Chapter 10: Kuroyuri

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Mater looked to Oscar and said, "You sure about this?" "Yes," said Oscar, "He said we'd put our loved ones in danger." "He, you mean that Ozpin feller?" "Yes." Oscar then climbed on Mater's tail and said, "Let's go." Mater then drove off, and he headed into the town. "I'm sorry," said Ozpin. "You know," said Oscar, "The weirdest part is how it feels. Leaving home is crazy, going to the city is crazy." "When you go on an adventure with the Dream Team, everything is crazy," said Mater. "I can agree on that," said Ozpin. "Wait, was that the Ozpin dude?" "You can hear me?" asked Ozpin. "I can now." At the station, Oscar was trying to get a ticket, but it denied him. Just then, an unknown man came and hit the machine with his fist, and the ticket came out. The man then said, "Don't let a small obstacle block your path." "Thanks!" cried Mater. "That man," said Oscar, "I felt...who is he?" "Someone from my past," said Ozpin, "Someone who should not be taken lightly." 

In Kuroyuri,

Ruby, Bendy, Jaune, Silhouette, and Qrow made it to the village. "Oh man," said Jaune. "Come on," said Ruby. They then walked through and saw all the buildings completely destroyed and ruined. "Does any of this look like a pharmacy to you guys?" asked Bendy. "It's impossible to tell," said Silhouette. "Ren really didn't want to come here, did he?" asked Ruby. "Didn't...seem so," said Bendy. "Do you know why?" asked Ruby. Jaune sighed, "I think I have a pretty good idea." After looking around the town, they heard an ominous roar. Jaune and Bendy got their swords out, and Silhouette got his rifle out. "It's far off," said Ruby. "I know," said Jaune, "But Ren, Nora, Pyrrha and the others are still out there." Ruby then looked down and said, "This is all my fault." "What?" asked Bendy. "I should have never dragged any of you into this." "Ruby," said Silhouette, "You don't need to be sad. We made a choice. We wanted to come." "But," said Ruby, "you didn't know about Tyrian, about-" "Ruby," said Jaune, "We lost our friends. And Penny, and your team, a way, your sister." "But you're still here," said Bendy, "despite everything you lost, everything that you could lose, you chose to come here. Because you felt like you could make a difference. THAT is what started the Dream Team. We wanted to make a difference. We wanted to be the ones who helped no matter what." 


Ren, Nora and the others were heading up the mountain. Gamma rolled up next to Ren and said, " not good at expressing...feelings. But, I sensed something troubling you at the junction." Ren then sighed, "That village was my home. I lost my family there. One night, my father returned home out of breath. He took me, but my mother didn't make it. My father then told me to run and take cover. I then discovered my Semblance, I can mask emotions. I then ran over to a young girl who was homeless and had no parents. I helped hide her, and the Grimm that killed everyone but us in that village almost found us, but thanks to me, I managed to get us out. That is how I met Nora. Since then, we came closer and closer and I looked after her." Just then, Steve called out, "GUYS!!" Ren and Gamma hurried up and Ren asked, "What is it?" Steve then held up a flag and asked, "What village is this from?" "That's the symbol of Shion village," replied Ren. "The one that was attacked by Bandits and Grimm?" asked Kathy. "Yes," said Pyrrha, "But what is it doing here?" "Exactly," said Nora, "It's weeks away from here." "Sensors detect remains of weapons and debris within cave tunnel!" said Gamma. Everyone ran in, and saw wood, weapons, and armor scattered across the ground. They all looked out the exit of the cave, and saw Kuroyuri. "THEY'RE IN TROUBLE!" cried Kathy. Just then, a mysterious roar could be heard.

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