Chapter 6

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Ai's Perspective

One week later...

After my last live and me and y/n going to eat at my place, y/n was out of school for two days. I tried to come over and visit him after school to see how he was holding up but his mom told me that he didn't want anybody to visit. I don't understand why he wouldn't want anyone visiting him and he didn't respond to my texts either but he soon came back to school without any problems so I guess he was fine and I left it at that. Or I would have, but I tried to come talk to him during lunch but as soon as the bell rang, he was out of his seat and leaving the room before I knew it and when I went to find him he had disappeared. I asked people nearby if they saw where he went but even though I went the direction they saw him I couldn't find him. I even tried calling him but he didn't pick up either.

It happened again the day after and even today. Although I asked Ayumu and the Prez for help, I still couldn't find him and I started to worry. Was he trying to avoid me? Why would he? Was it something I said? My heart aches just thinking about it and I couldn't get those concerns out of my head. But until I can figure out why this was happening I just need to focus on the present.

After practice I headed home I saw Misato and I decided that I should get her help on figuring it out. "Hey, Misato" I said "Could you come over? I need some advice."

She nodded and with a smile said "I was wondering when you'd talk about why you've felt so distracted recently.I need to finish up what I'm over but then I'll be right over."

I headed home and waited for her in the living room. She got here about half an hour later and I explained to her about how I felt y/n has been distant recently. She listened to me explain without saying anything.

"Okay, I get the situation now. First thing we should figure out is if there are any clues to why he's distant in the last time you two hung out." She calmly said. "So what things did you two do together that day?"

I responded "Well after my live we headed over to celebrate with some monja."

She nodded and said "Did he act in any way odd that day?"

I thought to myself for a second. "I can't think of anything in particular but he did seem a bit more quiet than usual while I was preparing the monja."

"Was it just while preparing the monja or did he stay that way afterward? Was he like that before? And try to see if you can remember any other way he was behaving differently."

"He was normal before and he was like that afterwards too " I paused for a minute as I thought to myself "He also seemed to be a bit more distracted."

"Okay maybe he had a thought and was distracted trying to figure it out?"

"But how can we figure out if what he could have been thinking about had caused him to distance himself?" I said. How could we figure out what he was thinking?

"Calm down. If it bothered him to the point he was stuck thinking about it he might've asked you about it. Can you remember if he asked you something? Maybe it could be related to the two of you?"

I thought to myself and tried to remember our conversation that day. I couldn't think of anything he asked while we were eating that could have any importance. But then I thought about if maybe there was anything he asked after we were done eating and it hit me. "Right before he left he asked why I talked to him in the first place since everyone says that he doesn't like talking to people."

She nodded and said "What did you answer?"

"I said that I had heard what they said but if they weren't true he must have been lonely." I tried to think if there was any part of that which could have upset him "But what part of that could have upset him?"

Misato closed her eyes and thought about it. Misato and y/n have talked a little in the past so she at least understands his personality somewhat. "Maybe he thought that what you said there meant that you only became his friend because you felt bad for him?"

It made sense but why would he think that? Did he really think so little of himself that he thought that I would only be his friend out of pity? I need to get him to talk to me and to tell me if he really thought that way. But how? Even with Ayumu and the Prez helping me find him and following where people said he went I still couldn't get to him. My heart sank as I thought about how I couldn't reach him.

"Misato, please help me figure out how to get him to talk to me." I said.

Misato looked at me and said "Of course I'll help you but first, please tell me just what your feelings for him are."

What my feelings for him are? I think back to all the friends I've made and all the fun I've had in the idol club. I remembered all the time I've spent with him and how things have become even more than they already were when he was around.

"Isn't it obvious? I love him."


A/n: And here is the next chapter! I wasn't able to fit in everything I wanted because 1) I felt like it would be a bit too big and 2) It's getting late and I'm severely lacking in sleep already. Because this and the next were supposed to be one big chapter, I'm going to release it roughly this time tomorrow give or take an hour. I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though it wasn't much.

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