Chapter 1: The Next Step

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In Mistral, the Creatures of Grimm are born from pools in a secret land no one knows about,... except for the followers of Salem. Emerald and Mercury were looking out the window, when Cinder snapped her fingers. "Pathetic," said a man across from Cinder. Charlie looked at him and said, "What's his problem?" "If I were you," said a crazy man next to Cinder, "I would hunt them down, and pay them back. After all, they took your eye and arm." Emerald then came up to Cinder and she whispered in her ears. "Hmph," said the man. "Watts, what's your problem?" asked Barley. "I just don't appreciate failures," replied Watts, as Salem came into the room, with Bart close by, and asked, "Now what do you mean? Cinder is now our Fall Maiden, Beacon has fallen, and most importantly, KILLED dear Ozpin. Now tell me, what failures are you talking about?" "Well," said Watts, "she let the girl and the devil get a..." "PPPPHHHHHHHHHHHTTT!!!" Edgar then started laughing his head off as Salem pulled out a whoop-pie cushion from her seat. "EDGAR!" cried Charlie and Barley, "What was that for?" "NOTHING!" said Edgar, very fast, "I'M JUST HAPPY, ALRIGHT!?!" Bart then sat down and put his head in his hand and said, "Did you have coffee again?" "NO I DID NOT... GO TO... STARBUCKS!!... OKAY YES I DID, I WENT TO FRICKEN STARBUCKS!!! Question: is it normal for your heart to sound like a weed eater?" Charlie sighed and said, "Edgar, run around the world five times." "YES!!!!" yelled Edgar, and he ran through the wall, leaving a shape of him in the wall. "I'm sorry about his behavior," said Bart, as he lit a cigar, "we restricted him from caffeine and sugar. He goes wild if he does for 12 hours straight." "Now," said Salem, "With that out of the way, let's get back to business: Cinder, you will stay here under my guidance, Tyrian, continue searching for the Spring Maiden, Watts, you will be our informative in Haven until Cinder fully recovers, Hazel, continue to cooperate with the White Fang. Adam Taurus has proven loyal still. And Bart, I wish for you to use our special weapon on the Grimm." Salem then pulled out the Emerald she had. "You wish for me to experiment on them?" "Yes," said Salem, "I want you to give the Grimm a soul, so they can produce Aura to protect themselves." "I'll see what I can do." Cinder then motioned for Emerald and whispered in her ear. "Speak child," said Salem. "What about the silver eyed girl and devil?" asked Emerald. "Tyrian, Spring can wait, I want you to find the two who did this to Cinder, and bring them to me." "It will be done, my queen," said Tyrian, before laughing maniacally. Looking uncomfortable, Bart scooted his chair away from him and closer to Cinder.

Then a boy on a farm woke up. He had that dream, although it felt like more than a dream. He then set about his chores and while doing so, he heard a truck horn, to see a rusty tow truck pull up. What's more is, he had eyes and a face. " 'Cuse me," said the truck, "I'm looking fer someone. His name is Bendy." The boy just stood there, before fainting. "Umm," said the truck, "By the way, my name's Mater, and this ain't no time for sleeping."

Meanwhile, outside of the borders of the kingdom, Nora and Ren were arguing about a team name. "Guys!" said Pyrrha, "we need to wait for Bendy and Ruby's signal." "Besides," said Steve, with a strange blaster, "couldn't we all just call ourselves the Dream Team, seeing as we're all members?" "Hush," said Silhouette, "Gamma, have anything?" "Motions detected from West side," replied Gamma. Bendy was then seen running out of the forest with Ruby shooting Crescent Rose at a strange Grimm. Silhouette then staked out into the open, shooting his Chaos Rifle. Nora, Gamma and Steve came from the left, shooting the upper half, while Pyrrha, Ren, and Kathy came from the right, slashing at the legs, and Jaune took cover. "You don't need a weapon, you're the strategist!" muttered Jaune. The Grimm was currently possessing a giant bolder and the blades were having little effect on it. Jaune then saw Silhouette and Gamma shoot at the face, and the Grimm blocked it. "Guys!" cried Jaune, "Try to cut off the limps!" "Why!?" cried Kathy. "It keeps covering its face!" replied Jaune, "If we cut off the limps, we may have a chance of killing it!" Silhouette then boosted up Bendy, and he managed to sever the left arm, while Pyrrha threw her shield at the right arm, and Nora then nailed the hit with Magnhild. The Grimm tried to escape, but Ruby managed to get a headshot on it.

"Thank you," said a local villager, "that Grimm has been plauging us for months. How can we repay you?" "Well," said Bendy, "our friend Jaune here needs a weapon." At the blacksmith's, Jaune got new armor, sword and shield. When he took off his old armor, Ruby and Kathy couldn't help but laugh. "Is that Pumpkin Pete!?" cried Ruby. "Yes," said Jaune. "What did you do?" asked Kathy, "Send in twelve cereal boxes to order?" "Fourteen actually." Ruby and Kathy then looked at each other, and then fell to the floor laughing. Jaune then rolled his eyes and put on his new armor, and he looked at his sword. "C'mon guys," said Silhouette, "Haven's still a long ways away." So the group took off to Haven, and Bendy looked at the sky, thinking, "I hope the others are doing good."

In Atlas, Weiss was looking out the window, when her door got a knock. "Ms. Schnee," said the butler Klien, "You have a visitor." He stepped aside and Esther walked in. "ESTHER!" cried Weiss, as she run up to her and hugged her. "Hi Weiss," said Esther, "I was told by Alex that he would be here by now. Have you seen him?" "No," said Weiss, "I thought he was with..." Then, Weiss's suit case, which she never unpacked, started to shake, and jump. After twelve seconds of spazzing out, the girls heard a sigh, and a paper clip could be seen in between the zippers, and open the suitcase to reveil,....Alex. "TT HHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" panted Alex, "I knew I should've packed a bigger air tank." "Alex!" cried Esther, as she and Weiss helped him up, "What were you doing in the suit case?" "I felt like it would be easier," replied the Stickman, "I wanted to avoid security." Just then, Klien knocked again, and said, "Ms. Schnee, your father wishes to speak with you." Weiss then walked out, and Alex followed. "Wait, who was that?" asked Klien. "That," said Esther, "is my boyfriend." Klien then looked at the two very different toons.

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