Chapter 3: Runaways and Stowaways

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Blake sighed as she looked out the deck at the sea. She looked around and saw people socializing, and made her think of her friends and the time she had with her team. Just then, she heard a small pant and a voice calling her name. "Blake..." Blake looked down, and saw Boris in a row boat, struggling to keep up. Blake then used Gamble Shroud's ribbon to fish Boris onto the boat, where the wolf fell to the ground, panting. "Boris!?!" cried Blake, "Did you really follow me this whole way with just a row boat?" "yes," wheezed Boris, "I saw you leave(pant) Vale without(pant) saying anything. (Pant)Where are you going(pant) anyway?" "Well," said Blake, "where we're going, I won't be needing this anymore." Blake then took off her bow, and let it fly out to sea. Unknown to them, they were being watched by a mysterious figure in a hooded cloak. 

It had been a while since Yang came out of her room, and she was still down. Alice then came down stairs, and her belly was now huge. Alice was 8 months into pregnancy. "Yang," said Alice, "you can't just mop around like this." Yang just turned on the TV, and they saw news of Vale in ruin. "Yang," said Alice, "it's in the past. Would Ruby want you to just sit around, mopping?" Before Yang could reply, Taiyang came in with bags and a package. "I can't wait for you to try this," he said anxiously. Yang opened the package and in it was... a robotic arm. "Wait," said Alice, "This symbol, isn't it from Atlas?" "Yes," replied Taiyang, "pure, state of the art, new Atlas tec. I thought I was gonna have to pull some strings, call in on a few favors, but this one is on you kiddo! Before I could even talk to him, General Ironwood already had one of his top scientists working on this...for you!" "Wow," said Alice, "I'd sure want to try it if I were you." Yang just looked down, and said, "I....don't feel like it right now. Maybe later?" Taiyang sighed, and Yang headed up the stairs, saying, "Thanks dad." After a few hours, Yang was busy doing chores around the house. Alice helped a little bit, even though she had to take a few brakes to catch her breath. Yang then dropped a glass, and she had a flash to the Fall of Beacon. Yang panted, and Alice quickly got up and asked, "Are you okay Yang?" "Yes," said Yang, catching her breath, "I'm cool." Taiyang saw everything, and walked away, thinking of what to do. 

Blake and Boris were talking at a table, and Blake laughed at the story Boris told. "So, wait," said Blake, "Steve made the device to make you look stronger, but instead, you tinkered with it, and the thing gave you a pie in the face?!?" "Yeah!" said Boris, "That was my April's Fools Day joke on him! But there's more; HE was the first test subject!" "OH MY MONTY!! DID HE FIND OUT YOU DID IT?!?" "No, but he is still sour talking about that." Blake then giggled, and noticed the figure watching them. Then, the waves started to get bumpier. "Um," said Boris, "What was that?" Just then, Boris and Blake turned to see a massive sea Grimm staring right at them. Boris' eyes then shrank and he whimpered, "Mother." Blake then jumped into action, and threw Gambol Shroud at the beast, and swung around the neck. Boris twisted his ears, and he let them go, and they spun around, making him fly like a helicopter. Boris then used his Arm Cannon, Big Bad Wolf, to shoot at the fin of the Grimm. Boris then saw the cloaked figure jump and reveal himself. "Sun?" Boris asked, as he saw Sun join Blake. Boris then grabbed the Grimm's 'whisker' and was rodeo style riding on it. "YEEEEEEEHHHHHHAAAAAAAAA!!!" he cried, "AS A FRIEND OF MINE WOULD SAY, 'I'M HAVING MORE FUN THAN A TORNADO IN A TRAILER PARK!!' " Boris then wounded up his ears again, and he headed up, with the Grimm chasing him. "UM GUYS!! A LITTLE HELP!?!" "YOU TWO!" called the captain, "IF YOU CAN CLIP IT'S WINGS AND DRAW IT TO THE BOW, WE CAN TAKE IT!" "BORIS, DISTRACT IT!" yelled Sun. "WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M DOING!?!?!" yelled Boris in annoyance. Sun helped Blake get to the wings of the Grimm, and she stripped them of their skin. Before the Grimm could take another shot at Blake, Boris came and rescued her and Sun, and the Grimm was head shot by the ship. Boris landed safely on the ship, and Sun held up his hand for a high-five. Instead, Blake gave him a slap to the face.

"God," said Boris that night, "I thought Alex was a stalker." "Like they've never seen a fight before," said Sun, after talking to some civilians on the boat. "What are you doing here?" asked Blake. "Digging the new outfit by the way, never did like the bow." "SUN!" said Blake as Boris facepalmed. "Have you been following me!?!" asked Blake. "I saw you ran," said Sun, "the night Beacon Tower fell. You made sure everyone was okay, and then you just ran off without saying anything." Blake looked out at the ocean view and said, "You wouldn't understand." "No I get it!" said Sun, "I know exactly what you are doing! You're going on a one-woman rampage against the White Fang!!" Boris facepalmed again while Blake said, "WHAT!?" "It makes total sense," said Sun, "They show up, trash your school, and now you wanna get even. But I can't let you do that. We Faunus gotta stick together." Boris looked at Sun with an unreadable expression before saying, "You are such an idiot." "I'm not going anywhere near the White Fang," replied Blake, "I need to sort things out." "Then why not do it with your team?" asked Sun. "Says the dude who ditched his own team and stowed away on boat from Atlas," said Boris. "Okay," said Sun, "you got me, but where are you going exactly?" "Yeah," said Boris, "you never told me that either." Blake then turned to them and said, "Menagerie." "Cool, I've never been to Menagerie, it'll be like a cool trip to the East!" Boris looked at him and said, "You're an inspiration to all those nut-cases out there."

Meanwhile, in Mistral, Cinder was next to Salem, and she was trying to do a strange thing with her arm. "It can sense your trepidation," said her master, "you must make it...dread you." Then, from the darkness of the hall, a strange Grimm came and floated next to Salem. "Cinder, I'm going to ask you one more time and I expect a clear answer. Did you kill Ozpin?" Cinder then motioned for Emerald, but Salem stopped her. "I want to hear it from you." Cinder struggled to speak, and she made a small, "Yes." from her throat. Salem then calmed down, and she turned to her creature and said, "Reinforce our numbers at Beacon. The relic IS there." The Grimm left, and Bart came in, with a Beowulf behind him. "Mad' em," he said, as he lite his cigar, "I give you, the first Creature of Grimm, with a soul and Aura." The Grimm then activated it's Aura, and a whitish black shield appeared around it. Salem smiled and said, "Excellent." "It took me awhile, but It had to give up it's savage nature to get a soul, but it will still obey you without question." Just then, the main doors opened, and revealed a very tired Edgar. He fell face first on the floor and fell asleep. "Takes him three chapters to complete his run," said Charlie, "I thought it would take him the whole volume."

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