Dragon King 7

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Dragon King 7

V's eyes slowly changed as he saw Jisoo holding on to a chair to keep herself standing.
"I will not kill you." Said V.
Jisoo took a deep shaky breath. Then... what is the tea for? Better to get on with it now... she can't escape punishment. She took the cup and drank the contents. It was such a bad taste... and familiar... very familiar...
"Come Jisoo... I want you to be comfortable." Said V
V led Jisoo to a room next to his. All the while, Jisoo's heart is pumping hard.
"Lie down on the bed, Jisoo." Said V
Oh no... is he going to... Jisoo's instinct screamed of excitement while her heart gripped in fear. Jisoo lay on the bed.
And then she saw V getting ropes on the side of the bed.
Jisoo gulped...
She's not ready for this... no matter how much she desires the King... she's still not ready for this... yes she wants to be claimed... but can they do it when she's not supposed to be punished? And why are there ropes?
V then tied Jisoo's wrists and ankles on the four sides of the bed.
"My Lord... umm... what kind of punishment is this exactly?" asked Jisoo, her voice high pitched.
"You will know soon..." said V
V sat on a chair near the bed.
What is he doing? Is he watching her?
"Have you ever wondered what it feels like when a dragon is needing?" Asked V
And then it occurred to Jisoo! That tea! It's an aphrodisiac! And it's one of the strongest in the healer ward!
Jisoo tried to pull her hands free but the rope was too secured.
"You will experience the pain of unfulfilled sexual desire tonight Jisoo." Said V. "It will never be as painful as needing... but you will still crave for something I will not give you..."
Jisoo started to feel heat in her body... the heat is spreading fast...
Jisoo closed her eyes. And then she started pulling her wrist harder, her body arching up.
"It has started." Said V
V rose from his seat.
"Do not make too much noise. You will wake everybody. I will come back for you, so you better behave." Said V
V left the room and went to his own room. He is still far from needing but why is his body heating up? V could still see Jisoo on that bed... her skin heating up... her body arching...
V growled low...
It took a while for V to control himself. And then he went back to Jisoo. She was still on the bed but she looked tired... she's wet from all the sweat...and then V saw blood on Jisoo's wrists and ankles.
V cursed himself.
V immediately cut the rope off. He held Jisoo's hand and saw the rope had opened Jisoo's skin. He had hurt her like this...V's chest squeezed painfully....V lifted Jisoo's wrist on his mouth... he let his tongue glide on the fresh wound.
Jisoo maybe tired but she could see and feel everything... V... is touching her.. licking her wound so gently as if he wants to clean her wound with his mouth...
Jisoo closed her eyes as something within her felt soft....
Jisoo's desire rose strong...
She wants V to claim her... But he wouldn't. He's punishing her... He does not want her...he wants her sexual desire to reach it's peak so that she would feel pain...
Besides...He doesn't know that he's her mate. And he was in love with her sister... He doesn't know that something within her wants this... desires this....
V's tongue moved from Jisoo's wrist going to her arm... He continued gently licking her skin until he reached her shoulder. And then he bit her gently.... Jisoo moaned, V growled when he heard her voice. And then he claimed her mouth. He kissed her gently and quickly... and then he moved away a bit...Jisoo's eyes opened... and she looked at him with that dreamy look... Jisoo's lips are so soft... He has to... have more... He kissed her again...with hunger and craving, like he needed more, deeper, taste her more. Jisoo moaned louder and kissed V back... with the same passion...and when they both caught their breaths, V leaned his forehead on Jisoo's.
Jisoo's instinct is celebrating this first kiss... this intimacy... but her heart knows the truth...
"Was that part of the punishment?" Whispered Jisoo. "Do you... kiss the one you're torturing? Is it to make her needing stronger? You did not need to do that. You did not need to kiss me."
V felt pain with Jisoo's words. Punishment?
"I did not do it to punish you, dense woman." Said V
"Then are you needing? Is that it? I... can never be like my sister. I don't think I will be able to satisfy you."
V growled, his eyes glowing blue in the dark. Jisoo's breath caught, her fear started to choke her. Is he going to hurt her?
"Irene is in the past. You...are you really so comfortable to always push me away? Do you always need to mention your sister? Did you like it that I wanted her? Did you not fancy me when you were younger? Didn't you always look at me? Did you not want me? Did I not hurt you when I made Irene my mistress? Did you feel no jealousy at all?"
Jisoo tried to breathe. Each question V uttered sent painful daggers on her chest.
He knew... he knew she liked him since she was younger... he knew he'd hurt her when he declared Irene as his mistress... he knew everything... and yet he chose Irene... he chose her sister.... Because he did not see her... he did not want her.
"I... have learned to accept that you like her." Said Jisoo. "That is why I decided to let go of my childhood feelings for you."
V growled .
Accept it? he always thought wolves were possessive creatures. But why did Jisoo accept it? Did she not want him? That made V's chest grip in an irritating pain. Jisoo... does not want him?
"It's the same for you, My Lord. If I would ever meet my mate in the future... I am certain you will let me go. I've let you go because I know you will be happy with the woman you love."
