From Six to Seven

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Feel free to comment any suggestions or anything in particular you liked/disliked. Comments and votes are the things that keep me going through the day so, thank you so much. Most chapters will be around 800-1200 words long, just a heads up :)



(This is going to be super long so bear with me, also lots of cursing ahead ;)

(And I'm staying in first person for now, fight me)


I picked Annabeth up bridal-style, and she giggled despite her tears. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me again, soft, sweet and disappointingly short.

"Put me down, Seaweed Brain. I can walk on my own, you know," Annabeth laughed, her tears forgotten.

"Oh, I know, and you could probably still kick my ass, but I just want to carry you right now, okay?" I replied, smiling stupidly, and Annabeth laughed and nodded. She curled into my chest, and I can't describe the feeling I had. I just know that I love this girl more than life itself.

When we got to the infirmary, Annabeth gestured for me to set her down so she could walk in on her own. I did, but she still clung to my arm like I might disappear at any moment. I walked in and found Will immediately.

"What can I do to help?" I asked, and Will glared at me.

"What you can do to help, Jackson," Will practically growled, "is lay the fuck back down."

I laughed. "Nope. Not happening. What can I do to help?"

Will glared at me again, and reluctantly pointed to Clarisse, who had a sword sticking out of her leg.

"Thanks!" I said cheerily, dragging Annabeth over to her bed.

I have pretty limited healing skills, but I know how to feed people ambrosia and nectar. That counts, right?

"Hey toilet head," Clarisse grumbled, and I smiled.

"Nice to see you too, asshole," I laughed, bracing her leg as an Apollo camper pulled the sword out (it was kinda difficult with Annabeth still clinging to my arm like she'd never see me again, but I made it work)

Clarisse's face contorted in pain, but she made no sound. The camper quickly wrapped her leg, and I fed her as much ambrosia as I could without worrying about her literally exploding.

"I missed you, dickwad." Clarisse grumbled.

"You. Missed me?" I said, pretending to be shocked.

"Oh, shut your pie-hole, Prissy," she said, but she was smiling, "I would tackle you if I weren't otherwise incapacitated."


After I had done everything I could in the infirmary (which wasn't much), Will kicked me out.

"Go do something else, Jackson, before I sedate you and make you lay down," he said, and I bolted out of there, Annabeth in tow. She still hadn't let go of me. If she wasn't holding my hand, she was latched onto my shirt, like if I disappeared she'd go down with me.

"Let's go see Jason and Piper. I'm sure they're dying to see you," Annabeth suggested, and I agreed. I really wanted to see them too.



Piper and I ran around the entire camp, looking for Annabeth and Percy. I was starting to think that seeing Percy was a dream, or hallucination, or something like that, when I saw a familiar mop of black hair walk out of the infirmary, hand in hand with Annabeth.

He tipped her chin up and kissed her softly, and Piper and I broke into a run. I got there first. Thankfully Annabeth and Percy had broken apart by then, and I tackled Percy in a hug.

We fell on the ground, laughing. I rolled off of him and lay right beside him. Piper and Annabeth laughed at us. Both of them were crying.

I punched Percy in the arm. He winced.

"You jerk! You waited a whole year to come back?" I said, but I wasn't angry. How could I be angry when I just got my best friend back?

Percy grimaced, then smiled.

"It wasn't really my choice, man. Believe me, if I could've come back the next day, I would've."

We were both still lying on the ground. I sat up, holding my hand out for Percy. He high-fived me and stood up himself. I pushed my glasses up my nose and rolled my eyes. Percy hit me in the arm.

Then Piper took that as her opportunity. She lunged into Percy's arms, and he squeezed her tight. She was crying when she pulled away.

Annabeth latched onto Percy again. I could tell she was scared he would just up and disappear, poof into the winds.

I studied Percy. He looked bright, happy. There was almost no resemblance to the lifeless corpse I carried on my back just a year ago. He looked at Annabeth with such adoration in his eyes, it was practically radiating off of him.

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