Chapter 11: Control

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Cinder was being put through so much training. She was slicing and burning through all Grimm. She was panting hard after a huge wave of them came. Salem came in with Bart and the Beowulf he experimented on. "I thought you were the girl who wanted power," said Salem, "Did you lie to me?" Bart would've said something, but he could tell that was suicide. Cinder turned and shook her head. "Then stop holding back," said Salem, "If you wish to master your powers, you must-" The doors opened and in came a weeping Tyrian. Tyrian then got on his knees and whimpered, "She'll forgive me. PLEEEEEEASE, forgive me...." "Tyrian," said Salem. Tyrian then got up and faced Salem. Your task...were you successful?" "I don't see Bendy with you!" yelled Bart. "Bart," said Salem, "Let him talk." "N-no," whimpered Tyrian, "But-but hope is not lost! My tail! My stinger! I poisoned him, Qrow! He will no longer be a nuisance to you any longer, longer. I've done that!" The Beowulf looked at him in disgust. "H-h-h-have I done well? Have I pleased you?" Salem remained quite before saying, "The last eye is blinded...You disappoint me. Come." The Beowulf then followed Salem and Bart looked at Tyrian and said, "You're not even worth a proper spit." Bart then spat on the ground in front of Tyrian. Tyrian then started to sob very hard. The Butcher Gang saw everything and started to laugh at Tyrian. That was until a lone Beowulf attacked, and Tyrian started to slice at it in tears, before laughing like a psychopath. During this, Charlie said to Cinder, "Remind me never to get on his bad side. Also, we got this." Charlie got a ball from his pocket and said, "It's a prosthetic eye. Your eyes won't be the same colors, but at least you'll be able to see fully again." "You know what," said Edgar, "I'm gonna do 25 more laps around the world." Edgar then got out five cups of coffee, and chugged them all down, spazzed out and ran through the wall again, and headed off in the distance.

On Patch, 

Yang was painting her arm and upgraded Ember Celica. Alice came out and said, "They're perfect Yang." The two then went to the shed, and Yang got out her bike. "I don't remember saying you two were ready," said Taiyang. "Oh yeah?" asked Yang, "You're gonna try and stop me?" "No, I still think I'm too sore from our last fight. I just wanted a better goodbye than a letter. And I also have a question for you." Yang and Alice turned to him and he asked, "Where are you going?" "What do you mean?" asked Alice. "Well," said Taiyang, "despite him numerous time NOT to, I know that Qrow told her where her mother's been at these days. I know how much you wanna see her. I've stopped you in the past, but I'm won't anymore." Taiyang then looked at the girls and said, "And we all read the note. We know they're heading to Mistral. So, where are you two going." Alice replied with, "To find our friends and family."

In Atlas,

Weiss looked out the door, and Esther followed, while Alex sneaked around, hiding behind all objects and making a song.

"ALEX!" whispered Weiss, "BE QUIET!" They all sneaked into the library, where Klien was waiting for them. "Are you sure Mistral is safe?" he asked. "No, but it's where I'll find Winter," replied Weiss. "I suppose she'll be the only family you'll have left after tonight," said Klien. "No," said Alex, "The Dream Team, Team RWBY, we'll be her family along with Winter." "Besides," said Weiss, "I'll always have you." They then headed down the secret passage. "I know what you're feeling Weiss," said Esther, "My kingdom was destroyed, and I had to leave everything behind. The service, the fancy rooms, but I met Alex, the greatest treasure I ever found." She then kissed her boyfriend, and they all smiled.

In Menagerie,

Sun was waking up, and he saw Blake facing away. "This," she said, "This is why Sun. This is why I left them behind." "You okay Sun?" asked Boris. "I'm done seeing my friends hurt because of me." "Blake," said Sun. "Shut up! Do you think I like being alone? Every day...EVERY DAY I think about them! Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Bendy, Alice, Alex, Everyone,...they were my friends! I left them like I thought I could never love anybody. And I hope they hate me for leaving!" Boris then got up, and slapped Blake. "DON'T SAY THAT! DO EVEN THINK FOR A SECOND THAT THEY HATE YOU!!" Boris then sighed, "I'm sorry, but we choose to do this. WE choose to put our lives a risk, because our friendship is more important than our lives. I have seen people give their lives for others, just to give them a chance, even if THEY didn't deserve it. That's what Yang did. SHE tried to help you. She may have lost her arm because of that, but she did it because she wanted to help protect you. Silhouette was the same once. It was only because of us, his frien... no, his family, that we were able to show him that pushing us away, hurts more than a knife or bullet ever could." Blake then hugged Boris and said, "Thank you. I needed some sense knocked into me." Just then, the door fell and Kali was on top, with Ghira outside with her. "Oh dear, would you look at that! He's awake! Thank goodness!" "Kali, please," said Ghira. "MOM!" cried Blake. "Hey Mrs. B," said Sun. "Deja Vu," said Boris. "What are you doing!?" asked Blake. "Well, sweetheart, your father needed to talk with the four of you." "What's up?" asked Casper. Ghira then put down the Scroll Boris stole from Ilia, and on it, were files of the targets of the schools. "I'm afraid you were right to be suspicious," said Ghira. "What do you mean?" asked Blake. "Adam Taurus is planning to overthrow the leader of the White Fang, and stage a full-scale attack on Haven Academy. It will be the Fall of Beacon all over again." Sun then said, "Not if we destroy the White Fang once and for all!" Blake then said, "No. We're not going to destroy the White Fang. We're going to take it back!" "YEAH! WOOOOOOWHO!" cheered Boris and Casper, "LET'S KICK SOME BUTT!"

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