Fallen Out of Touch

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SURPRISE IM BACK :D (please don't skip a/n)

Clays POV
Me and George had been officially together in secret for a few months now, my halo was dimming and my wings were slowly turning a dusty gray, the things they called "sins" are ridiculous, who I love is my own damn business, I shouldn't be shamed for that.

People had started to ask, and wonder what I could've done to start turning into a fallen angel, I didn't know how to tell them, everyone here is extremely xenophobic.

But then they started to catch on, they notice both me and him were spending more time together...and they noticed the visible changes, we were told we would have to break up and beg for forgiveness of our "mistakes", the only reason we were given that option was because we haven't done anything "lustful" yet, and to my dismay...he agreed.

He told them he swore to never see me again, and that I was never that special anyways, and let me tell you oh that hurt, it felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest and stomped on, it was physically painful.

I had been sulking for exactly a week now, I couldn't even face my friends, let alone myself, he had broke me.

I laid there with my pillow hugged to my chest and tear stains on my face, I know I should just grow up and get over it but I can't, I don't think I'll ever be able to.

I heard a knock on my door

"One sec" I said just loud enough for them to hear me

I quickly wiped my face, tried to fix my hair and threw on a sweatshirt, trying to make myself presentable.

But when I opened it, I just wanted to break into a fit of sobs again, a tear ran down my face and I tried to shut the door, but he held it open with his arm.

"Are you ok?" He asked with concern

"What do you think?!? You threw away the best 3 months of my life! You tossed me out like I was nothing, like I was never good enough for you!" I sniffed with more tears pooling in my eyes

"Please, can I explain? You don't have to forgive me and I don't expect you to still like me but I would love it if you could just listen" he pleaded

"Fine, whatever"

"I only said that because I was scared, I didn't want anything to happen to you and I wanted to keep you safe, I know that it's no excuse but I wanted to make sure you know that I didn't mean I thing I said, I care about you so much and you're the best person that's ever came into my life and I'm really sorry" he rambled with tears starting to fall down his face as well

I let out a shaky breath of relief, it eased my mind a little knowing he didn't mean the terrible things he said.

"I accept your apology...I'm glad you realized that you hurt me, is that the only reason why you're here?" I said trying to wipe away my tears

"I wanted to ask you something...will you run away with me"

My face lit up at the idea, spending eternity with him seems like a dream, we could finally do whatever we wanted together, not worrying about consequences or judgement.

"When do we leave?" I asked eagerly

"Now if you want, I came here at dark for a reason"

I quickly went to go get a bag and filled it of clothes and a blanket, it took me less than 5 minutes to gather everything.

I threw it on my back and went out to see George waiting nervously on the doorstep

"You ready?" He said reaching out for my hand

I accepted it, interlocking our hands and nodding at him.

We waited until we were on the edge of town to fly off, we didn't want to wake up anyone and spoil our plans.

We ended up flying for about an hour until we found an abandoned village with only 3 houses, it was probably a failed project, but it was a success for us.

I had to pick a lock to get into the first one, it seemed almost as good as new on the inside, kind of strange but I just ignored it.

We took off all of the sheets covering the furniture and went upstairs to find the bedroom, we obviously didn't have to sleep- because we are dead- but we thought it would be nice to relax and enjoy each others company.

He pressed his body against mine and nuzzled his face into my neck, starting to leave a sloppy trail of kisses on me

"I'm really glad to have you back, I missed you so much" he said pausing his kisses

"I'm so sorry I did that to you, you don't deserve to be sad" he continued

"It's fine- really don't worry about it- it's all over now" I assured him

He kept going and ended with a sweet kiss on my lips and a tight hug, smiling and relaxing further into my touch, and that's when I was even more certain than before, he's my one and only true love.


Words: 888

Time: 1.5 hours

Extra Important extras: if you would like to be a cc for this superhuman story I'm writing comment your name, physical description, personality, pronouns and evil or good, it's bc I have no inspiration to write ocs please and ty <3 (btw you can use a stage name or something if you don't wanna use ur real name)

Extras: hello everyone! For each day of October I'm going to be doing a prompt, this prompt was "Angels", I tried to make it interesting idk lmao, hope you liked it <3, (also if I miss a day I'll probably double post)
Some of the prompts are gonna be hard to make a story about- sorry if my writing is worse than usual :)
Upload October
(God I hate myself dammit)

Also quick question. Why have over 5 thousand people read this, are you that desperate for dnf you'd come to- to me..? Anyways sorry, praying for y'all-

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