Tears, Cookies, Hugs, Happiness

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Clays POV (5)
I was swinging on the monkey bars and having a fun time, my mom was talking to her old lady friends so I could do what I wanted

I kept swinging and swinging until I missed, and fell on my back, it really hurted, so bad that I started crying, I tried to call to my mom but I couldn't make a noise, it felt like all of my air went away.

I kept crying and then a little boy came up to me, he had cool glasses on, a blue T-shirt with some words I couldn't read on it, he had jeans on that had a little bit of dirt on them and he had fluffy brown hair that was a little messed up, it looked like he had been playing.

"Are you ok" he asked in a really nice voice, like when my mom would tuck me in

I shook my head and sniffled, he held out his hand to help me up and smiled at me, I took it and he walked me over to a spot on the mini bench.

"Is it ok if I touch you?" He asked me

I nodded, I didn't really know what he was gonna do, but he didn't seem like a bad guy.

He wiped the tears off of my face and hugged me, I hugged him back and it felt nice and safe, he pulled away and reached into a bag behind him

"Do you want a cookie" he said with a pretty smile

"Yes please" I said with a quiet voice, it still sounded like I was crying

He passed me one, I said thank you, and I started to eat it, he ate one with me, and once we were finished he asked me something

"What's your name?"

"I'm Clay, you're really kind, what's your name?"

"My name is George" he said shyly

"I like your voice George, it sounds really nice"

His face went a little pink and he looked down at his lap

"Thanks, I'm from the Uk, it's my accent"

"Cool" I say laughing

"Will you be my friend Clay, nobody ever talks to me" he asked me looking like he would cry, just like I did

"I would love to be your friend, do you want to have a play date later, if our moms say yes?" I say hopefully, he looks down

"Did I say something to make you sad George, I'm sorry"

"I-I don't have a mum, just two dads" he whispered


"Do you hate me" he asked me, a tear going down his face

"No, it may not be what people say is normal, but it's not much different from having a mum and dad, your dads love you right?"

He nodded at me, sniffling

"Well, that's all that matters" I pulled him in for another hug and he hugged me back

"Let's go ask our parents, cmon" I say, grabbing his hand

He picked up his lunch bag and let me lead him over to my mom who was hanging out with a bunch of other adults.


"Yes, what is it honey" she smiled at me

"This is my new friend George! We wanted to know if we could have a play date" I looked at her with puppy dog eyes

"I suppose so, where are your parents?" She asked, asking George the last question obviously

He pointed at two men talking to each other at a picnic table

"Those are my dads" he said

My mom nodded and stood up, using a finger motion to tell us to follow her.

She walked up to them and me and George followed, still holding each other's hands.

"Hey, you're George's parents correct?" She asked the people sitting

"Yes, what's up, did he do something wrong" the boy with dark brown hair said

"Oh no no, him and my son Clay wanted to have a play date later, so I wanted to see if we could maybe work something out" she said smiling at them

"Oh that sounds fun, good to hear he's making new friends, how about we talk about this and they can go back to playing" the boy with dark brown hair spoke again.

My and George listen, running off to go and play on the slides.

We both went down the slides next to each other, giggling as we went down, I really like his laugh, I thought to myself.

After a while, our parents came to get us, we gave each other a hug goodbye and left to our own cars, I was a little said but my mom said I could see him again tomorrow, so that was good enough for me, he made me really happy, and he also made this weird tickly feeling in my stomach appear, but it was easy enough to just ignore it.

Words: 820
Time: 45 minutes
Extras: sorry it's so short, I wanted to do a double upload for people who don't like smut :), I thought this was really wholesome and adorable <3 I hope you liked it!! Thanks so much for 200 reads, I by no means deserve it xxx
The votes are very appreciated too 🥺❤️

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