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You sniffled after taking another beating but some werewolves.

Even though you hid your ears and tail, I guess they could still sense that you were weak and in need of help.

You were cold...Tired...and VERY hungry.

Some people might describe you as half dead.

You were ready and prepared to take your last breath before a woman gasped.

"What are you doing out here?" You looked up at her with E/C eyes.

"Don't you have a home." You didn't answer.

"Hm...Well, If you don't...I'll just take you with me for the time being..." She smiled.

She picked you up and held you close to her body.

She hummed a sweet toon as you slowly fell asleep.

When you woke up you were on a couch.

You looked around shocked, scared, and confused.

"Oh. Hello." A girl with blue haired spoke.

"AWWW! SHES SOOO CUTE APHMAU~SENPAI!" You yelped and jolted back.

"Kawaii~Chan. Don't yell. Your scaring her." The blue haired female scoffed.

"Your awake! Hi there!" Aphmau smiled.

You tilted your head.

Who are these people?

Why did the short one bring you here.

You stared at them before your stomach grumbled.

"Whoa...Kid, How long has it been since you've eaten something?" The blue haired one questioned.

You paused and held up your fingers.

You held up the number 15 by holding 1 finger up on one hand and five on the other hand.

"15 days?!" The cat girl named Kawaii~Chan yelped.

"We have some leftover Pizza on thr counter, I'll get you a few slices." The blue haired girl spoke, running off into the kitchen.

"So. Where did you find her?"

"Ah...She was on the side of the road! Can you believe it?"

"Seriously? Who'd do that to their own child!" You licked your scratches making Kawaii~Chab pout.

"Come here!" You sat in a chair at the table as the blue haired girl placed two slices of Pizza in front of you.

"I hope you like Sausag---Oh!" You had already eaten the two slices.

"Glad you liked that. I'm Katelyn by the way." You smiled at her.

Kawaii~Chan cleaned your cuts as you winced.

"Don't worry. This is the worst part so Kawaii~Chan won't keep you long! Your doing a great job!" She smiled.

You stared at her fluffy ears and tail. You grabbed hold of them and rubbed them making Aphmau and Katelyn look at you weird.

"Ah..." You realized what you had done and stepped back.

"No no! Its okay! Kawaii~Chan understands! Her ears do look fluffy don't they?" She giggled.

You nodded and smiled.

Once she was done cleaning your cuts, Aphmau grabbed your hand.

"Hey, Why don't you go take a bath and get out of those clothes. I'll be downstairs when your done."

You took the shirt that read 'Phoenix drop High' on it and the pair of shorts walking upstairs.

You walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

You looked around and revealed your werewolve ears and tail.

You sighed.

You don't have trouble showing them, its hiding them thats a struggle.

Sometimes it get tiring and almost exausting when it comes to hiding them all the time.

Its a releif when it comes to letting them go free.

But you don't know these people.

You shouldn't trust them so quickly.

You washes your ears and tail along with the rest of your body before stepped out.

You put on the sweatshirt and shorts and hid your ears and tail again.

You were struggling but it worked.

But as you walked down the stairs though, you heard the three talking.

"Aphmau she can't stay here."

"What? Why not?"

"Our rent is already high as is. Adding a FOURTH person in here won't do us any good. Plus, Where would she stay? We haven't cleaned the basement yet...And I don't think there are any spare rooms in the house."

"What? Come on Kawaii~Chan! You can't be agreeing with Katelyn on this!" Kawaii~Chan paused.


"I'm sorry Aphmau~Senpai! But Katelyn~Sama makes some pretty good points..."

"We'll figure something out. But we can't just leave h--"

"Its okay." You smiled.

"It seems I've overstayed my welcome. I thought so. But its fine. I'll be okay." You spoke.

"Thanks for the meal and clothes. I haven't been treated this nice since....Forever! You three really are nice people!"

The three were shocked. You haven't said a word since you arrived. Theu were debating on wheather you could even talk at all.

You opened the door and got ready to run off until you felt a hand in your arm.

"Hey! Wait! Don't go yet!" Aphmau spoke.

You raised your eyebrow and turned to her.

"Guys. I know you don't think she should stay but I can't let her go out like this! Here, she can stay in my room! I'll work extra shifts at my job and I'll be the one that feeds her and takes care of her! I promise!" You stared up at her shocked.

No one has ever done something this nice for you.

"Kawaii~Chan can't let you do that Aphmau~Senpai! N-Not you by yourself! I'll help you too! I can give her some of Kawaii~Chans old clothes!" You smiled up at the Mei'fwa.

The two stared at Katelyn expecting her to say No or something worse.

"If you two think you can take care of this kid all on your own, You even crazier then...Welp! No one is crazier then you two."

"Hey!" Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau pouted.

They looked down and heard you giggling.

You paused and smiled up at them.

"Thank you! My name is, Y/N!:

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