The Calm Before the Storm

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Feel free to comment any suggestions or anything in particular you liked/disliked. Comments and votes are the things that keep me going through the day so, thank you so much. Most chapters will be around 800-1200 words long, just a heads up :)


Setting: after the war with Gaia, Leo has returned with Calypso, everyone is happy. For now.


Percy Jackson loved Annabeth Chase. She was an irreplaceable part of him, his second half, his soulmate, he knew. Words couldn't express how much he loved this girl. As they both sat by the campfire, Annabeth leaning against him, the flames illuminating her honey-blonde hair, he wanted to stay like this forever. 

One by one, each of the campers got up to go to sleep, until it was only Piper, Jason, and them. Piper looked up at Jason, then to them, and gave him a knowing smile. The poor dude was probably so confused, but Piper pulled him to his feet and pulled him, giggling, towards his cabin.

And then it was only them. Annabeth's breathing was steady, so Percy figured she was asleep. He kissed her on the forehead gently, before putting the fire out with water from a nearby bucket and picking Annabeth up, wedding-style. He knew she woke up then, but she just snuggled into Percy and sighed contentedly. Percy smiled down at her and carried her back to his cabin.

They both had permission from Chiron to sleep together in the Poseidon cabin, mostly because of the nightmares they both had when they were away from each other. The only thing that could calm either of them down after a nightmare about Tartarus was holding on to each other. 

Annabeth was a really light sleeper, so Percy tried his very best to set her down gently, carefully untying her shoes and taking them off. Percy winced, thinking about how much Annabeth hates sleeping with jeans on, but he couldn't think of anything to do that wouldn't wake her or scare her. Percy was too tired to change into pajamas himself, so he flopped into bed beside the love of his life and fell fast asleep. 


Annabeth hated being a demigod sometimes. Not only are you under the threat of being killed every single day, you also had to live with the horrible, vivid dreams. A frequent one was of her and Percy in Tartarus, while she watched helplessly as her boyfriend strangled the goddess of misery with her own poison, a smile playing on his lips, while she screamed at him to stop. In the dream, he kept going and going until the goddess was a pile of mush and Percy was laughing uncontrollably. 

She'd never admit it, but he scared her. Thank the gods that while they were in Tartarus together, he had her there to stop him before he did something he regretted. Annabeth had this dream quite often and always wondered, what if I wasn't there? Would he have killed her? A small voice in the back of her mind said yes, he'd do anything to get back to you. And although it scared Annabeth to say, but she'd do anything for him, too.  

The scene in her dream shifted from Tartarus to Camp Half Blood. The entire camp stood solumn as they burned a shroud; sea green, and the salty smell of the ocean came from it. Annabeth swore she saw Poseidon in the back of the crowd, tears silently rolling down his cheeks. But as soon as he was there, he was gone, leaving Annabeth to wonder. She turned to Chiron, who was also crying. Hazel, who was next to her, made kind of a choking sound, and buried her face in Frank's shirt. The big guy was also sobbing, and they held each other like that for a long time. Annabeth finally realized who wasn't there; Percy. She collapsed onto her knees and started to cry, a gut wrenching sobbing that in turn made everyone cry more. She started to crawl toward the shroud when-

"Annabeth, hey. Wake up," There was someone hugging her tightly while she cried, burying her face into his shirt, breathing in the salty smell of the ocean, tears rolling down her face when she pulled away and looked up into his worry-filled eyes. She was surprised he had woken up when she started crying, he usually sleeps like the dead.

"P-Percy," she managed to choke out, before dissolving into another bout of tears. 

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're safe," Percy said soothingly, rubbing her back and stroking her hair while Annabeth shook and cried. He rocked her back and forth, for what seemed like hours, and Annabeth started to calm down. She took a deep breath, and steadied herself. 

"I'm okay now," she gulped and almost broke down again. 

Percy pulled her back in for another hug, playing with her curls and stroking her head. 

"I just- you were dead and I- I can't Percy, I can't-"

"I'm never going to leave you. I promise," Percy said firmly, without a doubt in the world. Annabeth reached up and stroked his face, wiping a tear of his own away. She brought her forehead to his and they stayed like that for a couple minutes. Sun filtered through Percy's curtains, and Annabeth reluctantly pulled away. 

"We have to get to breakfast. Everyone is going to worry, and-" Percy cut her off with a kiss, soft and passionate. Annabeth leaned into it, soaking up all she could before she finally pulled away, gasping for breath. Percy smirked, and with that, he popped out of bed and waltzed into the bathroom. Annabeth rolled her eyes and pulled out a clean orange t-shirt and jeans she had stashed at Percy's cabin. 

"Percy! You let me sleep in jeans?" She heard him brushing his teeth in the other room.

"Woh how wush I shusposd ta geh em ogh ya?" He grumbled, toothbrush still in his mouth.

"I dunno, maybe by just taking them off?" Annabath remarked sarcastically. She almost missed Percy's deep blush in the mirror. "Oooh, you're embarrassed," Annabeth teased, and Percy spit and rinsed his toothbrush. He turned around and glared at her in mock anger. She rolled her eyes again and started to change. Percy quickly whipped back around and pretended to be interested in the tube of toothpaste he was holding, although Annabeth knew he probably could only read about one third of the words on there. 

"You're so dumb, seaweed brain. Come on, your turn to get changed for breakfast. You don't want to miss pancake Saturdays..." Annabeth trailed off for effect. Percy practically leaped out of the bathroom and got undressed, except for his boxers. She laughed as he tried his very best to put on his shorts as fast as humanly possible, but really she was more focused on his toned back muscles. 

He finally finished getting changed, and they both made their way down to the dining area, arms linked.

(wow this is long. hope you enjoyed all the percabeth fluff. luv ya <3)

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