Not Fireproof

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"I'm starving," Percy said, and we all laughed. Of course he was.

We sat down at the pavilion and began to eat. Percy shovelled food into his mouth faster than I've ever seen him (which is a feat in itself). Jason, Annabeth, and I were either too excited or nervous to eat much, that's for sure.

Annabeth still clung to Percy, either holding a handful of his shirt or holding is hand or arm. I think she was scared of him disappearing.

"Guys. I have a great idea," Percy tried to say, but his mouth was full. We barely understood him.

He swallowed his last bite of food and pushed the plate away. I don't know how he managed to eat an entire pizza and a half and then wash it down with 3 and 3/4 of blue coke, but he did.

"So. We bring Frank, Hazel, and possibly Reyna down here, and surprise them! It's a maybe for Reyna, because she'll probably beat me up," Percy said matter-of-factly, and we all cracked up. It was so good having him back.

"Oh, and Leo," Jason added.

"Leo's alive? Shit man, I missed a lot."


"Oh, right. Gotta keep it PG-13 for you, Sparky," Percy joked, and Jason turned red.

"He also came back with some girl. Didn't tell us who she was, just kinda left," I said sadly.

Percy's eyes turned distant, and a small smile graced his face.

"I know who she is," he murmured, and we waited for an explanation, but didn't get one. He snapped back into joking and talking with us.

I looked Percy up and down. He looked a little thin and a little paler than usual, but his eyes were bright. I missed this, I missed him. Annabeth looked so happy, despite the bags under her seemingly-permanent bloodshot eyes.

I was amazingly happy too. We were finally together again.



When I got the iris-message from Jason, I knew something was wrong.

He looked worried, and he wrung his hands nervously.

"Leo, you have to come back to Camp. Now. It's an emergency. We need you," Jason pleaded, and I wasn't going to say no to that.

"Cmon, Sunshine, we're going to see some old friends," I shouted to Calypso, who dropped everything and climbed onto Festus.

She wrapped her arms around me.

"I thought you said you'd never go back?" She whispered into my ear.

"Well I wasn't planning on it, but Superman says he needs me? There has to be something going on."


I dropped into Camp Half Blood, and was immediately reminded of Percy, and how I let him die. He could still be alive right now if I'd left the physicians cure with Piper.

I winced and jumped off Festus, running straight for Jason.

"Where- where's the-" I huffed, a little out of breath, "where's the emergency?"

"Right here!" Said a voice cheekily, and Jason stepped aside.

It was Percy.


A thousand thoughts rushed through my head at once. A couple of OH MY GODS HES ALIVE and a few you could've saved him and of course the ever present FOOD.

My eyes welled up with tears despite my very strong objections and I jumped into Percy's arms. I'm pretty sure I killed him with how tightly I was gripping onto him, but you know, he's fine. He squeezed me back tightly, and I laugh-cried into his shoulder for longer than I should've.

Percy pulled back, and I protested. I could probably hug him for 2 more hours at least. Percy gave great hugs.

He grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"Good job rebuilding Festus, man. And you know, not dying," Percy said, eyes sparkling.

I had to laugh.

"Not too bad yourself. I mean, not the rebuilding Festus part. I did that alllll on my own," I winked at Jason, and he rolled his eyes.

Just then, Calypso came sliding off of Festus and ran over. I had forgotten she was with me (don't tell her I said that).

She ran and vaulted herself into Percy's arms. He spun her around, hugging her tightly. I think I saw Annabeth's face twist in jealousy.

Then she peeled herself off and punched him in the arm. It looked like it hurt.

"Ok, ow. Nice to see you too, Calypso," Percy winced.

"I thought you were dead, you fucking dumbass!" Calypso screamed. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous too. Her and Percy were bickering like old friends.

"Well, I mean, I was, actually. Heh. Leo got you off Ogygia, then?"

Calypso turned to smile at me, which melted my jealousy away like a popsicle on a 100 degree day.

Annabeth practically pushed Calypso off of Percy and clung to his arm protectively. Calypso studied her.

"So this is the Annabeth you wouldn't shut up about?" She asked.

"Yeah," Percy said softly, and kissed Annabeth's forehead. She melted.

I grabbed Calypso's hand and Jason raised an eyebrow. Man, I'd get a talking to about this later.

But for right now, all of us were happy.

But then Festus blew fire at Percy, who jumped out of the way just in time.

"I'm not fireproof like Leo, Festus!" Percy yelped, and patted out the fire that started on his shirt. We all laughed.

Yeah, we were happy.

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