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Zoey's P.O.V

Life sucks.

It's a fact, that everyone knows.

But then again people are always going to argue saying "Oh, things get better, don't worry". Like screw them. Screw my life. I really don't understand how my life went from 'okay' to an aftermath of a tornado, hurricane, and a tsunami all together.

There other things I rather do or put up with than this deal or bet or whatever the hell you would call this.

The fact that my mom are okay with this deal makes me want to die. Like whose mom is okay with the idea of fake dating? And for a freaking car! Like what kind of parents do I have?

Ugh, screw my life! I'm going to end up with having an angry management problem.

Well, by the looks of it, it seems like I already have a problem.

My bad?




Calum's P.O.V.

Stupid Luke Hemmings

Stupid Lucas Robert Hemmings

Making me go out with a girl that I hate. Honestly if it weren't for the band then I probably wouldn't have accepted this deal. He knew that I would do anything to be in the band. So of course he, Mikey and Ash try to mess me with by making this dumb ass deal.

Dating Zoey Winters, the girl who I hate since we were little.

Only those three knew why I hated her so much. They never hated her, she was nice to them but not me. Mainly because I am always rude to her.

I guess I could fake date her for a while, but I swear that as soon as this deal is over then I am done. It's not like I'm going to do couple things voluntary with her. I don't even want to be near her.





Hey Guys! So I uploaded me first part to First Comes Hate. I hope you guys like it! I'm not a really good writer but I tried my best. If there are any mistake about grammar sorry, I didn't mean to make them. What do you guys think of the story so far? Good? Bad? Lol anyways this is my first time uploading to Wattpad. I been a member for a while and I just want to post this story because it was in my mind for a while. The first chapter will be up soon I hope. Yeah, so till next time, Byeeeeeeeeeeee!

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