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(set after the first chapter of Book 2)

Since he had shipwrecked on Berk's shores and had survived to this dreadful storm still haunting some of the vikings' nightmares, Joke had been considered a miracle by the Hairy Hooligans. They said he was blessed by the gods, which his wintery looks tended to confirm. However, unfortunately, they were not safe from their allies to think otherwise.

Stoick had vowed to protect Joke, as if the gods themselve had asked him to, and the only way he could think of to protect him from their allies was to hide him from them. Especially susceptible clans like the Berserkers. Usually, Stoick was the one going in other clans for diplomatic visits, so they would not come to Berk, but the Berserkers were really fond of coming to Berk once in ten years to sign a peace treaty.

If, ten years prior, the Hairy Hooligans had efficiently hidden Joke because he was not yet with them, this time was going to be another story. Indeed, even if that had not be for the teenager's almost hyperactive behavior, they couldn't make sure their visitors didn't want to tour the whole village. Moreover, not only did they have to hide the boy, but also their dragons.

* * *

Hiccup was running franticaly in the streets, trying to get quickly to the Hoffersons hutt. Astrid spotted him and heard him mutter under his breath.

''Not good, not good, not good !''

''Hiccup !'' She called out, grabbing his arm to stop him. ''We've got a problem.''

''Yeah, don't tell me. Dagur's the new chief of the Berserkers.''

''What ?''

''His father retired, and Dagur thinks we're hiding dragons !''

''Well, we are.''

''Astrid, you're not helping !''

''Oh, believe me, our problem won't help either.''

Hiccup really hated how serious she sounded, and he almost fainted as he saw what was said problem. Okay, this one was a huge problem, a problem that was completely crushing his plans : the Hoffersons hutt had burnt. Astrid's parents were both outside, looking at the pile of burnt wood they called home, both of them visibly annoyed.

''What happened here ?'' The chief's son inquired.

''Don't ask me.'' Olgarg glared at her husband.

''I insist it's not my fault !'' Reekfrid snapped.

''Now is it ? Igniting Zippleback's liquified gaz is an accident ?''

''But why do you even keep this in the kitchen ?! How was I supposed to know what it was ?!''

Astrid shook her head, both from irritation and tiredness, just like every time her parents would fight and argue, while Hiccup was fidgetting. The house could no longer be used as a hiding spot for Joke, and Hiccup could certainly not hide the boy in his own house, knowing Dagur was going to visit it. The chief's son was really starting to panic and tried to think of a new plan, and that's when the white haired boy arrived.

He was trotting eagerly like usual but stopped as he saw the house.

''Wow... What happened to the house ?''

''Your father exploded the kitchen.'' Olgarg stated, pointing at the blond man who argued back once more.

Both fought again, Joke bit his lips, visibly torn between laughing or feeling sorry for his father. Hiccup cut his thoughts as he took his boyfriend's wrist.

''Leave this for later, for now we have to find a way to hide you.''

''The house is no longer an option.''

''No kidding.'' Astrid huffed.

She sighed. Why couldn't they just leave Joke where they had hidden the dragons in the forest ? Oh, yeah, because there they couldn't make sure the Berserkers would not see them. They couldn't be careful enough, nothing said the Berserkers would not roam the woods in order to hunt some wild dragons. Stoick was ready to take the risk of the dragon being discovered, but not Joke.

Astrid's face softened as she spotted Bucket on the neighbor street, pushing a wagon adorning colorful shields. She cracked a smile and took her brother's free wrist before dragging him with her, also dragging Hiccup who was still clinging on the other wrist.

''I got an idea, come on !'' She said.

Both followed her without protest, still Hiccup grabbed his boyfriend's hood to cover his head and hide the surreal hair in case they met some Berserkers. Astrid led them to the smithy, which made Hiccup anxious because he knew that was one of the places Dagur would be touring. Astrid assured him it wouldn't take long, then she led them inside, towards the workshop at the back of the smithy.

It was more kind of a storage room than an actual workshop, actually. The blond teenager rummaged through the shelves until she found the paint flanges Gobber stored even if he didn't use them. One by one, she opened them and checked the color inside. Once she found one that suited her, she showed it proudly to the boys.

Joke arched an eyebrow while Hiccup got her idea and approved. The following minutes turned out more like torture for Joke, who had to sit still on a stool and bare his sister's fingers all over his head, pulling at every single strand on his scalp to cover it with paint. It took some time, but Astrid was really proud of the result, not a single hair escaped the treatment, turning the snow white strands into raven black. She even covered his silver eyebrows for it to be more realistic.

Joke kept his shoulders tensed as both Astrid and Hiccup looked at him intently. Astrid seemed satisfied while Hiccup looked abashed.

''So ?'' Joke asked.

''It's convincing.'' Astrid assured, wipping her hands on a piece of fabric she found there.

''It's... different.'' Hiccup mused.

''Sounds like you don't like it.''

Joke bit his lip while the viking shook his head.

''It doesn't matter, we need this as long as the Berserkers are here.''

''So you don't like it.'' The now-black-haired boy insisted, a sly smile on his face.

Hiccup held back from rolling his eyes as he met his boyfriend's mischievous eyes. Okay, he had to admit he didn't like it. At all. Not that changing hair color was bad, but this one was way too dark to match the boy's personality, and it was a too shark contrast with his delicate pale skin. Moreover, Hiccup loved the natural color of Joke's hair, if was stunning, it was... unique. If Joke had ordinary hair, Hiccup would have rather picture them blond like Astrid or Reekfrid, maybe strawberry blond like Olgarg, or even chestnut like Olgarg's mother... but definitively not black.

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