Soul of a dragon rider

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(set after the first chapter of Book 2)

Since they had made peace with dragons and they were studying them, the Hairy Hooligans had noticed migrations within the archipelago. The dragon riders were keeping an eye on these travels and wanted to make sure the dragons were on safe paths. Unfortunately it was not the case for a group of Hideous Zipplebacks who used to fly by the Outcast Island. Though it was a problem the riders knew how to deal with, they simply had to guide the Zipplebacks this year, and the following ones if necessary.

Catching the attention of the group had not been easy, and guiding them proved even less simple. The main problem was to keep them all together and make sure none of them would leave the crowd. Surprisingly, they seemed to follow the riders instinctively, especially Toothless. Surely it was because of the strange behavior dragons tended to have towards Joke.

Just like usual, he was riding Toothless, sitting behind Hiccup. While the riders were flying in formation, Snotlout was having fun barking orders to the dragons as if he was commanding them, and the twins were giving names to every single one of the Zipplebacks, that is to say every single head. Soon, a contest started between the two, consisting in giving the oddest names they could come up with.

Some dragons found themselves named with even more awful names than vikings could give their own children, and the other riders vowed to never used said names on the poor dragons.

''Watch out !'' Astrid suddenly warned while pointing to the right. ''One of them is fleeing !''

They focused back on the group and noticed that, indeed, an orange Zippleback was flying in a complete other direction from the rest of the convoy. He was flying against the current and flew between Toothless and Hookfang, almost raming into their wings to make his way past them.

''Something must have scared him off.'' Joke stated, watching him closely.

''We have to get this dragon back !'' Hiccup added.

''I'm on it !'' Snotlout claimes, instantly making his own dragon turn around.

The Monstruous Nightmare pursued the fugitive dragon and managed to catch up easily. Without hesitation, Snotlout jumped to land on the orange's dragon left neck, before he saw two other dragons joined in. Toothless and Meatlug circled them.

''Snotlout !'' Hiccup called out, ''he needs two riders ! Fishlegs, go !''

The Gronckle flew closer, placing herself just next to the right head, but her rider was shaking.

''I'm not sure this is a good idea... AH !''

He yelped when the Zippleback bumped Meatlug with his free head, in a clear attempt to get rid of her, though it threw her rider in the air, who ended up right where he had been expected to, on the Zippleback's head. Said Zippleback's head opened his mouth and let out a tick cloud of green gaz, making the stout rider nauseous.

''Huh I don't feel good, all of a sudden...'' Fishlegs mumbled, face turning pale.

''That's the gaz, try to not breath it.'' Hiccup explained.

''Too late...''

While the blond's face was turning green, Snotlout slipped on the orange scales and almost fell, barely holding onto the horns, then he started to panic.

''Hey ! Tell me how to drive this thing !''

''No matter what happens, Snotlout, don't make a spark-''

The chief's son barely had the time to speak this warning the dark-haired viking slipped again and held on tighter on the horns, forcing the dragon's head back... making him open his mouth and make a spark.

The gaz exploded and ejected the two riders, sending them looping in the air. Hookfang managed to catch them both as he was just behind the fugitive Zippleback. If Snotlout laughed at the landing, Fishlegs felt even more sick.

''Okay, now it's worst...'' He blurped.

''Well, between you and me, if I were you I'd try to think about something else than this gaz.''

Surely Snotlout had good intentions saying this, still it made it worst. Because trying not to think about something automatically made one think about it. Fishlegs quickly turned his head on the side so he could throw up without splashing the others.

''Oh gross !'' Snotlout grimaced.

He swore some of it landed on Hookfang's wings and there was no way he was going to clean it, he would make sure Fishlegs would do as an apology.

Hiccup rolled his eyes and decided to send the two back to help Astrid and the twins with the convoy, which was retreating alarmingly, just like their fugitive orange Zippleback. Toothless sped up and caught up with him, then placed himself just above him. Hiccup was thinking about a plan when he felt Joke move behind him, leaning on his shoulders for support as he was crouching on the saddle.

''Joke, what are you- ?''

The boy didn't left him time to ask as he jumped, swiftly wrapping his arms around the Zippleback's right neck. Even if the jump had impressed Hiccup, he quickly pulled himself together.

''Joke, we said two riders !''

''Just because he had two heads doesn't mean he's that dumb.'' The boy snorted as he stood on the thin neck.

Hiccup watched him tightrope with perfect balance and reach the dragon's back, whose one head was looking straight forward while the other turned around to look at his new passenger. Joke sat to keep his balance and smiled innocently at the dragon, who suddenly stopped his flee and steadied his flight, the second head turning back too.

Joke's smile grew wider and he bent to stroke the dragon's back with one hand, the other curled around a horn.

''That's it, easy.'' He cooed.

Hiccup smiled tenderly, it still amazed him to hear Joke speak with such a soft voice he only adressed to dragons.

It made him wonder again why the dragons would not let him approach them nor touch them. The white haired boy was always so tender and affectionnate with the winged creatures that Hiccup knew the one who would accept the boy would be the luckiest dragon of all. But that dragon didn't seem to exist yet, even if the boy was doing really great with all the ones he came across, including this Zippleback who calmly flew back towards the rest of the convoy.

Astrid praised her brother for his work while the twins – Tuffnut nailing his teeth – assured they could have done just as fine. Obviously, the fact Ruffnut and him had not reacted when they were needed lessened their credibility, still the other riders let it drop.

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