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(I update this way to much lol sorry if it's annoying)

George's POV
Me and Clay had decided it's been way too long since we last went out together, so he asked me if we could go to this cute little bakery that he loved downtown.

I of course said yes, and after only a few minutes of waiting for him to pick me up, and then a bit of driving, we got there.

We wanted to sit outside because we were worried about being so close to people with this virus going around.

Clay left me there so he could get us something to eat and I just sat there, tapping my fingers and waiting

Clay made his way back to the table with a slice of chocolate cake with strawberries on top and a plastic fork, he sat down across from me and stared at me.

"What is it?" I ask worriedly

"You look really pretty today" he said, a smile glued to his face

"Thanks" I mumbled, avoiding looking him in the eyes, a heavy blush covering my cheeks

He got a bit of cake onto the fork and put it up to my mouth, I accepted, smiling at how amazing it tasted

"It so goooood" I groaned, stretching out the 'o'

He just chuckled and took a bite himself, a satisfied expression accompanied his face.

We continued to eat the cake, talking about whatever came to mind, just laughing and enjoying ourselves until the bipolar weather decided to give us a visit, it suddenly got breezier and the sun hid behind some clouds.

Clay seemed to notice my shivering and offered me he sweatshirt, I told him I didn't need it but he practically forced me to wear it, to be honest I'm glad he did.

After we were done, he drove me home and gave me a goodbye kiss and a tight, loving hug, as he was driving off I blew him a kiss and went back inside- oops

I was still wearing his hoodie and I noticed something in his pocket- it was his iPod, I know I shouldn't but...

Before I knew it I was looking through his playlists, he had fairly good music taste, but then I came across one with the title "George <3" oh come on, I HAD to look at this, it was quite literally calling my name.

In it I found,
His favorite song,
The song that I taught him how to slow dance to,
My favorite song,
"Our" song,
And a bunch of cheesy romance songs we've listen to together

I smiled at all of the memories that this made me recall and sent Clay a text,

Me: I love the playlist <3 (seen, 2:13 pm)

Clay 💙: um (seen, 2:17 pm)

Me: no, really it's cute, I love you boo 😉(seen, 2:19 pm)

Clay 💙: love you too dummy, I guess I'll come pick it up now bc I have nothing to do lol (seen 2:21 pm)

Me: >:,0

I turned off my phone, put his iPod on the side table next to the couch so he would see it when he walked in, stuck a sticky note on it with a little message and went back to my room in a fit of giggles.

Clays POV
As I got back to his house I just let myself in, I saw my iPod on the table and walked over to go get it, when I got there I saw a pink sticky not saying,

You're a simp 🤍

"I'M NOT A SIMP!!!" I yelled to him, wherever he may be

"Yes you areeee!" He yelled back, followed by the sound of footsteps coming from the hall

He had changed into a pair of sweatpants and was still practically drowning in my hoodie, it went over his hands and he had sweater paws, he looked so cute it made me melt

"You're literally looking at me like a simp"
He said, trying to stifle a laugh

"Am not" I said, crossing my arms like a child

"That sounds like something a simp would say" he said, pulling me into a hug

I relaxed into the hug and ran my fingers through his hair, fluffing it in some places, he had such pretty hair, and his shampoo smelt like berries, he sighed

"See you're literally simping for me right now" he mumbled into my chest

I just rolled my eyes and just accepted it,

"Yeah, I'll admit it, I am a simp, but I'm your simp" I chuckled, ruffling his hair

"That's very true" he hummed

I stopped playing with his hair and he whined, so I just gave him a kiss on the head and continued.

Huh, I really am a simp aren't I? Whatever, it's 100 percent worth it to see a bright smile on his perfect face.

Words: 802
Time: 1.5 hours
Extras: 700 reads???? Damn, tysm for the votes! They honestly make my day bc I personally think my writing is trash 💜 I love y'all sm
(Sorry the last chapter sucked)

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