Mouthful name

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AN : I got the idea while re-reading the last chapter of Bad Choices and Having two mothers and I was like ''Nope, Joke's full name should include Hofferson.'' So here we are with this fluffy funny chapter :) Sorry if it makes an inconsistency with Bad Choices, I'll correct it later on.


(set between Books 3 & 4)

There were days when Hiccup hated his name. It had nothing to do with the scorns he received during childhood because of this ridiculous name people used to give to the rant. It had nothing to do with people who liked to actually hiccup while saying it.

It had to do with the length of his whole name, filled with similar sounds and syllabes. He really disliked having to introduce himself with the full name, especially during official ceremonies or during meeting with other clans. Sometimes he felt like he had run for hours just by speaking the name.

This fact was reminded to him during a visit at the Defensors of the Wings. Dagur and Mala had invited him and the dragon riders for the ceremony to introduce their heir to their people. They had a son named Oswald, after Dagur and Heather's father. The baby had the same green eyes as his father and aunt but his hair couldn't decide between the firing red from Dagur or the golden blond from Mala. The color seemed to be the perfect middle between the two, it was impossible to say if Oswald was blond-haired or red-head.

During the ceremony, Hiccup had been called to join them in front of the throne and had been introduced as Oswald's godfather. The chief of the Hairy Hooligans had not hidden his surprise and how honored he was. A part of his mind couldn't help but think about how much his relationship with the king had changed through the years. Back when they were children, Dagur had bullied him and even tried to drown him once. When they had met again as teenagers, they had become deadly enemies though Dagur liked to call him brother. From enemies, they became frenemies, then they finally made peace and became good friends, to the extend Hiccup had been his best man at his wedding with Mala, then their son's godfather.

The day had been really tiring, tedious even when the crowd had acclaimed his name several times in a raw. Despite the noise of hundreds voices shouting over each other, he had clearly heard people having troubles saying his name properly. He didn't blame them, sometimes himself had troubles doing so. All thanks to this stupid viking tradition to give children weird name to scare off trolls and evil spirits...

He sighed deeply and dropped face first on the bed in the hutt Dagur and Mala lent him and Joke. His sigh morphed into a smile as he felt chilly hands resting on his shoulders and gently massaging him. His husband's chilly hands.

''I know you're not fond of official ceremonies, but you seem more exhausted than usual.'' The white-haired young man stated.

''That's 'cause of my name...'' The viking's reply came out muffled by the bedshifts.

Joke chuckled and rolled his husband on the side so he could see his face.

''Can you say that again ? I don't speak muffle.'' He teased.

That made Hiccup smile, amused, then he rubbed his face and let his limbs drop around him, looking like a starfish.

''Hearing all these people saying my full name tired me. I don't even know how they got the courage to do it.''

Joke said nothing and laid down next to him, also staring at the ceiling while his hands rested on his stomach.

Silence lasted for a moment, until Hiccup spoke again, almost in a whisper.

''Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. Honestly, sometimes I wonder what had gotten into my parents to call me that.''

''They wanted an imposing name for the Hairy Hooligans' chief.'' Joke chuckled.

Hiccup didn't laugh. Instead, he turned around and buried his face in his husband's neck, wrapping his arms around him.

''At least, thanks to you, it shortened a little bit when we married.''

''Hiccup Horrendous Haddock-Storm.'' Joke mused, mindlessly running a hand in the auburn locks and playing with one of the braids behind his husband's ears.

Hiccup felt it itching and rolled his eyes, smiling. If he had managed to convince Astrid to stop braiding his hair when he happened to fall asleep somewhere, Joke had decided to keep it up. His husband really knew how to tease him.

''Still too long and pompous to my liking.'' Hiccup added, snuggling against his lover.

But said lover pushed him so he could sit up, glaring down and pouting at his viking.

''You know I love you, Hic.'' He said with a tone that seemed a bit tough.

''Huh... yes ?'' Hiccup hesitated.

''Then stop complaining about your name. Not to me. Especially not to me. If someone should be complaining, that'd be me.''

Hiccup frowned with confusion. He was about to ask why but was stopped by a deadpanned glare. He closed his mouth and needed a few minutes to actually gather the guts to ask.

''Your name isn't that long.''

''Are you kidding me ?''

''Joke Haddock-Storm is far from a mouthful-''

''Because that's the short version.''

Hiccup blinked a couple times, looking lost, which ended up making his husband sigh. Joke dropped back to the bed, this time he was the one to look like a starfish.

''I was born Jokul Frosti Storm, okay, but my name completely changed when I lost my memories and arrived at Berk. I became Joke Hofferson. Then I found back mom, and then we got married.''

''So ?'' Hiccup asked hesitantly.

''So I soundly beat you, sir.''

The viking chief kept on staring at his husband in silence, unable to make a link in this words. A teasing smile crept on the pale face, the mischievous spark lighting up ice blue eyes.

''My full name would be Jokul 'Joke' Frosti Hofferson Haddock-Storm.''

Hiccup was frozen for a moment, then both young men burst out in laughter. Joke held on his sides while Hiccup collapsed back on the bed, sheding some tears. After a few minutes trying to calm down and catch their breath, the viking hugged his husband and kissed his forehead.

''Okay, I admit it. You beat me.''

''So will you stop complaining about your name ?'' Joke teased.

Hiccup smiled and shook his head no. He couldn't promise this. Joke got the message and rolled his eyes, unable to hold back his amused smile.

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