Chapter 6: Tipping Point

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"Another Day, another adventure!" said Nora happily. "What's on the agenda today?" asked Steve. "Walking," said Jaune. "With a side of?" asked Bendy. "More walking," said Silhouette. Ruby sighed, "Haven is a lot farther than I thought." "How long did you think it would take Rubes?" asked Kathy. Ruby then got defensive, "I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home." "Right, but how long?" asked Jaune. "Like maybe..." said Ruby, "Two weeks?" "WHAT!?" said Jaune and Pyrrha in unison. "Okay fine, three or something!" Gamma then stopped for a minute. "Something up Gamma?" asked Ren. "Ruins of town located 100 meters from point!" said Gamma. "That's strange," said Jaune, "I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days." Silhouette closed his eyes, and he sensed for aura. He couldn't find any. "Are those buildings...damaged?" asked Nora. "It's deserted," said Silhouette, "I can't sense any aura, or any life." Everyone headed off to the town, and looked around. "These aren't damaged," said Pyrrha, "they were never finished." "It's like," said Ren, "the town was abandoned." Everyone looked around the town. "Hey!" cried Nora, "I think I found something!" Everyone hurried to where Nora was, and she found a sign. "Oniyuri?" said Bendy, confused, "Have any of you guys heard of it before?" "I have," said Ren. "Explain," said Gamma. "You might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn, had it never been completed. Years ago, the richest people of Mistral were unhappy with how the kingdom was being run. Frustrated with the council, they pooled their resources together to build their own city...with their own laws. They hoped that one day, it may could even become a kingdom itself. Many thought it would be the future." Ren then paused before saying, "I know my parents did." "What happened?" asked Steve. "What always happens," answered Ren. "Grimm," finished Silhouette. Ren then clenched his fists and said, "Not just any one." The group looked at Ren, but Nora knew what he was talking about. "One?" asked Pyrrha. Crows then flew above their heads. "C'mon guys," said Jaune, "let's get through here. This place gives me the creeps." Ren stood there for a few minutes, and Gamma looked at him before rolling up and saying, "If you wish to talk, I am available. Daleks are not good at these things, but I will try, if you decide." He and Ren then joined the group, heading to the end of the village.

In Atlas, Weiss was singing, and Alex was using his Semblance to conduct and control all the instruments behind her.

The audience applauded, and Weiss and Alex bowed. "Now," said Alex, "there is one more song for tonight. This song will be performed by Former Queen Esther, my love, singing a song she has learned from her family." The audience clapped and Esther hopped on stage, and she turned to the audience, and they gave her doubtful looks. She gave Alex a nod, and Alex started the instruments, and she started singing.

As Esther sang, the audience looked at her in amazement. They were not expecting a nice performance, but not as beautiful as this. During the instrumental, Alex the lifted up Esther's crown from his stand, and he gently set it on her head. Esther looked up, and smiled, and continued singing.

As Esther finished, and the instruments stopped, the audience clapped and cheered in amazement. Weiss came back on stage, and Alex joined them both, and they all bowed in unison. As they left, Weiss still was a little down. 

