The new rider

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(set after Book 2)

Hiccup had spent an awful night. His sleep had been haunted by bad memories and dreadful visions mixing together. The past five weeks had been nothing but Hel for him, full of uncertainties, anguish and fear, and now that it was over, now they had found Joke and brought him back home, when Hiccup would have normally been able to enjoy a full night of restful sleep, his mind had decided otherwise.

He woke up in a jolt, sitting up by reflex, panting and sweating. Images from his nightmare were already fading from his memories and he was grateful for that, burying his face in his hands in try to calm down. His jolt and yelp had woken up and alerted Toothless, who trotted to his bed whining, softly nuzzling his arm, asking if he was okay.

Hiccup breathed in deeply and gave him a smile. A fake smile. He couldn't really be okay after this nightmare but he pretended he was for his dragon's sake. Petting the ebony nuzzle, he assured his best friend that he was fine, that it was just a dream, though his heart was still shaken and he had troubles convincing himself. He knew well it wasn't real, he remembered finding Jack, bringing him back to Berk, dropping him at the Hoffersons' hutt where they had spent the night in front of the fireplace while everyone else was celebrating at the Meat Hall.

Joke was back. Joke was safe. This was over, they just had to forget about all of this and move on. With this thought in mind Hiccup decided to get up, even if dawn was barely there. It was pretty early, still he knew he couldn't sleep anymore. Toothless being awake too, they decided to leave for an earlier morning flight. The viking needed to get some fresh air, and the chilly wind on his face and in his hair always used to soothe him.

Toothless and him flew around the whole island, going up north to the swamps, then they made a few aerial figures among the stone pillars with a side trip to the in-building lighthouse and the also-in-building shed.

They only decided to get back when the sun fully rose, lighting up the village with its summer light, and saw a few vikings and dragons waking up. However, as they neared the Haddock hutt, the two friends witnessed something they weren't expecting to see. And they couldn't have a better timing for it.

Toothless was planing next to the neighbor hutt when he suddenly had to stop to let a white silhouette pass in front of him, it was going at top speed, so fast they almost collided. The silhouette also had to slow down and stop to avoid the hutt. The stop was so harsh and sudden it ended up with the most ridiculous thing Hiccup had ever seen : the rider was ejected and flew in the air before landing in a serie of rolls that left him butt up. Hiccup and Toothless both burst in laughter, and the viking swore he heard someone else laugh with him.

Opening his eyes again, he saw Astrid and Stormfly joining Lumiverse who had landed and was now circling Joke with a worried face.

''I told you to slow down.'' Astrid snorted.

''I tried but she wouldn't listen.''

The boy stood and dusted his clothes, dotted with grass and some dirt. He pointed a finger to his sister and was about to add something else but his mouth closed again as he spotted Toothless, who swiftly landed next to them. Hiccup dismounted him and rushed to his boyfriend, a small smile still playing on his lips.

''Oh no, don't tell me you saw this.'' Joke sighed.

The chief's son held back from laughing and gently ran a hand in the snowy hair to chase some grass and in try to smooth them.

''Hey, you saw me in way worst situations with Toothless, that's only justice.''

The white haired boy rolled his eyes with a smile, then he bent and re-tied the straps around his calves, loosen by the fall. But the gesture lift up his sleeve and unveiled the fresh scars around his wrists. Instantly, all joy and good mood left Hiccup.

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