Meet ups

944 27 28

George's POV
Me and Clay were on a phone call, it's been about 2 hours and there's been some weird background noise on his end, when he asked a random question,

"Why do you like calling so much? texting is just so much better" Clay asked

"Well..." I started but didn't continue

"Well what?" He asked

"Nothing, it's- it's stupid"

"Cmon, just tell meeee" he whined out

"I just- I like hearing your voice" I sighed

"Aweeee" he cooed

"I know you think it's dumb-"

"I think that's adorable George" he cut me off, a smile showing through his voice, making blood rush to my cheeks

"So will you keep calling" I asked with hope filling my voice

"Of course, anything for you baby" he giggled

I sighed


"It'll be more then just my voice soon" he said mischievously

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see- um I have to go bye, love you!" was all he said before hanging up

" you too" I whispered, just to myself, I knew he couldn't hear me

Clay POV
I felt really bad about hanging up on him so abruptly but it was boarding time, I quickly packed up my things into my backpack and searched around for my ticket.

After a few seconds of rummaging through my bag I found it, and went to go stand in line.

When just a bunch of boring stuff was over- the boarding, safety video, announcements- I buckled my seatbelt and and the plane started to taxi down the runway.

Eventually we took off, it was 6 am and I had been up since like 2, so I decided to take a nap, I didn't want to be too sleep deprived when I met up with him for the first time.

I woke up as we hit a bit of turbulence, checking the screen in front of me to see how much time was left, 25 minutes, nice.

I just distracted myself with my thoughts as I waited, how would he react? I can't wait to finally see him in person! I hope he's happy to see me.

I was pulled from my trance by the speakers saying someone along the lines of 'I hope you enjoyed your flight, please make sure to take your bags down safely blah blah blah'

After getting to the baggage claim and picking up my one big suitcase I called a taxi.

I told him the address that I knew from sending George letters and after a bit of driving we got there. I paid, tipped, and thanked the driver and walked up to his door, the giant bag I was holding only slightly making things more difficult.

I set it aside and knocked on the door, hearing a faint groan, if I were him I'd be confused at who was showing up to my house at 9pm too.

He opened it and his face lit up, I quickly picked him up and pulled him close for a hug, he wrapped his legs around my waist and hugged back, stuffing his face into my shoulder.

"Hi" I said happily

"What- how did you- wow" he questioned

"I'm so happy to see you" I said with a sigh of content

"So am're even prettier in person" he mumbled

"And you're even cuter in person" I remarked 

He just buried his face deeper into my shoulder

"How long are you here for- do you wanna stay with me"

"I'll be here for a month...I'd loved to as long as you're sure it's ok"

"I'm sure, it would be great to have you around" he laughed

"I'm glad"

"Here, come inside you must be hungry"
He said, getting himself down from my arms

I followed, making sure to grab my suitcase, and we made our way to the kitchen.

"I actually haven't had dinner yet either, I'll make something for the both of us" he said digging through his fridge, clearly looking for something.

"Umm go have a sit on the couch, It'll be done in like...45 minutes" he pointed towards the living room

I complied, going to the couch and pulling out my phone. Before I knew it he was calling me back to the kitchen with two plates on the counter.

He made pork chops and broccoli, it honestly looked amazing, I didn't know George could cook.

I sat down next to him and flashed him a smile,

"Bon appetit" he giggled


After finishing dinner we headed to bed, because I slept on the plane, I wasn't too tired, but I wanted to make sure he got enough rest.

We cuddled up to each other and he fell asleep in a matter of minutes, his small frame fit perfectly in my arms, he looked so precious and his steady breathing was oddly peaceful, I could definitely get used to this.

I gave him a kiss on the forehead and pulled him closer, trying to go to sleep as well, I would definitely be up early tomorrow.

Words: 840
Time: 1.5 hours
Extras: why does this have 2000 reads...plz explain

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