Chapter 2: Remembrance

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Weiss walked down the hall with Alex and Esther behind her. Alex could notice Weiss was down. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," said Weiss. "Hey," said Esther, "I miss them too. After seeing all your team disburse, we all decided that at least one of us should look after you guys. So you all don't feel so lonely." Weiss looked back and smiled, "Thank you." "Good afternoon sister," said a voice, "It's nice to see you out of your room for a change." Everyone looked ahead to see a young boy with family resemblance to Weiss. "Um, who are you?" said Alex. "He's my brother," replied Weiss, "Whitley." Weiss then looked to her brother and asked, "What do you want?" "I heard father shouting with someone in his study earlier," replied Whitley. "Mother?" asked Weiss. "No, she's already drinking in the garden. I think it was a man." "General Ironwood?" asked Esther. "Why would it be him?" asked Alex. "I saw him come here at the same time as me," replied Esther. "Be strong, like Winter," said Whitley. Weiss then looked confused and said, "You never liked Winter." "Because she can do awesome shit and he can't?" asked Alex. "No, not that," said Whitley, "but anyway sister, good luck with father." "Thank you," said Weiss. Esther then turned and saw a portrait of what looked like the Schnee family. She only saw Whitley smiling.

Meanwhile, Ruby had a nightmare. She dreamt that Bendy never reached Pyrrha in time, and Cinder killed her. At that moment, she woke up and saw Pyrrha safe and unharmed. Bendy's alarm then went off.

"Bendy," said Silhouette, "Is that you?" "Yeah," said Bendy, "I set it so we could wake up on time." After packing up, Ruby, Bendy, JNPR, Steve, and the Dark Group headed off once more. Half an hour later, Ruby was looking at the map, saying, "So the next town is...... Uh-huh! Uh-huh..." "It's official," said Steve, "We're lost." "We're not lost," said Jaune, "The next town is Shion. My family and I used to visit all the time." "Say," said Kathy, "don't you have like, four sisters?" "Uh, seven," replied Jaune. "KNAH!" laughed Bendy. "You know that actually explains a lot," said Nora. Silhouette just smiled at Nora, knowing what she meant. Bendy then dropped the subject by asking, "So what did you guys do there?" "Oh," said Jaune, as he walked up to Ruby pointing to the map, "All sorts of stuff. Over here is a great hiking trail, and over here is where we used to camp all the time! I got my own tent because I was special!" "In a way," said Silhouette, receiving giggles from everyone except Jaune and Gamma. "Also so my sisters would stop braiding my hair. The present toons burst out in laughter. "Laugh it ups," said Jaune, "but I'm a 'Warrior Wolf's Tail' kind of guy." "That's a ponytail!" said Steve. Bendy then looked ahead and said, "Gang, we may have a problem." Everyone looked to see the town in ruin. Everyone ran to the town and looked around for survivors. Ren found an injured Huntsman, and the gang hurried to him. "Report on attack!" ordered Gamma. "Bandits," coughed the huntsman, "the whole tribe....and with all the panic came...." "Grimm," said Ren. "We can get him to the next village," said Ruby. "Rubes, I don't know if he'll make it," said Silhouette. "Sil, we hav to try!" said Bendy. "We can take turns carrying him." "Guys," said Ren. Everyone turned to see the huntsman dead. "Should we bury him?" asked Nora. "We should go," said Ren in a huff, "It's not safe here." Bendy then got to his knees and pounded the ground. "It's okay Bendy," said Steve. "I'm just tired of loosing everything," said Bendy. Ren and Nora then saw a track that looked familiar to them. Gamma managed to notice the twos emotions.

