Chapter 10

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Ai's Perspective

Six months later...

I hear the school bell ring telling me that school is out for the day for the last time. Tomorrow is the day me and y/n graduate from Nijigasaki High School. Me and y/n have studied really hard so that we can go to the same college. After the graduation ceremony, me and the members of the idol club are planning to go and celebrate but it's still a little tough to think that our time here is over. I get up and grab my stuff to leave for the day when I get a text from y/n: Hey Ai, could you meet me in class 2-B in about thirty minutes? That was our class in our second year so I wonder why he wants me to meet him there? In any case I leave the classroom and go talk to some of my friends from class to pass the time.Once it's been thirty minutes I head to class 2-B and see y/n sitting at a desk nearby.

"Hey Ai, would you mind sitting here for me?" He said while gesturing to the desk that his desk faced towards.

"Okay but why?" I asked

"You'll figure it once you sit down I promise." He answered.

I sat down at the seat and I realized that these were the seats that we had when we first spoke to each other. I understand that this is a memorable place to him but I don't know why he wanted me to come here too.

"Now look inside of the desk" He said

I opened it up and I saw a small, folded up note inside. I pulled it out and showed it to him. "Is this why you wanted me to look in there?"

"Yes it is but could you please read it aloud?"

"Okay, I'll read it aloud" I opened the note and began to read it "Ai Miyashita, ever since I first spoke to you my life has been filled with so much joy and happiness. I know this is probably too early for this but you being my wife has such a great ring to it."

I looked up from the note to see that y/n had opened a small box with a beautiful ring in it and with a big smile on his face said "Ai Miyashita will you make me merry and marry me?"

"Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I said as I got up and pulled y/n into a hug "I love you so much!"

y/n pulled me into a kiss and with a grin said "I promise to make being engaged engaging."

I could only grin while he put the ring onto my finger and looked into his eyes. This man is the man I love with all my heart. He has made all the fun things in the world even better and has been there for me when things sucked and I'll always love him for it.


Y/n's Perspective

One year later...

Today is the day me and Ai get married. About nine months ago me and Ai got our own place and have been living together and planning our wedding together. I still can't believe that I'm lucky enough to spend the rest of my life with someone as beautiful as her. I got here with my best man Sen, who is my closest male friend, a bit before the guests got here. I was pretty nervous because I honestly have no idea what I'm doing from here on but I just need to wait and hopefully I'll calm down a bit.

"Well man, today is the day. It's been a year and I still can't believe you asked her to marry you. You've been really passive ever since I first met you." Sen said

"I know, but whenever I tried to imagine the future, I couldn't imagine it without her being by my side."

We talked for a bit until it was almost time for the guests to arrive. He then went and sat down. The guests began to enter and I saw some people my age I didn't know entering and going to their seats. I'm guessing they are those other idol groups that Ai said that she became friends with while she was an idol. Eventually the girls from the idol club entered the building and I saw that Emma had managed to get here from Switzerland in time for today.

Eventually Ai came out in a beautiful wedding dress and held a bouquet as her father walked her down the aisle. Everyone looked at her and I began to feel a bit more nervous but I just have to bear with it.

Once she got to the altar me and her looked back at each other as the priest began to speak. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join y/n l/n and Ai Miyashita in holy matrimony. We will now begin. Ai Miyashita do you take y/n l/n to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Ai said while smiling that beautiful smile of hers.

"And y/n l/n, do you take Ai Miyashita to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He then asked me

"I do."I answered. There has never been anything I have been more sure of.

"And now, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Me and Ai then had our first kiss as husband and wife. Once it was done, Ai then through the bouquet and Kanata caught it.

Once we were at the reception area we all celebrated and I while holding Ai's hand I said to her "Listen, I know the future is by no means certain and that plenty of sad things are going to happen but I know that everything will be okay as long as it's dealt with by you and I."

The End


A/n: Roll credits. I honestly expected this to be a story that is published but nobody reads so I'm so happy that people read it and enjoyed it. I started writing this with zero confidence but now that it's finished I feel like it turned out better than I originally thought. Either tomorrow or the day after I'll release the first chapter in my oneshot book so please check it out once it is released! I'll be writing a few oneshots to improve my writing and come up with ideas and I'll turn one of them into a full story like this one. Now I'll finish this with one last thank you for reading!

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