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(set at the end of Book 3 but before the last chapter)

''Joke ! Joke, are you in there ?'' A familiar voice screamed while bumping on the Haddocks' hutt door.

When Joke opened it, he was expecting Astrid to come and get him for an emergency, he was expecting someone to be sick or wounded, and the panic on his sister's face seemed to say so.

She glanced behind him inside of the house and asked him with a serious tone if Hiccup was there.

''No, he left to take Alwine to mom, why ?''

He had to admit the question took him aback and worried him. Was his husband missing ? Did something happened to him ? To his baby girl ? A knot formed in his guts and a lump in his throat, still he breathed anew as his sister sighed in relief and talked again.

''Good, I don't want anyone else to know about this.''

Joke barely had time to wonder what she was talking about as she entered the house, slightly pushing him aside to do so. The way she was stamping and repeatedly clenching-unclenching her fists was proof enough to say something was up. So Joke offered her a chair to sit and listened to her. He even suggested an infusion to help her relax but she declined and didn't stepped around the bush.

''Joke, I need you to check if I'm pregnant.''

At first, the young man was astounded and froze for a moment. After becoming a dad a bit less than one year ago, knowing he would become uncle sounded rejoyful, but he didn't dare say anything nor show any joy seeing how it was upsetting his sister. So he went to work immediatly. Astrid insisted for them doing this in the house, not at the healer's hutt. She didn't want to attract attention on her.

Joke was not used to this kind of requests but that didn't mean he didn't know what to do. Gothi had shown him foolproof method and had given him the recipe for a potion to mix with the subject's urine. According to the smell emanating from the final mixture, it was possible to say if the woman was pregnant or not. And judging by the spicy smell coming from this mixture, there was no doubt Astrid was.

Once Joke told her so, she saggered on her chair, paler than usual.

''It can't be !'' She sighed, burrying her face in her palms. ''What am I going to do ?''

''It's okay, As, calm down. What's wrong, exactly ?''

''Everything ! Can you believe this ? I'm not ready to be a mother ! I'm not ready to get married either ! And I absolutely can't just give birth to an illegitimate child... I mean Ruffnut did but everyone knows she's crazy... What would people think of me ?''

Joke rose an eyebrow at that.

''Since when do you care about what people say ?'' He asked.

Astrid hesistated, she seemed taken short and didn't have the answer herself. Her brother smiled and pulled a chair to take a seat next to her, gentle rubbing her back. It didn't help her not to lament, so he kept on comforting her.

''That's just the hormones, Astrid. Don't worry, if there's someone people won't dare to judge, it's you. You're one of the finest dragon riders and without contest the most dreadful warrior of our generation. Whoever slander you or doesn't agree with your decisions must fear your fists and your axe.''

It aught to amuse her, but her smile quickly faded away.

''You know,'' Joke added with a softer voice. ''if you don't want to keep it, there are some ways to-''

''I want to keep it.'' She cut him with a firm voice. ''Well, I'd like to. It's mine, it's his, this is a baby made of love... but I'm afraid it would change everything.''

The young man with snow hair smiled softly.

''It will.''

That confirmation infuriated the blond warrior who death-glared at her brother, though he remained perfectly calm.

''Alwine did changed everything, you know. In a good way.''

Astri'd anger instantly melted away. She thought back to her niece, to her birth, to the look Joke and Hiccup had the very first time their eyes landed on her, and everything her presence had changed in their daily life and their house. A faint smile crept to her face before fading again.

''I'm not ready to get married, Joke. Eret and I had been together for barely two years. I do love him, but I'm not sure yet if I want to spend the rest of my life with him.''

''You don't have to. You guys have plenty of time.''

''Nine months, well isn't that plenty of time.'' She growled with irony.

Joke laughed at that.

''Even the baby being here doesn't mean Eret and you have to get married.''

''But the tradition-''

''Oh, that tradition won't be the first one to be broken, you know. If we just had blindly followed traditions, you can be sure we would have never made peace with dragons. We would have Snotlout as the clan's chief and I certainly would have been burnt for witchcraft.''

If this was meant to be a joke, Astrid didn't laugh at that. She even almost felt crying about this because of her hormones. Once Joke noticed the silence, he got serious and gently took his upset sister's hands.

''We shouldn't focus on traditions but on what makes us happy. If you want to keep the baby, keep it. If you don't want to get married by obligation but out of love, then just wait for the both of you to be ready.''

Astrid smiled back, even if it was obvious she was still tormented.

''Do as you want, As, like you always did. And if someone doesn't agree with your decisions, they'll have to deal with us. Mom, mum, dad, the gang, Hiccup and me. Don't forget you're not alone and that, whatever you choose to do, we'll always be there for you.''

This time, Astrid's smile grew brighter and her whole face lit up.

''Thank you, baby brother.''

''You're welcome, sis. Take your time to take your decision, okay ?''

''I've decided.''

Joke kept on smiling softly but didn't say anything. He didn't want to rush her nor press her into talking. She let go of his hands and got up from the chair, puffing out her chest and getting back to her usual radiant self.

''I'll keep the baby.'' She stated proudly. ''I'll keep it, but I won't get married, no matter what people say.''

''That's the Astrid I know.''

Joke and her gave each other a knowing look, then the young man's eyes filled when their mischievous spark.

''Now, you just have to tell future-daddy.'' He teased.

The fierce warrior woman chuckled, her first laugh of the whole day, then she hugged her brother before leaving, but not before promissing him – or threatening him ? – to come back to harass him with a lot of questions about pregnancy and how to take care of a newborn baby.

Once she finally left the house, Joke shook his head good-naturately.

''A pregnant Astrid.'' He mused. ''Now that's gonna be fun. Certainly more than when Ruffnut was pregnant with Fishnut.''

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