The Most Valued "I love Yous"

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George's POV
Me and Clay were at the entrance to a sunflower field, he asked me to go out with him but didn't tell me where, but I was so excited, sunflowers are my favorite flower because they're tall and very large but still elegant and beautiful, I could tell we were going to have an amazing time.

He has leant me his jacket because it was chilly out, considering it was fall, and I had forgotten my own, I felt bad at first but he assured me it was ok.

We walked in, hand in hand, and started to make our way down the path, I was in awe, my eyes wide as I was taking everything in and I didn't even notice him snapping pictures of me.

Clays POV
He looked adorable, well, he always did, he just looked even more adorable somehow, the look on his face was priceless, he looked really happy which made me happy as well.

I took a few pictures of his joyous expression and tried to choose my favorite, making it my Lock Screen seconds later.

"I love you" I said stopping for a moment to look down into his beautiful dark brown eyes

"I love you too" he said meeting my gaze and smiling even brighter

I gentle kiss on the cheek and motion for us to keep walking and he followed, the sun was beginning to set and the sky was emitting shades of orange and a dull pink that were nicely blending together.

I stopped him again, turning around and kneeling down.

"Get on my shoulders" I said sweetly

He complied, carefully climbing onto me so his legs were draped over my shoulders and I slowly stood back up.

George's POV
Up here I could see the sunset better, the glowing sky looked so extravagant, even if I couldn't see the colors very well it was still spectacular and looked as though it was glowing.

He was gripping onto my thighs to make sure that I didn't fall and walking at a steady pace.

Once we got to a clearing he stopped and cautiously let me down, he the reached into his backpack for something, pulling out a bandana and carefully put it over my eyes and tied it.

Clays POV
I hurriedly dug into my backpack for my speaker and a two blankets, I laid out the larger and thinner blanket on the ground, putting the small Bluetooth speaker on top of it along with the more cozy blanket.

I propped my phone up on my bag, started a recording and went over to him, removing the blindfold to be left with a puzzled George.

I was really stressed, we had been dating for 5 and a half years now and after a month of planning out how the hell I was going to do this, I was finally ready.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and I gave a nervous smile.

"I-I love you George, you make all my days worth living and you make any worries I have vanish, you are literally the light of my life and the reason I'm still here today, there aren't words to express how much you mean to me and how much gratitude I have for you, thank you"
I said with a shaky voice

"I-'re welcome?" He stuttered

"I have to ask you something" I said letting out an antsy sigh

"Mhm?" He hummed

I pulled something out of my pocket and shakily got down on one knee, opened the box and he sucked in a breath,

"Will you marry me?" I said with a hopeful smile

He brought a hand to his mouth and started crying, he repeatedly, swiftly nodded his head up and down, sniffling a little bit.

I was so relieved, I let out a happy sigh and reached out to his left hand, slipping the ring on his finger with tears in my eyes as well.

George's POV
I brought my hand up to my face to get a good look at the ring, it was magnificent, it's a silver ring with an engraved heart, and in the center of the heart was a shining blue sapphire.

I had so many thoughts going through my head at once, I was still in complete shock, I took my hands away from my face and basically dived on him, he fell backwards onto the blanket he put there and hugged me back, I left hundreds of kisses from his collar bone to his fluffy hair. Ending with a long loving kiss on his lips.

"I love it, not as much as I love you though" I whispered

He almost melted at my words and I gave him one more kiss and then crawled off of him, just laying next to him with our hands interlocked, looking up at the few stars that had recently appeared in the dusk.

He got up for a second to grab his phone and clicked a few buttons turning on some soft and quiet music and laying back down next to me, I slipped my hand in his and we laid like that for about an hour, just enjoying each other's company and watching the stars.

After we were done we left, I helped him pack everything up, we walked to his car and drove home. The night just continued to get better and better.

I made cheesy baked potatoes and chicken for dinner, he wanted to do it for the gesture but I wanted to do it for the sake of not getting food poisoning, he reluctantly agreed saying I had a fair point, he helped me with whatever he could though.

Clays POV
After we had gotten ready for bed I was barely tired, so I tried making subtle hints to George but he we oblivious, so I placed my hand on his upper thigh and he finally caught on and leaned in to give me a kiss, it was full of lust, passion, and want. I'm glad we're on the same page.


In the morning when I woke up to check the time on my phone I realized it had never stopped recording, so I just grabbed my headphones and edited them into two videos, my proposal and...what I didn't even mean to record.

I sent him the video and cuddled back up to him, planting a little kiss on his pinkish neck and staying there until he woke up, when he did he was confused why I texted him but when he opened the video his eyes widened, the screen was black but you could hear everything.

"I had accidentally left the video on for 4 hours until it stopped itself" I whispered in my sleepy voice.

"Thought you would like it" I said winking

Time: 2 hrs
Words: 1141
Extras: I thought the beginning of this was cute but the end would be a little funny thing to put in, request creds in the comments

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