The Mission

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Feel free to comment any suggestions or anything in particular you liked/disliked. Comments and votes are the things that keep me going through the day so, thank you so much. Most chapters will be around 800-1200 words long, just a heads up :)



Percy was being dragged to the dining hall by Annabeth. He knew she loved pancake Saturdays too, almost as much as he did. 

Annabeth's frizzy curls bounced behind her as she practically skipped with Percy in tow. He suddenly stopped, halting Annabeth in her tracks. She turned around, worried, but Percy just stood there, grinning ear to ear. 

"You know I love you, right?" Percy said, and Annabeth looked as if she were going to explode with happiness. 

"I do. And you know I love you?" She waggled her eyebrows. 

"Always, Wise Girl." 

Annabeth laughed and continued to pull Percy along until they finally arrived. She sat next to Percy at the Poseidon table, which earned some glares from other couples and a raised eyebrow from Chiron, but Percy was oblivious. He just dug into his pancakes like they it was his last day on earth. 

After breakfast, Percy and Annabeth were called into the big house for some meeting.

"Ugh. We just got back from our quest, and now he wants us for something else? Can't we ever catch a break?" Percy groaned, and Annabeth elbowed him. "Hey! You know I'm right." 

"I'll never admit that, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth chuckled, and Percy felt much better about the meeting already. 


Annabeth listened intently as Chiron droned on about the good relations with Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood now. Posing as a teacher really did not help his lectures. Percy had all but nodded off, so Annabeth flicked him in the ear. He woke with a start and made a wounded puppy face at her. Annabeth only felt bad for a moment, before assuring herself that he deserved it. She gestured at Chiron, to Percy, and he made a boring face at her. Annabeth almost laughed, but she composed herself and managed to make it all the way through Chiron's lecture. 

As everyone was walking out, Chiron pulled Annabeth aside, which in turn forced Percy to walk over as well. He followed her around like a lost puppy. 

"Annabeth. Percy." Chiron addressed them, "These are troubling times indeed. You defeated the earth mother, but there are still many monsters roaming the city, and also many unclaimed demigods there. When Gaia released all the monsters from Tartarus, and opened the Doors of Death, our world was flooded with them. Do you mind going and killing some monsters...?" 

Percy and Annabeth glanced at each other, and silently decided they might as well. It's not like they were doing much else that day.

"Sure, Chiron. We'll be back before sundown." 



While walking around Manhattan with Annabeth, looking for a fight, Percy spotted a little girl in an alleyway. She looked to be about seven or eight, dirty, and terrified. He poked Annabeth and pointed at her. 

"Do you think...?" Percy asked, and the unspoken question hung in the air. Was she a demigod? They didn't know, but they sure weren't going to leave her there. 

Annabeth walked toward her slowly. "Hi, my name is Annabeth. What's yours?" Annabeth said softly, inching closer to the little girl. She backed away, clearly frightened. 

"Are you coming to kill me? Just get on with it already," the girl snapped at Annabeth, and pulled out a dull-looking kitchen knife. 

"Hey, hey, it's ok. I'm not here to hurt you. This is Percy," she gestured at him, "And I'm Annabeth, as I said. We're here to help."

"I'm not falling for your tricks!" she yelled, and swung the knife wildly. 

"Annabeth, let me try." She pulled away reluctantly. 

Percy grabbed a mostly-empty water bottle, and took what was left in it out with his powers. He made it into the shape of a small kitten, and had it jump around and lick the small girl. She giggled, a clear, tinny sound, like little bells. 

"How did you do that? She asked, her knife clattering to the ground, forgotten. Percy pulled out Riptide, and asked the girl to hold it. She did, and he tapped the end. It grew into a sword, and the girl's eyes opened wide with amazement. She could barely lift it, but she started asking Percy questions in rapid fire succession.

"Do you see the monsters too? Is that why your pen turns into a sword? Wow, a pen-sword, that's so cool! And how did you do that with the water? I wanna do that! How do you fight the monsters? Who's the scary lady?" Annabeth acted offended at this statement. Percy laughed at her, and turned back to the girl. "...can I go with you guys? And how-"

Percy cut her off. "I'll explain everything on the way. Can you tell me your name?" 

"It's Andy," she said shyly.

"Well Andy," Percy grabbed her small hand, "Let's go back to camp."


They hadn't made it even close to camp when they were attacked. 

(Ahah, leaving you on a cliffhanger. luv ya <3)

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