Jack in the Box

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(I will be switching to first person for this chapter, just to spice things up)

Exactly one year later


Now, I know what you're thinking. Wow, Jack, you are a complete idiot! Well, I mean, that's about right. 

About a week ago, I woke up in a strange field covered with strange indents, powders, and a stain that looks suspiciously like blood.

I had no idea who I am, where I came from, or where I'm going. But oh, yeah. There's a paper in my pocket, though. It just says "Jack" on it. So I'm going to assume that's my name. I've been in this field for a while now, eating berries off of a nearby bush (how do I know they're not poisonous? I have no clue) and drinking from a nearby stream. I was just chilling by the creek, eating my berries, when all of the sudden a girl walks up to the field. So, naturally, I hide.

Now, here comes the Wow, Jack, you are a complete idiot! part. I stepped. On a twig. Within seconds, the girl had taken out a weapon (woah, is that a sword?) and pointed towards my hiding place. She turned all the way towards me, and wow, she is gorgeous. Her eyes are grey and stormy, and I don't know why, but I feel like running my fingers through her curly blonde hair. 

I shook away that thought, and stepped out of my hiding place with my hands up.

"Don't shoot!" I said, jokingly, and she gave me a small smile and dropped her sword. 

"Who are you?" She asked, and stepped a bit closer.

"Dunno. And woah, lady, whatch where you're going with that enormous knife."

"What do you mean, 'dunno,'" She mocked me, and I laughed. And wow, she looks amazing when she smiles. 

"I mean, I dunno. Woke up here bout a week ago, no memory, been eating berries and drinking water from the creek. I thought I was in the middle of nowhere, to be honest. What are you doing here?"

Her easy smile falls. I regret asking her. She looks so sad. 

"You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm just glad I'm not alone." She laughs again, and I study her face. Then, I laugh. "Do you mind if I come a little closer?" I asked, not daring to breath.

She looks troubled for a moment, then nods. I walk right up to her and wipe some powder off her nose. She stiffens, and I walk backwards a bit. I release the breath I didn't know I was still holding. The yellow powder looks just like the ones that dust the fields.

Then, she laughs. It's a light, easy sound. I already love it.

"Well, the powder is off your nose, milady," I say, faking a bow. She smiles. I take that in. I made her smile. Maybe I'm not such an idiot. We sit in comfortable silence for a few seconds. 

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