Prologue (Old Version)

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Your POV

"Come on Y/N it's time to get ready for school!" I heard my mom scream from across the hall.

I woke up and dragged myself out of bed to get ready for school. I yawned and changed into my school uniform. I picked up my phone to see if there was any interesting news when I saw it: after my mom had woken me up I had dozed back to sleep for another ten minutes, I needed to be out the door pronto or else I would be late.

"Hey Mom, I don't have time for breakfast. I got to go. See you later!" I called as I ran out the door.



I open the door to my classroom. I just barely got inside in time. I go to my seat and grab my book from my bag and start reading it while I wait for class to start.

Once it started the teacher told us we would be swapping seats. Our new seats were randomly chosen and when I sat down at my new seat I noticed the girl in front of my seat was that gyaru-looking girl. Ai Miyashita I think? Well it didn't really didn't really matter to me since nobody really talks to me. I have trouble trying to start or join conversations with people I am not close with, so I typically don't really talk to people unless they invite me to the conversation. Since I don't try to join conversations people typically assume I want to be left alone.

Even when I do get invited I have trouble articulating my thoughts into words when talking to new people. It's been a bit since someone new last started talking to me so I'm not sure whether or not I would have even more trouble.

"Hey you're y/n l/n right? Nice to meet you!"



A/n: That was the first chapter of my first fanfic. I know this is short but that's because I was writing this at 4:00am and I needed to sleep. The chapter this I promise will be longer. I doubt it was any good so I would love people's critique although I might have a bit of trouble remembering to apply any advice. I don't know how know how often I'll update but I have the basic plot planned out so it'll mostly be me turning those summaries into an actually story that I'm satisfied with. I'll try to publish a chapter every one to two days but no promises.

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