Chapter 5

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Y/n's Perspective

Two months later, I went to cheer her on at another live. I've become pretty good friends with Ai. I've gotten a little better at talking to people and I've become decently close to the other girls in the idol cub and have gone and hung out with them outside of school occasionally. I plan to tell her my feelings once I become a little closer. Her live went off without a hitch and once the live was over, I went to meet up with her at the west exit to the building because we had agreed ahead of time to meet there. After I got there I pulled out my phone to check social media to see if anybody had posted anything about her live and of course most of it was positive. Her lives are consistently amazing and get me so excited. After waiting for her for five minutes I saw her coming out of the building. I waved and called out to her.

She came up to me with that gorgeous smile of hers and excitedly said "Did that live go great or what?"

I smiled back and responded "It was absolutely amazing as always but today it felt like there was something that had you more excited than usual."

"Yeah, it's been a little while since Misato had time to come and you were busy last time so to see you two smiling and cheering on so much got me so pumped!"

Misato is a neighbor of Ai's who she is so close with that they consider each other sisters so I can understand why that would get her so excited. "I'm surprised that you were able to notice us. Besides on stage it was pretty dim in there."

"I wouldn't underestimate Ai's eyes if I were you." She said as she giggled pretty uncontrollably. The way she giggled was absolutely adorable so even though I groaned at the pun, I couldn't help but smile.

I shook my head then said "In any case, Misato had to go right after the live but she told me to tell you that she thought it was great."

Her smile became even bigger and she said "Awesome! Hey we should go celebrate. How about we go eat at my place?"

Ai's family runs a monjayaki shop and it's some of the best I've ever eaten. "Sure, let's go"

We then began walking over to her place.


When we got there Ai got the batter ready and started making our monja. As she does so I begin to think a bit. I thought to myself about how she has done so much for me and how she understood my troubles and listened to me. I thought to myself about all these things but there was one thing I just couldn't figure out. Ai must've heard about the belief I like to be alone so why did she talk to me? Sure, Ai is an extremely friendly person but she understands that some people don't want to talk and doesn't bother them if she knows that they don't want to talk.

I just couldn't figure it out and so once we finished and I was about to leave I turned and asked "Hey Ai? About when we first met... Why did you first talk to me? You must have heard that they thought that I didn't like talking to people and your always so understanding of people's boundaries"

She looked at me and answered "I'd heard about it but I thought that maybe it wasn't true. And if it wasn't true then you would probably be pretty lonely."

I stumbled out a "Oh, okay" and left with my mind racing and my guts feeling as if they had a knot in them.


Once I got home I laid in my bed and I tried to collect my thoughts. Did her answer mean she just felt bad for me and talked to me? Then maybe what she'd been doing this whole time had been my friend just because she thought I needed one. If so, then I've just been a nuisance to her this whole time and the only reason she hadn't left me be was because she pitied me. Have I just been an annoyance? Was her friendship with me real? Those thoughts flowed through my head until I came to a decision. I must have been a pest and so I should just leave her be and let her be with her friends that she had a genuine friendship with. I should just forget my time with her and my feelings for her since they would never be reciprocated. That night I fell asleep with tears down my face. 


A/n: And here is the drama. The idea for the drama is actually very close to me because at one point my low self-esteem and depression caused to believe something similar. I'll try to get the next chapter done on Saturday or Sunday and if I fit all I want to in that chapter it'll be decently lengthy.

Love Live! You and I (Ai Miyashita x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now