V thought of Jisoo being with another man and he wanted to crush the skull of whoever that man is. V will never allow any man to lay a hand on her, not even her mate!
"Besides...you have needs. Someone like me can not fulfill your need." Said Jisoo
V growled louder.
She is so wrong... so wrong... she can fulfil his needs... even a kiss from her already heated him up....
V kissed Jisoo's shoulder and felt her stiffen.
"Do you detest my touch?" asked V
"You do not want me, my Lord. You are only doing this to punish me." Said Jisoo
"I do not want you?" asked V
How can she still say that? After everything?
"I heard you telling Sir Taeyong how plain I am compared to my sister."
V closed his eyes tight. She heard that? That was such a long time ago... She was only a kid then.
"Things changed... I was a foolishly blind man back then." Said V
V gently touched Jisoo's cheek.
"What...what changed?" Jisoo found it hard to breathe for a different reason. V's eyes is slowly returning to normal, but the intensity by which he is looking at her remains.
"I want you now Jisoo."
Jisoo gulped. Did she hear him right? Is this a dream? Jisoo's heart gripped painfully.
"My body.... surely it had disgusted you... my scars..."
"You got each of those marks saving people. Why will I be disgusted? If anything... they make you more beautiful." Said V
Jisoo felt so much joy upon hearing V's words.
V slid down Jisoo's body and lifted her skirt. Jisoo felt cold air touch her skin. And then V touched Jisoo's scarred leg. Jisoo tried to move her leg away but V held it firmly. And then He caressed it so gently Jisoo closed eyes from the tingles. she felt something soft and wet on her skin she opened her eyes to see V kissing and licking each scar as if they are precious... as if they are beautiful.
"Please stop... " said Jisoo with her lips parted, her back arched.
V moved up and bit Jisoo's ear lightly making Jisoo moan.
"Why... why will I stop? You want this too Jisoo. Your body has been responding to me. You want this as much as I do." He whispered on her ear
Jisoo looked away.
"You made me take an aphrodisiac, My Lord..." said Jisoo. "It is not me who is responding to you... it is the medicine... the punishment you imposed on me."
V's chest tightened painfully. There was a piercing pain in his chest by Jisoo's rejection. She wants him too. He could feel it. But she keeps pushing him away.
When V did not answer, Jisoo turned to face him. V continued to stare at Jisoo's confused but still beautiful... lovely face...
Jisoo touched V's cheek, her eyes looking at him gently... V felt time stooped. He felt every fiber in his body alive and in heat. It was like needing... but different. Her hand felt warm...comforting. He wants her to touch him more.
" It maybe your needing that's why you are acting this way. But once it fades you will regret that you even touched me, My Lord." said Jisoo
"You know nothing of what I feel. Do not assume you understand." Said V
Jisoo took her hand off, but V caught her hand and placed it back on his cheek.
Jisoo's throat moved.
"I am not needing Jisoo."
"Then you are willing to go this far just to punish me?" Said Jisoo. "You did it, My Lord... you have successfully caused me pain."
Jisoo's eyes glistened with tears.
Does the king really want her? Or is he just making a point by punishing her? Why does he need to use this method? Her heart wants to believe there could be truth to this... but she has been hurt so many times because he could not like her... why will he like her now?
"I only wanted you to feel how hard it is to need... but... touching you was not part of my plan." Said V
Jisoo's brows narrowed in confusion.
And then V kissed her lips again. He bit her lower lip to open her and she obeyed hesitantly. V tasted her, her sweetness. His hand on her waist crawling up her chest, gently squeezing. But he felt Jisoo stiffen. V felt Jisoo stopped responding.
And then he moved away so fast, he was by the door when Jisoo opened her eyes.
"This is not over yet Jisoo." V said. And then he left.
V hurriedly left the castle.... The heat is burning him... it is not yet time for his needing but he is consumed by desire... he would have claimed her... he would have done it even if it is against Jisoo's will... we could have hurt her if he did not leave.
What is wrong with him?
He wants her... desires her.... His desire for her is all consuming like there is nothing that would ever block him... he will have her no matter what.
And it angered him. He had never taken a female against her will. And he will not do it, especially to Jisoo...
But he came so close to losing it...
This is too dangerous...
His desire for her is too dangerous...
Kai had been going out with the warriors with all those women every now and then. And Irene had enough. Every time she tries to stop him, he disregards her! It seems like he did not take her confession of feelings for him seriously!
"Horns will come out of your beautiful face if you keep looking so angry." Said Lisa
Irene sighed.
"I am getting frustrated." Said Irene
Lisa patted Irene's shoulder.
"I don't know why you have to face this problem. You are so beautiful, men fall on their knees for you." Said Lisa. "Unfortunately... Kai is one elusive man."
"You know him better, Lisa. Tell me what must I do?" asked Irene
"Hmm... the best answer is to wait. If he doesn't smell the scent on you, he will not be convinced that you are his mate." Said Lisa. "Once he starts smelling it and once it becomes strong... he will follow you to the ends of the Vishox. You see Lions are as possessive as wolves... we just take a longer time to realize who our mates are."
