Chapter 9: Two Step Forward, Two Steps Back (Part 1)

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Yang was currently training with Taiyang and Alice was watching with Zwei. Yang blocked a kick, and she then punched with her new arm. Taiyang then said, "Wow, that thing packs a punch." "I know I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it," said Alice. "We've been at this for weeks," said Yang, "I get it, you want to make sure I can still fight." Yang then pounded her fists together. "I think I'm doing just fine." "You're close," said Taiyang, "You're still off balance." "What? No I'm not," said Yang, "Honestly, I'm kind of surprised." Yang then looked down at her arm and said, "I thought it would be this huge weight, but it feels...natural. They did a great job with this thing." Taiyang then came and punched Yang when she was unsuspecting and said, "I wasn't talking about your actual balance, although that could use some work too." Yang sighed, "Meaning?" "I saw your tournament fights. During the Vytal Festival." "Let me guess," Yang then imitated her dad, "'I was sloppy.'" "No, no," said Taiyang, "you were predictable." "And stubborn," added Alice. "And maybe a little boneheaded." "Defiantly." Yang then got off the ground and looked at Taiyang and Alice. "Do you realize that you used your Semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers?" asked Taiyang. "So what?" asked Yang, "How is me using my semblance any different from someone else using theirs?" "Well, for starters," said Alice, "Not everyone has a temper tantrum to get stronger." "Hey," said Taiyang, "Once you take damage, you can dish it back out twice as hard, but that doesn't make you invincible." Yang then looked at her dad and he continued, "It's great when you're in a bind, but what happens if you miss?" "Or if they're stronger?" added Alice. "What then, now you're just weak and tired!" Yang then looked at the ground. "You've always been the one to burn brighter than everyone else, whether it was with your smile, or,...well, I remember your first hair cut." "I imagine that didn't go too well," said Alice, "But that's besides the point, you need to learn to keep your emotions under control." "Keep a level head, and think before you act," said Taiyang, "you're semblance is a great fallback, but you can't let yourself rely on it. It wouldn't always save you. Obviously." Taiyang then paused before saying, "You defiantly have your mom's stubbornness." "Oh," said Yang in annoyance, "NOW we can talk about her?" "Well, as I have been informed, you're an adult now, remember?" said Taiyang. "Well, sorry I remind you of her," said Yang. "Don't be," said Taiyang, "Raven was great in so many ways- her strength, her ambition, her dedication to whatever cause she thought was worth fighting for. I'm proud of how much I see of her in you. But, I'm glad I don't see all of her in you." "Why?" asked Alice and Yang in unison. Taiyang then sighed, "Your mother was... a complicated woman. Like everybody, she had her faults, but those faults are what tore our team apart. And, did a real number on our family. Both you act like the easiest way to tackle an obstacle is through it. That strength is all that matters in a fight." "But if you just stop for a minute," said Alice, getting up, and walking around Yang, "you might find a way around as well." "C'mon," said Taiyang, "one more before dinner." Yang accepted, and Yang managed to block her dad's punches and he said, "See, now you're using your head instead of you..." Yang then knocked him off his feet and caught him before he fell to the ground.

In Atlas,...

Weiss was in thought when Alex came in. "How was your cameo?" asked Esther. "Nice," replied Alex, "I just couldn't wait until this chapter." They then turned to Weiss, who was still focusing. "Remember Weiss," said Esther, "you can use more than just anger to master your abilities. Think of the times you had with your friends, the ones who helped make you who you are today." Weiss then twirled and she put her blade on the floor, and a Summoning Glyph appeared. The two Toons watched in anticipation. "C'mon Weiss," said Alex, "Focus. Think of the form you want, and it will appear." "Hello sister," said a voice. Everyone turned to see Whitley standing at the door, with a little black eye. "Leave, you ass," said Alex. "How hurtful," said Whitley sarcastically, "And here I am, about to offer you a favor. Father's taking me to town to introduce me to some of his business partners. I wanted to see if you wanted me to pick you up anything since you're,...well stuck here." Weiss then thought of something. "Are you jealous? Is that it?" "Whatever do you mean?" asked Whitley. Esther then caught on, "You are. You're jealous of your sisters' abilities." "No, that's not it," said Whitley, "honestly, I find it barbaric. It's beneath people like me. Like father. What can a single huntsman do that an army could not? That's why we have one, even if it is run by a fool." "I said," Weiss then had sternness in her voice, "Leave." "Alright," said Whitley, "Enjoy your," Alex then calmly strolled up to Whitley, and then smacked him in the back with his hammer, right through the wall. "Good riddance you bastard," said Alex, slamming the door. Weiss then returned, and she created a knight. It was summoned, and it created a shockwave that shattered the glass. "Mrs. Schnee! Are you-" Klien saw what she did, and Esther said to him, "Yes, she's better than okay. She's ready." "Ready for what?" asked Alex, crosseyed. "To go with us to find the others."

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