Chapter 5: Menagerie

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The ship's horn blares, and the plank to the dock lowers. Boris, Blake and Sun walk off, and the males are impressed. "Wow," said Sun, "I've never seen so many Faunus in one place!" "Just look at the size of this place!" said Boris. "This is the one place where everyone can feel safe, no matter who or what they are." Boris then walked off to a stand, and asked for 5 apples. "That will be 20 lien," said the Faunus. Boris looked through his pockets and his wallet and said, "Do you accept paper money from Earth?" as he pulled out an American $20 bill. "Sure is, um, crowded here," said Sun. "I kinda like it," said Boris, "reminds me of the time Bendy Alice and I all worked for the one who must not be named back in New York. But why is it cramped?" "Well," said Blake as they walked, "when you take an entire species and put them on an island that is two-thirds desert, yeah, it tends to be cramped." "Well, why just stay here and not go over there?" asked Boris, munching on one of his apples. "Yeah," said Sun, "a little desert never hurt anyone." "It's not like the desert in Vacuo guys. The wildlife here is much more dangerous than most other regions." "So," said Sun, "they give us a terrible island in the corner of Remnant to try to shut us up?" "I feel like that's summing it up in a nutshell," said Boris. "We've tried to make the best of things," said Blake, as the three made it to the top of the hill. They saw the village and it was breath taking. "Wow," said Boris and Sun in unison. "This is Kuo Kuana." "It's beautiful," said Boris, "the view from the Hollywood sign on Earth's got nothing on this!" "I love this place!" said Sun, "Why would anyone wanna leave here!?" "That's not the point Sun," said Blake, "we asked to be treated like equal, just like everyone else, but instead, we were given an island and told to make what we could. So we did the best we could. We came together and made a home any Faunus could feel welcome. But this island, this town, will always be a reminder that we're still not equal." Blake then sighed, "That we're still second-class." Boris put a reassuring hand on Blake's shoulder. "Know that you will never be looked on as a second class in the Dream Team," he said, "So, where are you from?" Blake then pointed to the big house at the end of the road. "That's yours?" asked Boris.

Blake went to knock, but was hesitant. "It's okay Blake," said Boris, "they'll be happy to see you again." Blake then knocked, and it made an echoing sound. "That was a little intimidating," said Sun. "Hey, that was just loud to me," said Boris, rubbing his ears "you try having ears as tall as mine, and on the top of your head." The door opened, and an elderly Faunus with cat ears and black hair opened and looked at Blake. Blake then lowered her ears nervously and said, "Hi mom." Blake's mother just hugged Blake, who slowly returned the hug. Just then, a male voice called, "Kali, who is it?" The voice belonged to a large Faunus with a purple robe, and a blackish-brown beard. He then saw Blake, and his expression slowly changed to happiness. "I guess that's your old man?" asked Boris. 

