Chapter 1

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Y/n's perspective

"Hey you're y/n l/n right? Nice to meet you!" said Miyashita smiling, as she turned her chair around to look at me.

Eh? Is she actually talking to me? I thought she would leave me alone like everyone else. Well, if she is going to talk to me it would be rude to not respond.

"Y-yeah it is... You are Miyashita right?" I responded.

"Yeah, but you don't have to be all formal. Just call me Ai and I'll just call you y/n, alright?"

She wants me to call her by her first name even though we just met? I guess if she wants me to I can, it just feels a bit weird to be so casual with someone I just met.

She saw that I was a little surprised by this and said "Do you not want to?"

"I-I guess I could do it. It just feels a bit odd since we've never talked before to be so casual."

"Well then let's talk some more right now!" She said with a smile.

"Okay... what do you want to talk about?"

"So what do you like to do in your spare time?"

"I like to spend my time reading or playing games while I listen to music in the background. I mostly read novels or manga but occasionally I find something interesting about cooking that I read but never bother remembering while cooking."

"So do you like to cook?"

"Yeah, I usually make dinner at my house. Plus, if I want to try to make something new I have my family as guinea pigs."

She giggled at my attempt at a joke and as she was about to say something, the teacher came into the class as next period was about to begin.

"Aw, class is starting. Let's talk again later, okay y/n?" She said as she turned her desk around.

"Sure Ai." I responded. I haven't talked to someone that much in a while and so if she wants to talk again that would be great.


At Lunch...

I put my stuff back into my bag and then looked back to Ai to see  some of her friends, a girl with black hair and a girl with light red hair(A/n: what is Ayumu's hair color called anyway?) were talking to her and I didn't want to bother her when she was with her friends so I pulled out my headphones to listen to something and headed to the roof to go read. She already talked to me during the previous breaks so she did like she said she would and that was good enough for me.

As I was about to open the door to the hall I heard Ai call out "Hey y/n where you going?"

I stuttered for a second and said "I-I'm going to go to the roof and read. See you later."


Ai's Pov

After I saw y/n leave I turned back to Ayumu and the Prez and Ayumu asked me "That was l/n right? I thought he didn't like it when people bothered him."

"From talking to him it didn't seem like that was the case, it just seemed like he was just quiet." I said back.

"Really? If you say he's just quiet then I'll believe you."

"Anyways, I'm hungry so let's go get lunch." 


A/N: Ending these things is harder than I thought. I'm pretty unsatisfied with how the previous chapter ended so I've spent a lot more to make sure this chapter was better but this took longer than I thought. I think that was mostly because I'm not a fast typer and I sometimes delete the section I'm working on because I want to take it a different direction

Love Live! You and I (Ai Miyashita x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now