Chapter 7: Punished

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"Hey Osc," said Mater, "Supper's almost ready, ya aunt asked me to get ya." "We have to leave," said Ozpin. "You okay bud?" asked the truck. Oscar then just talked to himself, and Mater let him be.

In Atlas

"Unbelievable!" said Jacques, "Absolutely unbelievable! Do you have any idea what your stunts have cost us!?!" "I-" said Weiss. "AND DON'T THINK I'M JUST TALKING ABOUT LEIN HERE!" shouted Jacques, "Our reputation, our... our...." He then sighs. Weiss then breaks the silence with, "I want to leave." "I beg your pardon?" asked Jacques. "I said, I want to leave! I don't want to stay here anymore! I don't even want to stay in Atlas anymore." "Young lady, I don't give a damn about what you want!" Alex had enough. "WHY!?" he yelled, "Because she, just wanted to say what was on her mind!? WE know what was going on at Beacon! WE were the ones who helped people!" "THIS ISN'T ABOUT HER! THIS IS ABOUT THE SCHNEE FAMILY NAME AND YOUR APPARENT INSISTENCE ON DRAGGING IT THROUGH THE MUD!!" "I HAVE HEARD OF ALL THE BULLSHIT YOU HAVE DONE!! WIESS HAS DONE NOTHING BUT UPHOLD YOUR FAMILY NAME!!!" "A name that you married into!" said Esther. Jacques then slapped Esther across the face. Alex then retaliated with a punch to the face. "YOU DON'T TOUCH HER OR WEISS, YOU BASTARD!!" Jacques then got up and said, "You two get out now!" "NO!!" said Weiss, "They're staying with me!" Jacques then sighed and said, "This behavior of yours is incredibly disappointing. You couldn't possible understand the lengths I've gone to in order to keep this family where it is. You think running off like your sister is gonna make the Schnee name stronger, you're wrong. Siding with her only divides us." "I'm not siding with anyone," said Weiss. "None of us are," said Esther, "She is just doing what she feels is right." "And it does not include wasting my time up here with these clueless people in Atlas!" said Weiss, "The Schnee family legacy isn't yours to leave. It's mine! And I'll do it as a Huntress." Jacques then stopped and said, " won't. You're not leaving Atlas. You're not to leave the manor grounds unless I specifically allow it. You are going to remain here, out of sight and out of trouble, until you and I come to an agreement on your future." "WHAT!?" said the three Dream Team members. "Your presupposition that you can just have whatever you want is a clear sign of out failure as parents. But from now on, I'll be giving you the full attention you require, starting by keeping you where I can see you." "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" said Esther. "I can, and the staff here will make sure of it," countered Jacque. "So now I'm just your prisoner!?" exclaimed Weiss. "You're my daughter, and children get punished when they misbehave. "Weiss is a valued member of the Dream Team, and we will uphold the honor!" said Alex. "Besides," said Weiss, "People will ask why the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company is suddenly nowhere to be found!" "Which is why you are no longer the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. Clearly the trauma at the Fall of Beacon has been too much for you. Which is why you have generously revoked your claim to the company and it's earnings and passed them onto your brother." "Why would you do that?" asked Alex. "I just," "THAT WAS RETORICAL ASSHOLE!!" Weiss then yelled out the door, "Whitely!!" "Yes, sister?" replied her brother. "Did you know about this?" asked Weiss. "About what?" asked Whitley. Alex then grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up and said, "Cut...the...bullshit!" "You never liked Winter. You never liked me! But you've been nothing but supportive since the moment I came back!" Esther then realized, "You wanted this to happen!" "Don't fret," said Whitley, "The Schnee family name is in good hands." Alex then lost his temper for real, and he grabbed Whitely by the neck, and slammed him in the floor. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!" he yelled, "YOU ARE EVEN WORSE THAN YOUR FATHER!" "You say that like it's a bad thing," said Whitley. Alex then knocked him out with his hammer. Weiss then retreated to her room, and wept. "Weiss," said Esther, "Jacques can keep you here, but he can't stop you from training." Alex then held Weiss' rapier and she smiled at the two.

In Oniyuri,

"Well, as I live and breath. Qrow Branwen," said Tyrian, "A true Huntsman has entered the fray!" Ruby then got up and said, "I don't know. This guy's weird." Qrow then looked to Tyrian and said, "Look pal, I don't know who you are, but you need to leave my niece and her friend alone." Tyrian the chortles, "Why, friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from her grace was to retrieve the young girl and devil. So, that is what I must do. One does not upset the Queen." Bendy then narrowed his eyes and said, "I knew it was Salem." "Who?" asked Ruby. "Ruby, I'll explain after we kick his butt." Bendy then twirled Excalibur and faced Tyrian with Qrow. "I think we've had enough talk now, don't you?" asked Tyrian. Bendy then said, "Fine,...let's dance."

 Tyrian charged, but Bendy blocked, and Qrow slashed, but Tyrian dodged. Soon the three were exchanging blows. Ruby then got to a building roof. Tyrian then disarmed Qrow and Bendy. Ruby then shot at Tyrian. He then taunted her by dodging with his tail. Qrow then cracked his knuckle, and he punched Tyrian unsuspectingly. Bendy then jumped and used homing attacks on him, and he ran for his weapon. Silhouette then came and used his homing attack, which included close-combat(like Shadow's in Sonic 06) while Qrow got his sword back. Silhouette was then punched back, and Tyrian ran over to Qrow and Bendy. Ruby then ran to defend Qrow and Bendy. "RUBY! GET BACK!" said Qrow. "THIS IS MY FIGHT TOO!" "Do you wish to be taken as well?" asked Tyrian. "No," replied Ruby, "but I won't stand and watch the ones I love get hurt." Ruby then attacked, but Tyrian dodged. Qrow then came in and saved Ruby from getting hit by a loose board, but left himself open, and Tyrian slashed him with his tail. (end video) Ruby then sliced Tyrian's tail off. Tyrian was then about to attack Ruby, but Bendy grabbed his tail, and started to spin around. Soon, he was spinning around, dust started to pick up. Bendy then let go and said, "SO LONG, GAY TYRIAN!" Tyrian was then thrown into the sky. "Qrow!" called Bendy. "You okay Uncle Qrow?" asked Ruby. "I'm fine," said Qrow. "What's going on?" asked Ren. "Who was that guy?" asked Nora. "Why are people after Ruby and Bendy?" asked Jaune. Bendy then looked at Pyrrha, Kathy, Gamma, Steve, and Silhouette. They nodded and Bendy said, "What's your favorite fairly tale?"

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