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George's POV
Clay, Nick and I had finally arrived at the campsite and we had to hurry to set up our tent, we got there at about 6, which is an hour later than we expected so we had to be quick before sunset.

It was a little bit of a struggle but we finished it with a little bit of time to spare to start up a quick campfire to cook a quick dinner and eventually some s'mores, which I've actually never tried before.

While Clay and Nick were making the food I went to bring our stuff into the tent, I grabbed all three of our backpacks, water bottles, the 2 throw blankets we brought, but I found everyone's sleeping bag except for my own.

This is definitely going to be annoying.

After about 5 more minutes of waiting the food was ready, I sat on Clays lap as we ate our slightly charred hotdogs and the three of us talked about whatever came to mind. The second I was finished I started asking about the s'mores, I'd been excited to try them all day, Clay said that they were really good and clearly he has good taste.

When I was roasting my marshmallow I accidentally set it on fire but it still tasted amazing, I was licking the melted chocolate off of my fingers when Clay reached over to my face and wiped a bit of the sticky white substance off the corner on my mouth with his thumb, giggling at my sloppiness in the process.

Only about 20 minutes later I started to feel extremely exhausted,

"Can we go to sleep?" I whispered with a yawn and turned my head to face Clay

"Of course sweetheart" he said planting a kiss on my forehead and we stood up, throwing away our paper plates from dinner and making our way into the tent.

"Where's your sleeping bag George?" He said looking around the stuff piled on the floor.

"I have no idea, I packed it but I can't find it anywhere" I whined

"I'll just have to use one of the blankets we brought" I said sighing

"You'll freeze, you could share with me if you want" he suggested with a flushed face

"Are you sure.?"

"Yeah, there should be enough room because of how small you are, you're like barely even half of a person" he said ruffling my hair

"Im average size" I argued with an eye roll

"Whatever you say Georgie-poo"

He started rolled out his sleeping bag and unzipped it, making enough room for both of us to get in.

He laid on his back and I laid down on top off him with my head barely poked out of the cozy material, it's not my fault, he's just unusually tall.

My face was stuffed into his chest and his arms were wrapped around me, I felt calm and content listening to the quiet thumping of his heart as I slowly drifted into a calm slumber.


I woke up to the sound of someone trying to desperately muffle their giggles, I turned towards the noise and ended up face to face with Nick who's face was slightly red from laughing, he had his phone in his hand and the camera was pointed in our general direction.

I quickly slid out of the cramped sleeping bag and threw myself onto him, tackling him to the floor and trying to grab his phone, but to my dismay I couldn't get it out of his grasp, he forcefully pushed me off of him and I crossed my arms and snarled at him, 

"Delete them" I demanded

"What do you mean Georgie-poo" he taunted

"Oh fuck off, you know what I mean" 

"Do not" 

"Do too"

"Do not" 

"Do too"

"Do not!" 

"Do too!" 

"Both of you stop bickering like fucking children!" Clay said raising his voice, followed by an irritated groan.

We both went silent for a few seconds before me and Nick erupted into a fit of laughter, Clay rolled his eyes at us and then sat up.

"Do you guys wanna go to the lake today?" he asked 

"Ooh that sounds fun!" Nick said sitting up

I just shrugged in agreement and Nick went back to his tent to get his swimming trunks and probably his hiking bag, he's pretty much always over prepared.

We all changed into what we would need to go swimming, each of us keeping a t-shirt on for the short walk there, we also all had our water bottles because you know what they say, hydrate or diedrate.

We had a lot of fun, we splashed each other with water and Nick even challenged Clay to a swim race, it was close but Nick ended up winning, I'm not gonna lie I was pretty impressed.

When all three of us were drying off Clay whispered something in my ear that sent shivers down my spine and a heavy blush to my face.

"Maybe we can come back here later and go skinny dipping, just the two of us"  

He had a cute but sly smirk on his face and I wasn't sure if I wanted to punch him or kiss him, so far option number one felt more appealing.

"Shut up" I mumbled, lightly punching him on the arm, it wasn't as hard as I would've like but it would have to do for now I suppose.


Once we got back to the campsite and separated into our two groups to get changed Clay wouldn't stop nagging me about it.

"You never gave me an answer" he whined as I slid on a pair of sweatpants, blatantly ignoring him

"Ok well here's your answer then, nope" 

I turned back around to face him and saw Clay crossing his arms and pouting.

"Fine, you have until sun down to convince me"

This seemed to have made him perk up and he shot me a bright smile



aha, sorry for straight up vanishing for a month, my b my b

I've been trying to upload just anything in general but ive gotten half way done and then kinda stopped, im running out of ideas so if you have any suggestions lmk, This is literally a finished draft from 10/12/20 that I just got around to completing :) it's kinda all over the place and not as thought out as normal so sorry about that! hehe funnee Clay really wanna have some private time with greg, teaaaaaa.

words: 976 (like always not including the a/n)

I hope you all have/had a good thanksgiving, or if you don't celebrate it I hope you just had a good day in general, I wanna let you know that I'm extremely grateful for each and every one of you and your sweet comments are such motivation I don't even know how to thank you.

(sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors, I'm using a keyboard instead of my phone to write the majority of this so please bear with me)

Love you all! until next time :)

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