Drama Club

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Feel free to comment any suggestions or anything in particular you liked/disliked. Comments and votes are the things that keep me going through the day so, thank you so much. Most chapters will be around 800-1200 words long, just a heads up :)


(I like first person so a couple chapters will be in it, thx <3)


I was having so much fun with Jack when he waved at someone behind me. I was confused until I saw Piper and Jason walking down the beach toward us. I turned back to Jack and panicked. I kicked some water at him and ran in the other direction. I could't talk to Piper- not again. The last time didn't turn out so well. Imagine a fight between me and a monster; now imagine that monster was Piper instead. Yeah. You can guess how that turned out.

I gave one more glance in Jack's direction. He looked so hurt that I had run from him, but shrugged and made his way over to Piper and Jason. I carefully watched from behind the nearest building; the weapon's shed. Piper obviously sized him up- Jason gave him a death glare. I repressed the urge to run over and yell at them, he's new! Leave him alone!

Piper looked surprised when Jack probably told them it was me he was splashing around in the ocean with. She looked worried as she made her way over to where I was cowardly hiding. I don't hide. I'm Annabeth Chase. 

I stepped out from my hiding space, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes despite my strong objections. I expected a slap, a kick, or a nice scolding from Piper when she stalked her way over to me. I looked over her shoulder as Jack and Jason seemed to hit it off immediately. How much I wished I were over there, other than waiting for Piper to reach me.

When she finally did, Piper stood still for a moment, hesitating, before throwing her arms around me and sobbing. I was flabbergasted, and stood stiff for a moment, until it caught up with me, and I sunk into her hug. I started crying too. 

We sat cross-legged on the ground, swapping stories when she finally asked about Jack. I blushed involuntarily and she picked up on it. 

"Oh my god. No way. He's cute!" 

"Yeah," I smiled, but it didn't quite reach my eyes.

"But..." Piper egged me on.

"But... he's not Percy. And he never can be." My eyes welled up with tears again.

"Ok but also... he's pretty damn close. Did you see those eyes? They are like, the GORGEOUS." I laughed.

"I know. That's why I've been with him for a while. He makes me feel so... comfortable. Something I haven't felt in a really long time. And- I laughed today. A lot." 

Piper smiled and hugged me again. I hadn't realized how much I missed her, and everyone. 

I sighed. "I missed you, Piper."

"I missed you too."

We came back to the beach to find Jason and Jack skipping rocks. Jason was getting frustrated. We caught a snippet of him and Jack's conversation. 

"...You're cheating!" Jason accused.

"Dude how? You're the one with crazy wind powers. This is pure talent," Jack turned back to me and Piper, eyes sparkling. "So, you guys made up?" Jason elbowed him and gave me a death glare. 

"Yeah. I guess we did. So, what're we doing?"

We spent the last dwindling hours of sunlight skipping rocks. I was the only one who could beat Jack. We caught Jason cheating at least three times, and he occasionally gave me accusing looks. He stood really close to Piper. All three of them chatted like old friends. I think they felt as ease with Jack that I did. I wonder what his life was like before us, I wondered. And if he remembers, will he leave? 

We all tried our best to explain the world of monsters and demigods to Jack. He accepted it easily and took it in stride. I was surprised; usually there's some sort of confusion. He just accepted it, and moved on. 

There were so many little things that Jack did that reminded me of Percy. He almost filled a hole in our little group that we didn't even realize was there. And while Jack could never replace Percy, I recognized that we seemed more complete with him. 

When it was finally dark, I led Jack to the Hermes cabin, where all unclaimed campers go. He looked unsure of all the boisterous laughter and screams coming from inside, but I reassured him and pushed him in. 

Jack had been here for only a day, and I felt better than I had in a year. 

Later that night, I dreamed I was in that field, discovering him for the first time yet again. His dull, listless eyes were the source of all my fears. 

"Annabeth," came a raspy sound from his mouth, "you could've saved me. You could've saved them all."

I looked up and saw Luke, Bianca, and other campers whose lives were taken. I turned back to Percy's corpse, which was now still and unmoving. 

And then I screamed. 

The Death of a Hero | Percabeth FanficWhere stories live. Discover now