At the party, people were talking and drinking. "That's precisely my point," said Jacque to some guests, "We offer Faunus the exact same wages given to the rest of our mining staff. Their argument's completely out of the gate." "Well I think the bigger issue is our society as a whole," said a business man. "What, you mean Atlas?" "Atlas, Mantle, you can't deny the economic disparity between the two." Weiss then saw Alex and Esther over at a painting of Beacon. She then started to walk over, but Jacque stopped her. "Where are you going?" asked Jacque. "I'm..," said Weiss, "thirsty." "Sweet-heart, we people for that." "What, no, I can get it. I'll be right back. I promise." Weiss joined Alex and Esther. "I miss them too," said Esther. "Who are we talking about?" asked Alex. The girls looked at him. "It's beautiful," said a voice. The three looked at a man and he said to Weiss, "You two match." "Yes," said Weiss, "It's a lovely painting." "So.." said the man, "That was my attempt at breaking the ice. How am I doing so far?" "A pretty poor job of it," said Alex, "You couldn't break ice even if you hit it with a pick axe." The man ignored Alex, and said to Weiss, "Henry Marigold." "Weiss Schnee." "Alex Careman." "Esther." "I know," said Henry, "I saw your performances...Obviously. You were all wonderful." Henry then turned to the painting, and he asked, "Any of you thinking about buying it?" "Her company made it," said Esther, "Do you even pay attention?" "I only come to these things for the free food and drinks...and the extraordinary company of course. So, is it another Mantle Fundraiser or something?" The three then gave Henry death stares as Alex cracked his knuckles. "Get...out," said Weiss. "What?" asked Henry. "Get out, or I'll have security escort you out." Henry just rolled his eyes and left. "It's okay Weiss," said Esther, "we still have each other." The three were then in deep thought when they heard, "But really, does it come as any surprise as to what happened to Vale?" Weiss then opened her eyes and turned to see Alex staring at a woman as she continued to trash talk Vale with a very, very twitchy eye. "It was a long time coming if you ask me." "Shut up," whispered Alex. "Honey," said her husband. "What? You said the same thing last night. If they're so arrogant to think they can get by without proper kingdom defense, then I say good riddance." "I SAID SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!!" screamed Alex. The room went quiet. Weiss stood by Alex and said, "He's right. You have no right to talk about Vale like that. You weren't there! You're all just talking about problems that don't even matter!" "Exactly!" said Alex. "Alex, please," said Esther. "Weiss, that's enough!" said Jacque. "Let go!" said Weiss. "You're embarrassing the family!" "She said, 'LET GO!'" Alex then pushed Jacque away, and Weiss fell. At the same time, she managed to fully succeed with her semblance: she summoned a Grimm. "Weiss," said Esther, "you just summoned." The Grimm roared at the woman, and she pleaded to stop, but it kept coming, until a gun fire was heard. Everyone turned to General Ironwood. "ARREST THEM!" said the woman. "YOU ALL ARE HERE HAVING A PARTY, TRASH TALKING OTHER KINGDOMS, WHEN THERE IS AN EVIL IN THE WORLD NO-ONE KNOWS ABOUT!!" Alex then covered his mouth when he realized what he said. "Alex," said Esther. "I'm sorry, it just slipped out! I was angry, I..." Esther just kissed him and said, "It's okay, I don't blame you." "They are the only ones making sense here," said Ironwood, "thanks for the party Jacque." Alex helped Weiss up, and they and Esther looked to Jacque. Alex then gulped, "There goes the party."

In Oniyuri, Ren sensed someone coming. A man jumped from the shadows, and he attacked everyone, trying to get to Ruby and Bendy. Ruby was kicked, and Bendy used a homing attack to smack him to the side. "We're not looking for a fight!" said Jaune. "Who are you?" asked Pyrrha. The man jumped from the wreckage he was tossed to and said, "Who I am matters not to you...or you...or you...or you three...or, well you two do interest me." "Us?" asked Jaune, looking to Pyrrha. "No, I only matter, to you two." He pointed at Bendy and Ruby. Bendy looked to Ruby and back, and he pointed to himself whispering, "Us?" Tyrian then laughed, "You haven't the slightest clue, do you? Oh how exciting this must be!" "What do you want!?" asked Ruby sternly. "Oh," said Tyrian, "the rose has thorns! My little flower, I'm here to whisk you and your devil friend away with me!" "Well what if they don't want to go?" asked Nora. "Well," said Tyrian, "I'll take them." Jaune then stepped in front of the two silver-eyed warriors and said, "We're not gonna let you do that." Tyrian then smirked, "Good." Tyrian then ran behind Jaune, but Silhouette used his homing attack to hit him. Silhouette was then kicked in the gut, and Jaune slashed at Tyrian. Tyrian dodged, and went to Nora. Ruby then shot an electric bullet at Nora, hitting her directly. Tyrian then laughed, until he heard Nora sneak up behind him. He then released his tail and blocked the hammer. Tyrian then jumped to the top of a building. "He's a...Faunus," said Kathy. "What is this about?" asked Ruby, "The White Fang? Roman Torchwick?" "Plastic soldiers and pawns," said Tyrian, "My heart and body only belong to our goddess." Ruby then sneered, "Cinder." "No Ruby," said Bendy, "Cinder is just another apprentice. His ruler is known as Salem." "Correct devil," said Tyrian, jumping down and attacking Ruby and deflating her Aura. Before he could make another move, Bendy came in, and blocked his shot. Tyrian tried to hit Bendy, but he kept dodging, while Tyrian just blocked Bendy's attacks. Tyrian then activated his semblance to drain the last of Bendy's Aura, but Bendy, who's Aura was low, actually managed to recharge and deflect the attack. Bendy took out his scroll and looked at it. He was back at full health. "Guys," said Bendy, "I think my semblance is Aura Regenerator." He was so distracted, Tyrian used the opportunity to strike, but was blocked by Qrow. "About time you decided to join in," said Silhouette. "You knew he was watching us?" asked Kathy. "Hey," said Qrow to Ruby and Bendy.

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