"How long must I wait? He keeps going out for drinks! He even sleeps with women! As a wolf, that is totally unacceptable!" said Irene
"Jisoo must have hard it hard." Said Lisa. "Loving someone who was wants someone else."
Lisa shook her head.
"Oh that's nothing." Said Lisa
Irene's eyes seemed bothered.
"You... you mentioned Jisoo." Said Irene
"Oh... you heard that." Said Lisa
"I guess I deserve this." Said Irene. "I deserve that I am having a hard time with my mate."
"What are you talking about, don't be bothered by what I said." Said Lisa
"I knew... how much she liked king V. I knew she fancied him. I knew he was special to her. How can I not? We were very close... I know everything about her... but I still accepted being king V's mistress even when I knew it will hurt Jisoo." Said Irene. "Because I was selfish... because I was in love."
Lisa gulped.
"Oh..." said Lisa.
"I thought what she was feeling was only childhood admiration." Said Irene. "But I was wrong. I broke my own sister's heart. And now I am facing the same pain..."
Lisa saw the torment in Irene's eyes.
"I... couldn't tell her... I was afraid Jisoo would not forgive me once she learns." Said Irene
"You did love king V?" asked Lisa
Irene nodded.
"Then you did it because you were also in love with the king. Jisoo would understand that." Said Lisa. "Like you said... she knows you the best."
Irene sighed.
"I am not defending you but... when you love someone... you want him for yourself. I think that's normal." Said Lisa. "But as for Kai... I don't think even a leash can stop him from womanizing."
"You are saying there's no other way than to wait?" asked Irene
"I am saying you should not use a leash." Said Lisa
Irene's eyes widened.
"What... do you mean?" asked Irene
"Attack and Conquer." Said Lisa, a nasty smile on her lips.
Irene gulped.
The training of the dragon warriors came in full force. The wolf and lion warriors who came took their tasks seriously. Day by day, V could see his men improving.
To celebrate this, V invited all the warriors to have dinner together. They conducted it on the main hall. There were so many food served.
Jisoo's seat is a bit far from V but V made sure he could see her. As usual, she would eat more salty than sweet food... V told Rita to give Jisoo a large portion of pudding. That always made Jisoo smile.
A Wolf warrior sat beside V.
"So Mark..." said V. "I am just wondering... what does a mated wolf like? I mean... how do you make a wolf mate happy?"
Mark took a moment to answer.
"Umm... well... My Lord there are many things... touch is one. Wolf mates touch each other very frequently... I mean... VERY frequently. Even in meals they sit very close to each other, almost no distance between them. And the male feeds his female with his hands. He makes sure his mate is nourished. And jewelry. Wolf females have weakness when it comes to beautiful jewelries." Said Mark . "You... are mated with a wolf?"
V shook his head.
"No. But... if I make a wolf female that satisfied... she will not look elsewhere." Said V
"huh?" Mark looked confused.
V still can't convince himself to eat bare handed... but... he can do something about the sitting arrangement... he had been thinking of asking someone to make a chair that can sit two people, no arm rest between... that way... they can sit together...
The music started and some men and women started to dance.
In the past years, a gathering like this happened a few times and dancing is always a part Jisoo looks forward to. She may not dance as gracefully as Irene but... she enjoys the movement and the conversations.
DO, from the lion tribe went to Jisoo and asked her for a dance. Jisoo smiled and obliged. They talked about how everyone in the lion clan is doing. Jisoo is pleased to know Lisa and Sehun had now resolved the lover's quarrel they had and are now as sweet as can be. But Irene is still struggling with Kai. It seems Irene is yet to capture the warrior's heart.
Before Jisoo can reach her seat though, a wolf warrior asked her for a dance. She knows this warrior. He's younger than her but Jisoo would always find this man looking at her when she visits the wolf clan. The man never approached her until now. Jisoo tried to accommodate the man's questions. He seems to be a nice guy.
After that, a dragon warrior asked Jisoo for a dance. It is one of the warriors she helped heal in the past. They talked about how his wound is doing and whether he's still avoiding the food Jisoo asked him to avoid.
V can no longer take it. He had been watching and this is too much! Three men! Jisoo had already been dancing with three men! And not just dancing, she talks to them like she enjoys it! V could not believe Jisoo is capable of flirting!
Another man came up to Jisoo. Jisoo smiled at him.
V had enough. V stood up.
"Is it not enough that you have already danced with three men? Is it a practice of any decent woman to dance with men so freely? "
Jisoo was stunned. The dragon king's loud voice silenced the entire hall. Everyone was listening. Jisoo felt her blood drained from her body.
"Are you enjoying the attention these men are giving you? Do you think yourself attractive that you would flaunt yourself in front of everyone?"
What is the king talking about? Before Irene became his mistress, Irene also danced with a lot of men... so much more men... because she was beautiful and every one wanted to dance with her. Irene tried to give them all a chance. The dragon king did not get angry then. He did not accuse Irene of being indecent!

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