Later, the Belladonnas, Sun and Boris, were all sitting down drinking tea. "We were horrified when we heard the news," said Kali, "the Kingdom of Vale wasn't perfect, but it certainly didn't deserve what happened. We were both so worried." Ghira chuckled, "Please, I knew she'd be fine." "You know," said Boris, "when ever a father says that, they were the ones who freaked out the most." "Yes," said Kali, "I must say, Boris, I don't think we've ever seen a Faunus like you before." "Oh, I'm not a Faunus," said Boris, "I'm actually from another planet all together, but don't tell anyone that." "My," said Ghira, "so you're an alien?" "Yeah, I guess you could say that. I mean, we live among humans where we come from." "Are you discriminated?" asked Kali. "We Toons were created by humans. Our whole purpose in life is to make people laugh. While some of us actually help defend the world too. I'm part of the greatest team ever known: the Dream Team. You're daughter's team is a part of it, and she is proud to represent the Dream Team." "Yeah," said Sun, "your daughter has some great moves." Ghira then looked at him and asked, "What do you mean by that, Mr. Wukong?" Boris then chuckled and said, "Look Mr. Belladonna, Sun has not made any sexual moves on Blake...yet." "BORIS!" cried Blake. "What," said Boris, "I'm just making a joke, right Casper?" "Yeah, of course he is," said Casper Crow. It took 5 seconds before the two toons realized who they were talking to. "WAIT! CASPER/BORIS!?!" "You know each other?" asked Blake. "That's right," said Kali, "your friend came arrived here 2 days ago, looking for you and your friends. He's been helping out here." "What are you doing here?" asked Boris. "I came here with Mater looking for you guys after Bendy disappeared almost a year ago," said Casper, "then Alice, Silhouette, Alex and Esther the next day, then you after them, and Steve, Kathy, and Gamma came after you guys five weeks after that. Everyone else is holding down the fort for us." Just then, there was a knock at the door. "Darn it," said Ghira, "I completely forgot about the meeting! One moment." "Is everything okay?" asked Blake, as Ghira went to the door. "Yes," said Kali, "just bad timing. He can reschedule. He's just been having a hard time dealing with them lately." "Dealing with who?" asked Blake. "The White Fang," said Kali. Boris then spit out his tea and said "WHAT!?!" Blake, Boris, and Sun ran to the door, and saw two members there. "Miss Belladonna," said one of the members, "we had no idea you had returned." "ALRIGHT!" said Boris, holding up his arm cannon with stun settings, "YOU BOTH GOT TEN SECONDS TO GET OUTTA HERE, AND BACK WITH YOU'RE OTHER PYSHO BITCHES!!" "Boris, please," said Ghira, "This is Corsas and Fennec Albain. They represent the White Fang in Menagerie now." "Are we talking about the calm ones, or the ones who were at Beacon?" asked Boris. "What do you mean?" asked Casper. Blake then stepped up and said, "The White Fang were at the Fall of Beacon. They attacked innocent civilians, and released Grimm into the school." Ghira then looked at Corsas and Albain and asked, "Is this true?" Corsas and Albain looked at each other and Albain said, "Sadly yes, your grace." Boris then charged up his cannon and said

"Boris!" said Ghira, "That's not necessary. Explain yourselves."  Corsas answered, "Though it pains us to admit it, it has become apparent that the Vale branch of the White Fang is no longer operating under orders of High Leader Khan. Rather, they've elected to follow the rule of one Adam Taurus. I believe that you're all familiar with the young adept and his...extreme philosophies." "You know," said Sun, "Beacon wasn't the first the Fang started shooting up in Vale!" "So cut the Bullshit!" said Boris. "The high council had a suspicion of a splinter group," said Albain, "but they could prove nothing until this latest incident." "Incident?!?" cried Blake, "PEOPLE...ARE...DEAD!" "And it is a tragedy," said Corsas. "Your grace," said Albain, "we came here to assure you that Brother Taurus and his followers do NOT represent the will of the White Fang." "And you've done a great job of that," mumbled Boris in sarcasm. "And how can I be sure of that?" asked Ghira. "We understand if you bear any skepticism towards these claims," said Corsas, "The White Fang's tactics are admittedly more aggressive since you stepped down as High Leader and became Chieftain of Menagerie. We wish for you to see that these strays are delt with and punished." "I will," said Ghira, "but first, I would like some time to reconnect with my daughter." "Very well," said Corsas. "Miss Belladonna, if you wish to return to us, Sister Ilia would be elated!" Boris then slammed the door right in their faces hard. "It's hard to just forgive them over night," said Boris, "even if those two mean no harm." "Yeah," said Sun, "those guys were creepy." Ghira just looked at Sun and said, "I really don't like you." "JOIN THE CLUB!" said Boris from the other side of the hall. Meanwhile, Corsas and Albain were walking down, whispering to themselves. "Should we inform Brother Adam?" asked Albain. "We shall," said Corsas.

In the bar, the waitress was cleaning up her mess. "Excuse me," said a voice. She looked up and saw Tyrian, who said, "I was wondering if you could help me...find someone." He then cackled manically.

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