Chapter 2

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Y/n's Perspective

A Couple Days Later...

The lunch bells rings, I start putting my stuff into my bag and get up to go read on the roof. As I am about to go out, someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see that it's Ai.

I removed my earbuds and said "Hey Ai. I'm about the to head for lunch, do you need anything?"

"Hey, how about you come eat lunch with me and one of my friends?"

"Sure Ai, I'll join you but why invite me? I'm not the most talkative so I probably wouldn't contribute too much to the conversation." I inquired.

"I thought that maybe you'd want a change of pace from eating alone all the time."

She's got me there. I typically go up to the roof and eat alone because I worry that my music might be too loud and people would be able to hear them come from my earbuds and bother them.

I turned my phone's volume down and put one earbud back in so I'd still have my music and said "Lead the way then."

She smiled that big smile of hers and said "Aye-aye or maybe Ai-Ai" She then started to giggle as I just shook my head.


We were now at the first year classrooms and I just followed her as she headed into one of the classrooms. She then walked up to a girl with pink hair in a blue hoodie jacket and holding up a sketchbook with a drawing of a face over her actual face.

Ai went up to the girl and pointed at me while saying "Hey I brought a friend of mine from class to eat with us."

I waved and said "Y-you're Tennouji right? I'm y/n l/n, it's nice to meet you."

She swapped the drawing in her notebook to a smiling face and responded "It's nice to meet you too. If you're a friend of Ai then just call me Rina."

She seems nice. Then again she is Ai's friend so of course she would be. "Okay then. So where are we eating?"

"I was thinking the courtyard," Ai answered.

"Okay let's go."


Once we got to the courtyard we sat down on a bench.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go grab us some drinks I'll be back in a minute." Ai said as she got up and starting to walk over to the nearest vending machine

"Hey Rina, I'm sorry if this is a sensitive question or something but what is up with the sketchbook?" I asked with a curious look on my face.

Rina looked up and answered "This is my Rina board. I have trouble expressing my emotions to people so Ai helped me make this so it can show my emotions for me."

"Oh I see. That's really neat." I responded. Ai came up with a really cool way to deal with that problem.

She then said to me "So how did you end up being friends with Ai?"

" Our class recently changed seats and she's in front of me. I was honestly surprised that she talked to me."

She swapped to a confused looking face "Why were you surprised?"

"I have trouble starting conversations with people and so people just started to assume that I didn't like talking to people so they left me alone. It had actually been a bit since someone in class approached me."

Ai came back with drinks and handed them to us.

"Thanks Ai."

We began to eat and as we were about finished Ai spoke up and asked me something. "Hey y/n did you know that me and Rina are in the same club?"


She gave that big smile of hers and said "Yeah, we're in the School Idol Club"

"Wait so you guys are school idols? That's so cool!" I totally could see them being school idols.

"Yeah we are! Hey y/n, you should come to my next live!"

"Sure that sounds like a great time! Just send me a text with the details and I'll come!"


A/n: I took longer than expected to get this chapter out because I decided to improve on the basic outline I have written for this story. I'm also probably gonna take 3-4 days for the next chapter due to some personal stuff that happens this time of year but it'll for sure come out. After this stuff is over I should be able to get this out quicker, except for the final chapter because for that I want to use a lot of puns but I am terrible at coming up with them.

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