I Missed You, I'm Sorry

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(Extra long chapter bc I love you guys <3)

George's POV
My best friend had been avoiding me lately, he's been hanging out with Nick-one of our other friends- a lot lately and he never even has the time to text me back.

It's really upsetting, I'm angry at him for basically deleting me from his life and I'm sad that he doesn't care about me anymore.

I wipe off one of the tears that dripped onto the picture. It was from 5 summers ago when I first moved here and he took me to the beach to watch the fireworks on the forth of July. We were both wrapped up in a towel, both completely drenched from swimming, I was sat on his lap and we were huddled together for warmth, each with equally happy expressions on our faces. I wish it could be like that again.

I haven't left my room except for going to school and using the bathroom, and other than when I'm at school I've been living in a hoodie he leant me a while ago and a pair of sweatpants, I haven't eaten in days and I've cried too many times to count, I never understood how dependent on him I was until now.

"George! Hurry up the bus leaves in 10 minutes!" I heard my mom shout from downstairs

I stuffed the picture in my pocket, grabbed my backpack, and quickly wiped my eyes, when I got down to the kitchen my mom offered me some breakfast, I just told her I wasn't hungry, hurried to the bus stop and barely made it.

I sat alone as per usual and just plugged in my earphones to listen to some music.

My first class I sat next to Clay- but he didn't even acknowledge me, he was to caught up in laughing at some joke Nick had told, I felt like crying again but I had to hold myself back, I just wouldn't let him know I cared.

He caught a glimpse of me and his smile faded and his eyebrows slightly furrowed,

"Are you ok George?"

I just ignored him and went back to doing my work, pretending as if he didn't even exist.

When the class was over and we all left, he pulled me aside in the hallway.

"George, are ok? What's wrong?" Clay asked

"I'm fine, nothings wrong, it's not like you care anyways" I said brushing it off and turning to make my way to my next class.


I had been avoiding Clay all day out of spite, I shouldn't feel bad, he's been doing this too, and he...broke me, he deserves it...right?

When I saw him waiting in the courtyard I slightly panicked, he swiftly made his way over to me and I stopped dead in my tracks.

"What do you want?" I asked slightly annoyed

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok... you don't really seem like yourself" he said with a sympathetic smile

"I told you I was fine"

"George...I can tell somethings wrong, just tell me"

"You know what's wrong, it's your fault after all" I said with a tinge of hatred in my voice making his expression drop

"I don't want to talk to you right now, goodbye Clay" I said taking the photo out of my pocket, shoving it into his hands and walking off, if I stayed to much longer I might've said something I would regret, but it was also true that I didn't want to be around him.

When I got home I curled up under my covers, I just wish he still cared...I wish he loved me how I love him, but I guess I'll always be second best and I have to just accept that, it hurts but it's true. I'm just not good enough, and I never will be.

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