Back in Atlas, Weiss, Alex and Esther could hear Jacque Schnee, Weiss' father, yelling with Ironwood. "I'm not talking about the good of my company, I'm talking about the good of the Kingdom of Atlas! Our entire Kingdom!" "That is a load of garbage and you know it!" said Ironwood, as Weiss entered with Alex close behind. "Alex," whispered Esther, "we shouldn't be in here." Jacque then knocked over a glass, and before it could hit the ground, it floated in mid air. Everyone turned to see Alex with his hand out in front of him. Alex then lifted his hand up, and the glass followed. "Cool!" said Alex, "I think I just unlocked my Semblance!" "Ahem," said Jacque, "who are these two?" "Oh," said Alex, "I'm Alex, and this is my girlfriend Esther." Jacque looked at Alex and then Esther confused. Ironwood then left, and Jacque asked, "Did you forget your manners while you were away?" "No father, I'm sorry," said Weiss. "Although, she was a bit of a bit..." Weiss then elbowed Alex in the neck leaving an arm shaped dent in his posture and fell to the floor. "Can you believe that there are still people who blame Atlas for what happened in Vale? To Beacon?" "Well," said Esther, "they weren't there. So they don't know who to trust." "It's a wonder why Ironwood wasn't stripped of his rank," said Jacque, "I suppose the council trusts him, for better or worse." "I might say both," whimpered Alex, still on the floor in pain. "Thanks to him, Atlas is forbidden from exporting Dust to other Kingdoms. 'A precautionary measure' as he puts it, until we're certain that no one is going to declare war. How anyone could find that to be sound logic is beyond me." "If only you knew what was really happening," thought Esther. "Which is why the Schnee Dust Company will be holding a charity concert in the coming weeks. We need to show the people of Remanent that we're still on their side. That we are all victims of the Fall of Beacon." "That," said Alex, "sounds awesome!" "What would be more awesome," continued Jacque, "is if you performed for us." Weiss looked at her friends, and they looked at her. "I would also like to perform," said Esther. "Can you sing?" asked Jacque. Esther then took a breath and sang this song.

Jacque was speechless at the talent Esther had shown. "I believe I could play all the instruments," said Alex. "How?" asked Jacque. Alex then got a long stick, and lifted a spoon, which played on the empty glasses like a xylophone. "We will start practicing," said Weiss. "Thank you both for helping my daughter," said Jacque. "It's our pleasure," said Esther. 

After closing the door, Klien came and offered the three hot coffee. "Thank you Klien," said Weiss. Alex then tipped Klien. Klien could see Weiss was still sad, and he said, "You know what I think?" Klien then lifted up the tray, and brought it down to reveal his eyes have changed to red. "I think it's to balance out all his hot air!" he said in a high english accent. Alex, Esther and Weiss then giggled. "A-CHOO!" Klien then faked sneezed as his eyes turned to blue and imitated a woman, "Hah, heh, apologies ladies and sir. Ah-ah-ah-AH-CHOO!" Weiss then laughed again with Alex and Esther. "Nice to see you smile again," said Klien. "Thank you Klien," said Weiss.

That night, Bendy was dreaming. He couldn't see anything, but heard Alice scream. "Alice," said Bendy, "What's wrong!?!" "The baby's coming!" replied Alice. "We need to get you out of here!" said Esther. "The White Fang are getting ready to demolish this place," said an unknown voice, "no one's getting in, no one's getting out. I'm sorry." Bendy then woke up and looked at his friends. He looked at Excalibur in its sheath, and picked it up. Bendy then walked into the woods. Bendy then focused his thoughts into the sword, then he swung the blade, and it made a shot of energy shoot straight for a tree, slicing it in half. Ruby was secretly watching. "You know," said Bendy, "It's rude to just sneak up on people." "Sorry," said Ruby, "I just heard you wake up." Ruby then paused and asked, "What was that move?" "Sword Beam," said Bendy, "it works when you have absolute focus on your weapon like a sword, or even a scythe." "Could you teach me that?" asked Ruby. Bendy then smiled, "Of course. First feet apart, like this." Bendy then demonstrated and Ruby followed. "Then close your eyes." Bendy and Ruby closed their eyes. "Next, envision your weapon." Ruby pictured Crescent Rose in the mind while Bendy had Excalibur in his mind. "Now," said Bendy, "Open your eyes, and swing." Ruby followed Bendy and her Sword Beam went crooked. Ruby was embarrassed. "That was incredible Ruby!" said Bendy. "It was?" asked Ruby. "Many don't get the beam to actually appear on their first try," said Bendy, "Usually after a week is when that crooked one happens! Rubes, you've got what it takes. Remember, just get up and don't give up, no matter what." Ruby looked at Bendy and smiled, "No matter what." Bendy and Ruby then continued training for forty more minutes.

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