Self Discovery

775 13 18

George's POV
It was an average day in the village, nothing new or exciting, but that was just expected at this point.

I headed out to the community stables to get my horse, it had been two days since I took her out so I had to get around to that as soon as possible.

When I got to there I got a brush and some oats for her, as a special treat. I combed her black and white spotted coat in gentle strokes, and eventually got to her beautiful black mane.

I decided I would take her out today, I closed her stable and opened the barn door, and then returned, reopening her door and carefully hoisted myself on her back, and guided her out the door, and slid off, I closed the barn and she stayed put.

After I got back up on her I brought her to a trot, we started our way around the riding tracks that were hear, I kept ahold of her mane and concentrated on my balance.

All of a sudden she misses a step, catching her foot on a rock, it caught her so off guard she whinnied and started rearing, I wasn't prepared and fell off the back of her, it knocked the wind out of me and I quickly scurried away, making sure that she wouldn't land on me or back up and step on me.

I had landed on my left hand, I'm pretty sure I fucked up my wrist, tears ran down my face from the extreme amount of pain rushing through my body, impact, torn muscles, and a cut on my right forearm from a sharp stone on the ground that had a bit of blood coming from it.

I couldn't make a single sound even if I tried, my lungs burned and I tried to take a breath, that was the last thing I remembered before fainting from the lack of oxygen.

When I woke up I was on someone's lap, there was a first aid kit right next to us on the hay bail we were sat on and there were dried tears on my face, new ones starting to cover them, my tailbone was in even more pain than before.

"Can I clean your wounds and such? I wanted to wait until you were conscious and I could actually ask you until I did it, I would've done the same thing for picking you up but you probably would've been trampled and killed by a bunch of horses" he said politely

"U-uhm sure" I stuttered, I was completely dizzy and had a pounding headache

He reached into the little kit, grabbing cotton pads, bandages and some isopropyl alcohol.

He put a little bit of the alcohol onto a cotton pad,

"This will sting a little" he said bracing me for it

I nodded and he put it up to my forearm, I winced and he gave me a look of sympathy, and made sure be gentle whilst cleaning away the dirt, bacteria, and dried blood.

He then put a bit of ointment on it and bandaged up the decently deep cut.

"I'm assuming your lower back is really bruised, I can give you some cream to put on it if you'd like"

"It's ok, this has happened before...I'm basically crying over spilt milk" I said with a sniffle

"You forcefully fell off of something from like five and a half feet in the air, of course you'll be crying, that probably hurts a lot" he remarked

I just shrugged and sighed

"I'm Clay by the way, what's your name?" He asked

"I'm George" I said giving him a shy smile

"Cute name"

"Thanks" I said blushing at his comment

"You're welcome, do you live on first way? I feel like I recognize you" he questioned

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