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(This is going to be a really long chapter because I took so long to update, EE SORRY)

(I'm staying in first person for now, fight me)


I ran into the infirmary, wheezing, my lungs still damaged from the poisonous air in Tartarus. The beds were filled, as always after a battle, but I was looking for one camper in particular.

Will jogged over to me, looking just as tired as the ones on the battlefield. He also sorta looked like he wanted to murder someone, which pretty accurately described me as well.

"Is Percy with you?" Will said apprehensively.

"...I THOUGHT YOU GUYS BROUGHT HIM HERE?" I screeched, unable to bear being away from him for any longer. Will had murder on his mind.

"I'm gonna... kill him... dumb, stupid..." Will muttered, then turned back to his patients in need of immediate medical attention. I knew that he had work to do, so I turned around and marched out.

Nico grabbed my arm, and silently pointed toward the lake. I nodded and started to run again. I ran past everything; campers giving me strange looks, the pavilion, the arena... and then I was there. The lake.

But Percy wasn't there. My heart broke into a million tiny little pieces. Was it just a dream? He really was still dead?

I plopped myself down on the sand and began to cry. Hadn't the fates had enough of torturing me? What did I do to deserve this?

After I was all cried out, my eyes red and puffy, I decided to go back and help Will in the infirmary. Percy really was dead, and this was all my imagination. And I hated myself for it.

I kept my head down as I walked past, trying to hide the fact that I had been sobbing just moments before. Just my luck, I ran right into someone.

"Sorry," I mumbled, and tried to push past them.

"Nice to see you too, Wise Girl."

My head snapped up and my grey eyes met sea-green ones. His black hair, messy as ever, fell in his face, and he looked a little pale, but he was grinning nonetheless. His hands were on my shoulders, warm and comforting. My heart magically mended itself back together with just one look at that smile.

I smashed my lips to his, and he kissed back just as passionately. The electricity in the air could've shocked me. One of Percy's hands was in my hair, the other on the small of my back. I could practically feel sparks come from his fingers.

I only pulled away because I ran out of air. Damn these stupid lungs.

Percy's forehead rested against mine, both of us panting and out of breath. His eyes were closed, and he had a small smile gracing his face.

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