Chapter 10: Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back (Part 2)

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In Menagerie, Blake and Sun were chasing the spy in the cover of darkness. Boris then called from above, "Blake, she's heading to the city. The roof tops!" "Thanks Boris," said Blake. The spy then got her weapon out and struck the steam pipe. Blake walked through the steam and Boris and Casper landed right beside her. "Why are you watching us?" asked Blake. Sun then came from behind, and said, "Give up! I'm not above hitting a girl, you kn-" The spy then shot her line at Sun. Boris then ran and grabbed the scroll. Blake fought the spy, with Casper using his claws. Casper slashed some of the mask off, and they saw her eyes. "Wait," said Blake, as the mask fell off to reveal a familiar face. "Ilia?" "You know this chick?" asked Sun, "She doesn't even a f-" Ilia then changed her skin color and she whipped Sun with her electric sword. "SUN!!" cried the three. "Give it to me!" said Ilia. Boris then stepped in, and held up his cannon, and said, "No." Ilia then changed colors again, and said, "You shouldn't have come back." Ilia then disappeared. "Nuts," said Casper, "She got away!" "We've got more pressing matters to attend to," said Boris, looking at Sun. "SUN!" cried Blake, "No, no no no no no no no not again, please! GET HELP! NOW!" "RIGHT AWAY BLAKE!" said Boris, as he and Casper flew off. 

With the Dream Team,

Everyone was taking turns helping Qrow. "Just hold on Uncle Qrow," said Ruby. Qrow then coughed. "You're gonna make it," said Bendy. "Chance of Comrade Qrow living is 20.43%" said Gamma. Steve them smacked Gamma's casing and said, "YOU'RE NOT HELPING!!" "How much farther?" asked Kathy. "We've gotta be close," said Nora. "Without the map, there's no way of knowing," said Ren, "but I feel like we're close to something." Up ahead was a junction, and signs. "What is it?" asked Silhouette. The sign lead to a town called Kuchinashi, another lead to the Kingdom of Mistral, and a final one crossed out lead to something called Kuroyuri. "Mistral! We're on the right path!!" cried Nora. She then turned to Ren, and saw his face, and realized what was wrong. "Does it say how close!?" called Ruby. "No," said Ren, "And it looks like the path takes up through the mountains." "Guys," said Pyrrha, checking Qrow's condition, "I don't know if all of us can make that climb." "What if we go around the mountain?" asked Bendy. "Yeah," said Ruby, "What about this place?" "Kuro...Kuroyuri, am I saying it correctly?" asked Silhouette. "That village was destroyed years ago," said Ren. "But," said Kathy, "If we go around the mountains, it could be our best shot." "It will take too long," replied Ren. "The town would've had a doctor right?" asked Ruby. "Maybe we could scavenge for medicine," said Pyrrha. "Yes," said Silhouette. "You're not going to find anything," said Ren, getting angry, "We just have to press on!" Everyone looked at Ren in surprise. "Ren," said Jaune, "Why are you acting-" "We can split up," said Nora. "What?" asked Kathy. "Ren and I can cut through the mountains." "I shall accompany them," said Gamma. "No, we're supposed to stick together!" said Jaune, "We keep each other safe!" "We don't have time for safe!" said Nora, "If we make it to Mistral, we'll bring back help! If we don't we'll get a better view of the land!" Qrow then coughed again, and Silhouette looked to Steve and Kathy. "You two go with Gamma," he said. "Pyrrha," said Bendy, "Would you join them please?" "But Jaune-" "Pyrrha," said Jaune, holding her hands, "I can take care of myself." He then kissed her. "Okay," said Pyrrha. So, they all took the separate paths and Ruby said, "They're gonna be fine Jaune." "You don't know that," said Jaune. "We gotta have hope," said Bendy. Silhouette looked down, and he thought he stepped in a massive track print.

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