoo. "I am glad you are feeling better."
A dragon healer went to Jisoo.
"So many dragons are asking for the concoction that you made for needing. Please teach us all." Said the dragon healer.
Jisoo nodded.
"I shall teach everything I know." Said Jisoo

V sat in front of the window to look at the moonlight. He usually does this a few minutes before he sleeps... it gives him peace.
Tonight he needs peace...
The news about Jisoo's relief medicine for the needing has spread fast. So many people are asking for it. She would have been flooded by requests...
V sighed.
Jisoo... is a great healer. But she has no care for her own life. What will you do with such a woman?
And then V noticed movement in the garden. He stood up and searched for the source of the movement. His vision at night is sharp. His eyes widened when he saw who it was.
What is she doing?
It's been weeks since he punished her in the dungeon. And since then, he noticed the woman avoiding him. She would always look at the floor when he talks to her. She even skips meals now! It was irritating him! Was she angry that he punished her? She defied a king's command! She deserved to be punished a lot harder, if not because of Seulgi's words.
And now she's in the garden walking and picking flowers as if it's not so late in the night! What is this woman doing! She's going to be a thorn in his life.
Jisoo stopped and picked a white flower. She smelt it as wind blew on her hair. V smiled. Jisoo looked like a moonlight goddess.
Did he just say Goddess?
No he didn't.
Jisoo tucked the flower behind her ear. She tilted her head up as the moonlight shown on her face and then suddenly, V could not take his eyes away.
V's throat moved as he touched the window as if he could touch her... V's hand closed into a fist when he felt the cold window.
And then Jisoo walked away from his view. Where is she going? Why is she headed away from the castle?
V hurriedly went out of his room and straight to the garden to look for Jisoo. All the while he told himself that he's doing this because Jisoo is Irene's sister, Jinyoung's cousin.
His steps were light as he walked around until he found her kneeling on the ground, an injured dog beside her. V hid behind a tree. Jisoo looked at the dog looking for the wound on the dog's side. Jisoo looked so worried as she tried to calm the dog.
"Hush hush little one... it's going to be fine now... I am going to help you." Said Jisoo.
Jisoo looked so caring and nurturing as she hummed to calm the dog. V felt his chest tighten. That look in her eye as if she's feeling the pain too... he has seen it when she cared for Old Rita... felt it when she cared for him.
"You and I are similar... we end up getting hurt because we do what we think we must even when we end up getting hurt. Look at you... you're wounded because you tried to climb that tree." Said Jisoo. "A dog is never going to be a monkey."
The dog licked Jisoo's hand.
"You're a sweet boy." Said Jisoo. "I shall call you... Sweety!"
V's eyes narrowed. A dog? Why would she call a dog Sweety? V closed his eyes in irritation.
And then Jisoo giggled. V opened his eyes and saw Jisoo laughing. Her face had lit up... she's...
"That tickles!" said Jisoo as the dog licked her face.
V took a step forward. Why is she allowing the dog to lick her?! Why is she allowing a MALE dog to lick her!
"Sweety stop it, I need to get some medicine for your wound." Said Jisoo as she stood up. "I will be back , all right?"
Jisoo stood up and stopped. She seems to be looking around.
V's jaw clenched as he stayed hidden. Did she catch him? That is unlikely. He has never been caught in spying anyone.
It's not as if he's spying Jisoo... He's just looking out for her, she's under his protection, right?
"Why do I smell that scent now?" said Jisoo, her brows drawn closer.
Jisoo sighed.
"The flowers are so fragrant...Must be just my imagination."
Jisoo pinched the dog's cheek lightly.
"You are a cutie." She said.
V shook his head.
Is it the wolf in her? Does she adore that dog because she's a wolf! That dog is just a dog! He's not even a shifter.

Seulgi was day dreaming while waiting for her meal... what would it be like if she meets the man she will love forever? Seulgi turned to her right and saw Taeyong smiling as he talked with an elder.
Taeyong would have been perfect. He's good looking, strong, dependable and kind. But... he's also her brother's closest friend and is celibate. A dragon with needing like her and a celibate man... what a pair they would become.
Seulgi shook her head smilling.
And then Seulgi turned to Irene, Indeed the woman is beautiful. But for some reason, Seulgi does not feel comfortable with the woman's perfection. And she is also not convinced that her brother is in love with his mistress. There is something missing... it just...
Seulgi then looked at V, her brother. His brows closed in as he stared... is he staring at her? Seulgi pouted. Why would her brother be staring at her? Oh wait... not her...
Seulgi turned to her right and saw Jisoo not touching her pie.
"Those pies are marvelous." Said Seulgi
"I am not fond of pies." Said Jisoo, sighing.
"Then can I have it?" asked Seulgi
Jisoo nodded.
Seulgi took the pie and then she turned to see her brother now glaring at Jisoo. Jisoo is of course oblivious. The girl had stopped watching her brother for a long time now. Maybe she has accepted that she will never make the king see her.
Which is interestingly.... Changing it seems...
The pudding came next and Jisoo cheerfully ate it. Seulgi saw her brother relax in his seat when Jisoo continued eating.
Seulgi smiled. Well well well... Is the Dragon King now paying attention to the Plain Wolf Healer? If he is... Seulgi wonders how long it would take for her brother to realize it.
"You can't blame my brother for being stubborn." Said Seulgi
"Huh?" asked Jisoo
"My father fell in love with a woman before he met his mate. The woman's name is Yoona. And even when he met his mate, he still loved Yoona. My brother and I were conceived through the mate. But my father did not love our birth mother." Said Seulgi
Jisoo looked shocked.
"My brother and I grew up seeing the great love my father had for the only woman in his life. And we saw how much Yoona loved our father. There was magic and spark between them. Their love was so deep and true." Said Seulgi. "That is why both my brother and I prefer to wait for the person we'll love instead of just relieving our needing."
"You... are telling me he's in love with my sister. I already know that." Said Jisoo
"No. I am telling you that my brother is trying his best to love your sister because he thinks he is in love with her." Said Seulgi.
"That does not make sense." Said Jisoo
"She is beautiful, gentle and kind... almost like Yoona. I think my brother is convincing himself that he loves his mistress." Said Seulgi. "And since he's stubborn, it will take a while for him to realize that you can not convince yourself you are in love with someone. Because the heart can not be convinced... and that he's only fooling himself."
Seulgi smiled at Jisoo
"The heart falls in love with whoever it wishes without our permission." Said Seulgi
Jisoo's eyes widened.
"You don't have to tell me..." said Jisoo.
Jisoo took a glimpse of the king and gasped when she saw him looking at her. Jisoo immediately looked away.
Seulgi suppressed a smile.
Very interesting....

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