Chapter 4: Family

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The farm boy was finished with his chores, and Mater helped him put stuff away. "Hey, um, is it okay if I stay here fer dhe night?" asked the truck. "Of course," said the boy. "Thanks Oscar," said Mater. Oscar then saw something in his reflection. "Hello," he said. It was quiet until, "Hello, I'm Professor Ozpi-" Oscar then screamed and fell down. "Wow, you okay there feller?" asked Mater.

Yang was dreaming. She was at Beacon with both her arms, and gauntlets. She then saw Adam Taurus walking up to her. She then fired, but Adam blocked all her shots. Yang went to fire again, but she had no gauntlets, and her arm was gone. She then woke up, and heard laughter. She walked down stairs and saw Taiyang, Professor Port, Dr. Oobleck, and Alice all together. "And-and- and then, Qrow comes in wearing a skirt!" cried Port. "You didn't," said Alice to Taiyang. "Hey," said Taiyang, "we told him it was a kilt. He never worn a uniform before!" Oobleck then laughed, "That is terrible! What is wrong with you!?!" "Hey, the girls all said he had nice legs! I did the jerk a favor! That's not even the best part! See, then we-" Port then put his leg up and imitated Qrow, saying "Like what you see?" The three men then burst out laughing, and Alice joined in too. Port then fell down, and even Yang giggled at the sight. "Yang," said Alice, "I didn't notice you." Yang came in and sat on the counter. "So," asked Yang, "what are you doing here?" "Despite popular belief, teachers do have a life outside the classroom," said Oobleck. "Professor Goodwitch is working around the clock to restore Beacon to it's former glory. Mistral wasn't just built in a day, and we all need some rest from time to time." "Let's not worry about that right now," said Taiyang, "So, there we were, standing in the auditorium, looking at Qrow wearing a skirt! And then Oz tells everyone: 'It's time to work on our landing strategy!'" The four then laughed, and Oobleck then said, "The Brawnen twins have always been...interesting, to say at least." "Well," said Alice, "I don't think that stopped young Tai, or Yang wouldn't be here now." The three then laughed. "Hey, c'mon man," said Taiyang, "she's right here!" "Oh please, she's a mature young woman," said Port, "If she can handle combat, she can handle a few jabs at her old man." "That's not the issue Pete," said Taiyang, "She's still a teenager." "'She' is also in the room right now, and can be spoken to directly," said Yang in annoyance, "And 'I' think I've been through enough to be considered an adult at this point." There was a short silence before Taiyang sighed, "Adult or not, you still got a long way before you're ready for the real world." "OH MY GOD! Does every father figure just have the same three condesending phrases?" "Yeah! But we only use them when we mean it!" "Is that so!?!" "As a matter of fact it is so! If you honestly think that you're ready to go out there on you're own, well, guess you lost some brain cells along with that arm!" Yang gasped, and the three at the table just stared at Taiyang. "You jerk!" said Yang, punching playfully. Taiyang and Yang both laughed, until Oobleck said, "Are we finally talking about the Goliath in the room?" Everyone then burst out into laughter. "Hey," said Alice, "I think the baby might want to rest. See you all soon." 

Later, Yang and Alice could hear the conversation outside. "So," said Port, "I hesitate to ask, but, has there been any word from young Miss. Rose and Mr. Devil?" "Not yet," said Taiyang, "I've actually got...some bigger things to tend to." Yang then looked at her new arm, and she thought. Alice, meanwhile, thought, and she looked at her belly. "Don't worry sweetie," she said, "Daddy will be back soon. He's just helping a friend." She then heard it again.

She looked out the window and said, "Who are you?"

Meanwhile, the current Dream Team were still heading on the trail. "C'mon guys!" said Ruby, "If we pick up the pace, we can get there before sunset!" "Assuming it's still there," said Jaune. "It shall be there!" said Gamma, "According to my data, Higanbana is well protected with a popular inn." "See," said Bendy, "Everything's gonna be fine." "You know," said Kathy, "With all the ups and downs, I expected there to be much more Grimm." "So did I," said Steve. "I guess our luck is finally turning around!" said Nora, "To Higanbana!" Above, Qrow was watching over the group, as the Grimm he killed off dissolve behind him.

In Higanbana, Qrow watched the group from the bar. "You know, you should really tell them if they're gonna get into this," said Silhouette, who teleported behind him, "Bendy, Steve, Kathy, and Gamma already know." "I just have to wait," said Qrow, as a waitress set a glass in front of Qrow. The two turned and the waitress said, "From the woman upstairs." The two looked up, and saw someone up there. They walked up, and Qrow sat down across from her while Silhouette stood. "Nice to see you again Raven," said Silhouette. "So," said Qrow, "What do you want?" "A girl can't just catch up with her family?" asked Raven. "She can, but you're not," said Qrow, "How about we get on with it?" Qrow then took a drink, and said, "Unless you plan on keeping these coming." Silhouette just rolled his red eyes. "Does she have it?" asked Raven. "You know you're own daughter lost her arm?" asked Silhouette. "That's not-" "Rhetorical question. We know what you know. Ozpin told the Dream Team all about Salem, the relics, and the maidens." "It's just obnoxious that you bring up family then carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist," said Qrow. "I saved her," said Raven. "Once, because that was your rule, right?" "Real 'Mom of the year' material," said Silhouette. Raven then looked stern and said, "I told you Beacon would fall, and it did. I told you Ozpin would fail, and he has. Now you tell me. Does...Salem...have it?" "I thought you weren't interested in all that," said Qrow. "I just want to know what we're up against." "And which 'we' are you referring to?" Raven then just sighed. "You should come back Raven. Only together, we can stop her." "You're the one who left! The tribe raised us...and you turned your back on them." Qrow then looked at her in disgust. "They were killers and thieves," said Qrow. "They were your family," said Raven. "Wait," Silhouette then started to glow, "did you're tribe destroy Shion? Were you the ones who slaughtered innocent lives!?!" Raven just glared at him. Silhouette then teleported right in her face, and punched her square in the face. "ANSWER ME, YOU BITCH!!" he yelled. "The strong live, the weak die, those are the rules," said Raven. Silhouette then punched Raven so hard, she bled from her mouth and nose. "Get out," said Silhouette. Raven then picked herself up, and Qrow said, "Raven, we know you have Spring." Raven then left, and Silhouette just teleported out. The waitress then dropped a glass, and Qrow turned to her and said, "Make this one a double."

The next morning, Alice awoke to a sound. She opened her eyes and saw Yang with her new arm on. "If you need me," said Yang, "I'll be with my dad, training."

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