The Unclaimed

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Feel free to comment any suggestions or anything in particular you liked/disliked. Comments and votes are the things that keep me going through the day so, thank you so much. Most chapters will be around 800-1200 words long, just a heads up :)


(Finally back to third person, you're welcome <3)


Jack couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about how easily he fell in with Piper, Jason, and Annabeth, like they were old friends. Like he belonged there. He also didn't want a sharpie mustache painted on by anyone, so he got up and snuck out.

He was warned that the harpies would get him; he didn't care. He needed out. So Jack walked aimlessly around the camp that he had only been in for a few hours. He was lost in his thoughts when a little girl, about nine, ran into him. She squealed and made grabby hands, so he picked her up. 

"What's up?" Jack whispered to her.

"Running from the mean bird ladies," she said breathlessly, and then gestured to the ground. She looked up at him in the dim light, then ran off, silent and fast. Jack just shrugged and unconsciously made his way to the dock. He sat there, unmoving, fingering the soft box in his pocket. He knew this related to his past somehow. He took out the ring and examined it. The dock was softly illuminated by the lake, and Jack looked at the inside. He could make out 5 words.

I love you, Wise Girl 

Jack put the ring gently back in its box, when he was suddenly aware of a presence beside him that wasn't there moments ago. Jack startled, and glanced at the person now beside him. 

He had a beard with only a streak of white in it, his hair too. He wore a tropical Hawaiian shirt and khakis, and we carried this intense sadness with him. Jack couldn't place him, but he was sure he had seen him before.

"My son," said the man, "I am so glad you have returned, but I cannot claim you until you have realized your powers, as decreed by the fates.." 

Jack had never been more confused. "I'm sorry, man, I don't know you-"

"My time is short. There is only one way to get your memory back, and I cannot tell you what it is, regretfully. But remember, it is very important that you-" He dissipated in a flash of light and with a salty ocean breeze. Jack shook his head, sure he was still dreaming, when he heard a scream coming from a nearby building.

He grabbed the box, stuffed it in his pocket, and took off for where the sound had originated.


Annabeth woke up screaming, and she knew she wouldn't be going back to sleep anytime soon. She sat on the edge on the bed, panting, fully awake and terrified. She was about to lie back down when she heard a knocking at the door. Annabeth had no idea who would be knocking at her door this late at night, but she hoped it wasn't Chiron. He might make her move back into the Athena cabin, but being in the Poseidon cabin was the only thing that could help her nightmares. 

Annabeth opened the door, and Jack stood there, holding a stick he had probably picked up on the beach. He looked worried. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, his brow furrowing in concern. She nodded, and noticed his grip on his stick loosened considerably.

"Come in. Just... leave the stick outside, sea-" Annabeth stopped herself, and pushed back tears. She was not crying again today.

Jack sheepishly left the stick outside and came in. He sucked in a breath. Everything looked like it hadn't been disturbed in a long, long time. He blinked rapidly, as if trying to remember something. 

He stood awkwardly in the middle of the cabin, and Annabeth plopped herself down on the bed. 

"I'm sorry, I heard screaming so I thought you were getting attacked or something," Jack finally said, to break the silence. Annabeth buried her head in her hands for a moment, trying to compose herself, before taking a deep breath and giving Jack a faltering smile.

"It's fine, it's just a nightmare. We demigods get them all the time." 

"Oh," Jack looked strange, almost kind of pale. He suddenly came over to the bed- Annabeth held her breath- but he dropped to his knees instead, crawling under. Annabeth was startled; what in the world is going on? she thought. 

She sat still for a moment, Jack still under the bed. She heard a creaking sound, and then something heavy being set onto the floor. Jack scooted out from under the bed with something in his arms; his eyes blank until he stood. Then he blinked hard and stumbled, still hold a black metal box.

"What- what is that? And how did you know it was there?" croaked Annabeth. She felt her eyes welling with tears once again. 

"I... don't know." Jack shrugged and handed the box to Annabeth.

The box was locked. 

"I don't suppose you know where the key is?" Annabeth half cried, half choked out.

Jack squeezed his eyes closed, wracking his brain. 

He sighed, defeated, and said "I'm sorry. I don't know." 

"It's fine," Annabeth sniffed, and plucked a stray bobby pin out of her hair. Jack set next to her, and Annabeth stiffened. He was so close to her. 

She struggled around the lock for a few minutes, and finally got it to pop open. Annabeth gasped in disbelief. There were letters; all in the blue-green stationary she had gotten Percy for his birthday one year. She thought he never touched it.

Jack realized what they were too, and he bid Annabeth goodnight, and hurriedly walked out of the cabin. He didn't want to go back to the Hermes cabin, and couldn't go back to Annabeth. So he just lay in the sand, letting the sea lap at his feet. Jack felt more relaxed than he had since he had in a long time, and he fell asleep.

Annabeth sat there, staring at the letters for a long time. Once she read them, Percy would have nothing left to say to her. She wasn't sure if she was ready for that yet. Annabeth yanked off the lock and shoved the box back under the bed. She would find out what they said later. But for now, she thanked the gods, and Jack. How he knew what was under there was beyond her, but she was grateful that he did. Annabeth drifted off to sleep peacefully for the first time in a year.


(Hmmm, what will the letters say? How can Jack regain his memory? hehe, luv ya <3)

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