Hellos and Goodbyes

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(I'm staying in first person for now, fight me)


I took out monster after monster, unaware of the campers still behind me. I cut through the lines with the ice daggers Kim taught me how to make with one hand, and with the other I evaporated the monster's blood. I knew I should stop, let camp do the rest, but I was too far to stop now.
When my body just couldn't take the strain anymore, I slumped forward and sunk into black.

I was back in the white room. The fates stood in front of me. 

"Perseus Jackson. You dare temper with our plan and try to get your memories back?"

"Uh, I apologize, but that wasn't really my fault. I didn't have a say in the matter. Plus, I just took out your most powerful enemy. You should be thanking me."

The three old ladies hissed. Like, actually hissed. 

"Ok, ok, no need. I'll just..." I awkwardly bowed, "thank you for, uh, not killing me. No offense, but I hope I don't see you for a long time."

They all nodded in sync (which is actually pretty creepy) and I woke up on a hospital bed.
The first thing I saw was Will bustling around, carrying various items and muttering to himself. Nico followed him around like a lost puppy, trying to help however he could. 

"Holy shist. Hi, Will. Nico." I mumbled, and both of them snapped their heads around so fast I thought they might fall off.
I sat up slowly, groaning. 

"No! You should be resting!" Will screeched, and practically forced me back down. 

"More monsters. Have to help." I groaned, trying to push Will off of me. Nico just glowered in the corner.

I succeeded in pushing Will off me, but he held up a syringe. 

"Don't make me sedate you, Jackson," he said threateningly.

"You wouldn't."

"Watch me," he said, and started the needle toward my arm. I yelped. 

"Alright, alright, I'll stay."

"hmph." Will grunted and walked off to find another patient to fuss over. I eyed Nico.
"Sup." I said. 

Nico pretty much stomped over to me, his eyes filled with anger. He stopped about a foot away from me, and then did something I didn't expect;

He hugged me. Nico do Angelo wrapped his arms really tightly around my ribs, which was extremely painful, and I winced, but I hugged him back just the same. 

When it became painful to breathe, I patted his back. 

"Can't breathe, buddy," I choked out, and he let go, his cheeks red with embarrassment. My shoulder was wet, and I knew Nico had cried into it. I patted his shoulder and smiled at him, and scooched toward the edge of the bed.

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